The scope of Digital Marketing has improved a lot, and some people are choosing this platform to contact. People are turning towards digital marketing for making a career in it, but having a top Digital Marketing Strategy and having a healthy marketing plan to raise your business is essential. This article will help you getting you better know about digital marketing if you want to have a career in it.
How do I start a career in digital marketing?
First and the foremost thing is to make your self mentally strong enough that you are going into a trade all by yourself and have not taken any decision forcefully. This thing is not just for digital marketing it everyone should implement it in every sector that you are opting.
If you have made up your mind to start a career in digital marketing, then I would suggest you to first go for a course in Digital Marketing. The curriculum for digital marketing is available these days in a lot of places, on the other hand, you can even opt for an Online digital marketing course.
Some of the best online digital marketing courses which are available in the whole world, and which you can opt from anywhere are Simplilearn, Udemy, Coursera. These are some of the renowned and the best website which will help you in getting the best digital marketing training.
Source: Coursera
Source: simplilearn
Source: Udemy
All the online sites even provide you the certification that is necessary. However, with the help of this website you can also clear the Google AdWords or Google Ads certification.
As these days the Google Ads certification is significant if you go for an interview for the digital marketer job. After completing the digital marketing course and before going for the job-interview try to do some practical work or its always better to go for an internship. This will give you in-depth knowledge about the things that you learned in course. When you for the job after this you can see the application and get a more comprehensive overview.
Source: Google
What are the types of digital marketing?
Social media marketing or SMM concentrates only on the social media sites. SMM means using the social media platform to promote the products and the services. This includes sharing the information, engaging a lot of people who are also known as followers. Sharing all these information in front of all the followers, partners is a way of promoting the brand it is one of the top digital marketing strategies.
It is a place where the brand can concentrate only on the targeted audience and increase brand awareness among the people. While you have to be very careful when you are using a social media site, we should all the pros and cons of it and abide by all the rules and regulations of the social media site. At a time concentrate only on one social media platform unless you become an expert in it.
Search engine optimization or SEO it is responsible for getting traffic to your website or webpage. It is a process in which it optimizes the content in the site and makes the website visible in the Google Search Result Page. The search engine decides which website to show first when we search for a particular keyword or term; it shows all the site with the same keyword. Eventually, SEO has a lot of stuff to do from selecting the top keywords to inserting it correctly in the content, so when Google Searches for the keyword, the page gets displayed.
There is always a strong and deep connection between the content marketer, SEO, and SMM all these three have to work hand in hand.
SEO is the unpaid traffic that he gathers from the posts and website searches. SEM which means Search Engine Marketing it is for paid traffic who collects all the traffic from the Search Engine. The most common form of Search Engine Marketing that we all use if the Google AdWords which is way is said to be the most used and searched search engine.
In SEM, the marketer has to pay a certain amount to the search engine so that the search engine will show the particular ad in different places. You can even say that SEM is a form of Pay-per-click.
When coming to Content marketing, it is an art it is the most important thing that a brand should contain. Just by using the content marketing methods you can influence the customers to buy the products or take your services it is the storytelling method which will bring you many audiences. This step will always give you a lot of profits only; it helps in building relations with the customers and assists in developing a bond with them rather than remaining as an advertiser.
To have in-depth knowledge about Content Marketing and its strategies you can check about it from here.
As we mentioned above that PPC or pay-per-click is a type of SEM marketing. Here the marketer spends a certain amount to the search engine whenever someone clicked in the AD and redirected to the website. Not just the search engine almost all the social media sites even offer the paid advertisement option. If you opt for this option in the social media site, then all the target customers will get the notification of this AD
If you are wondering for one of the most used channels for digital marketing, then it is non-other than Email marketing. It sends regular updates to the subscribers about the latest things, discounts, exclusive offers, etc. If you post the regular updates to the users, this will gradually increase the bond between the users and the users will slowly convert to the permanent users.
It works the best when you have a bunch of subscribers whom you have raised and nurtured, sending personalized emails will make them feel special.
Then comes Affiliate marketing, it is a type of digital marketing which is based on performance. It is opposite to PPC marketing because in affiliate marketing we don’t have to pay for each click done by the users instead it pays for the conversion. We have to spend a certain amount only when a viewer transforms into a customer or buyer. Here, the rates are usually high but the returns are assured and good in number, as well as the risks here, is very low because the marketer has only to pay when he gets the conversion.
What skills do you need for digital marketing?
If you have a question in your mind about “How can I be the best digital marketer?” then the solution is below we mention you the crucial traits that you should possess to be the best digital marketer.
The crucial thing that every person who wants to be in digital marketing, should be to have that is being in touch with all the trending activities. A digital marketer should always keep himself well versed with the new things and technologies that are in the marketing. The person should know everything about the latest things that are going on and plan the strategies according to that. When you go for an interview, and you don’t have knowledge about trending topics for sure, it is your loss. So also make yourself updated with new techniques.
To develop a top digital marketing strategy it requires both the creative thinking mixed with analytical thinking. So, usually, people search for those who have both and can handle both together. Many of the new candidates only concentrate about only one or the either but not both but it is the high time to realize that having both “art and science” hand in hand works wonders, and people having this skill gets selected immediately.
In digital marketing whatever field you chose you should have in-depth knowledge about the thing. Having a more profound knowledge about the subject will always help you, and when you are in an interview, your experience in the particular issue will still rescue and grab you the job.
Owning great marketing skills will drive you a lot of lead generations. The best ability that a marketer should always possess is the execution of a specific task and then analyzing the job whether it will work or not and what will be its reach. These are two critical things in any of the marketing campaigns. A marketer should always first analyze the whole campaign list out all the pros and cons and then execute it accordingly. This is the most significant sign of a best Digital Marketer.
Does digital marketing pay well?
Source: LinkedIn
Yes, digital marketing has a good pay scale depending on your skills. Like all other jobs in different sectors, digital marketing jobs also have a good pay scale. The salaries in digital marketing may vary from place to place and also depends upon the companies you want to join.
Source: Statista
As digital marketing is becoming huge and a lot of people are using the digital platform for various uses. Above graph shows the increased users in the digital platform, this is the main reason why people are relying more on digital media and why this is creating a lot of jobs in the digital media.
The following are the jobs in Digital marketing sector with the salaries.
Content marketer – 1.2 LPA-12 LPA
SEO- 1.8 LPA to 24 LPA
Digital marketing executive- 3.5 LPA to 24 LPA
SEM- 1.8 LPA to 18 LPA
Digital marketing manager – 4.2 LPA to 18 LPA
Social Media Marketing Expert- 4 LPA to 4.5 LPA
Digital marketer- 4.5 LPA to 12 LPA
Analytics- 6.5 LPA to 10 LPA
All these are expected salaries in the digital marketing sector. The salaries are not restricted just to this point it may vary depending upon the company.
How do you create a digital strategy?
Creating a top digital marketing strategy is very important if you have a business in digital media. To improve your business and to know your target is essential, below we mention some points which will help you strengthen your marketing strategy.
Before you go for any plans and strategies, get yourself clear with Goals that you want to reach. You have to dig deeper into the topic and know about the goal you want to achieve. Having a clear view of your Goal, 25% of your work becomes very easy. Maybe you plan for a 100 customers there are a lot of chances that it may increase to 500 subscribers. Knowing your goal and having a clear view of it will help.
According to the latest reports, 25-50% of the people in digital marketing want to spend more time content strategy. It may be the emails, blogs, social media or video contents any type but content marketing has become more important and crucial as these days the internet is just bursting with content marketing in all the place. Therefore, content marketing is a driving strategy for digital marketing.
Once you know what type of work that you want to do, it is better to build a calendar or a timeline which keeps you tracked in every step. You will have a lot of work to do or content to follow there will be a lot of things that you have to analyze and follow. It must contain details about the content formats, benchmarks, deadlines, channels.
For a business, the omnichannel is very good to follow. However, the reality is that different digital marketing agencies require different channels for the industry. This step is essential to filter what is needed for your company and what is not so you can target those customers who are turning up to be your target customer.
So, these are some of the critical things that are necessary for a building a good digital marketing strategy which helps to build you a robust digital marketing plan for your company. Always think about all the pros and cons and plan wisely about the work that you are going it. Have a vision of your goal and try hard to achieve it.
If you have any doubts regarding the planning the digital marketing strategy then you can comment us below or can also contact us, we will be delighted to help you.
Instagram has been reaching to priority with every passing day. After the data breach of Google+, facebook people are more turning towards Instagram. However, this year Instagram two major changes in the month of September it has released the shopping option through Instagram and earlier this month Instagram decided to crackdown and ban the fake followers, acccounts, likes, shares, and comments. It was this Monday when Instagram made an announcement that it would crack down all those users who are doing all the illegal and inauthentic activities to increase their original account popularity and the two-factor authentication. The situation was very hard for the self-proclaimed social media marketing forum “Blackhat” went into crisis. On the contrary, it made the shoppers and the e-commerce companies happy allowing them to have a shopping cart in their Instagram business page.
We in this article will explain you everything in details about both the two major changes that Instagram brought this year.
Instagram has taken a very tough decision by implementing the two-factor authentication which helps to remove all the accounts which usually use the third party apps to increase their popularity and grow the followers in their Instagram accounts. However, people come to Instagram to have a real experience with genuine interactions. Starting from Monday Instagram has started removing all the illegal comments, likes, shares using the third party application. Instagram has built a tool which identifies these type of accounts that uses the third party application to remove these fake followers and accounts then provide followers to their actual and real page than a fake one.
Instagram mentioned that this type of bogus accounts, likes, shares, comments are very harmful to the community and don’t abide by the Instagram guidelines and terms and uses. It also said that regular usage of the fake followers and accounts like this or a huge usage like this may lead to permanently removing the followers account from the social media site. Till Tuesday several threads were affected by this Instagram’s crackdown of the fake users and a huge chaos is being created among a lot of renowned and big names.
Source: techcrunch
Instagram is even discouraging all the followers and accounts from ever giving the users ID or login ID and all important details in any of the ways to anyone who wants to know from you because this may lead to your account being hacked and it can be used to spam other people where you will not know but someone must be using it. If you see that your followers in the Instagram account are decreased then it is not because you have offended someone instead all those users were fake and Instagram has removed them.
The restoring force for policy enforcement comes in the midst of the proceeding with the risk of foreign deception crusades on Facebook and Instagram intended to captivate communities and impact the election in the U.S. furthermore, abroad. In the meantime, Facebook has said that unauthenticated accounts are the roots to all these types of illegal activities even Facebook faced data breaching and has removed 745 million unauthenticated accounts in the last few months. All these bogus accounts should be caught and removed so that it can’t misuse someone else accounts. Initially, Instagram is removing the fake accounts since 2014 but it was the first time when it announced about this step publicly.
There are a lot of bots which are available in the online medium which helps in growing the Instagram follower for a person that takes $10 to $50 per month for doing this. The applications like Archie, InstaRocketProX, and Boost these apps usually promise to not violating the terms and policies of the Instagram however it does violate. The company name Devumi is well known between the celebrities because a lot of celebrities have approached this company for buying fake followers and accounts for them on Twitter.
Not just removing the fake followers and accounts Instagram even launched a new feature which will help immensely all the brands. This allows the followers to have a shopping experience in the Instagram Ad of that brand. It made the shopping experience for the people very easy, you can shop while you are scrolling down on Instagram. If you like a product on Instagram then you can know more about that product on Instagram you don’t have to go somewhere else and search for it.
Instagram has announced three ways to discover new products for shopping from your favorite brands’ and then keep a track of all these clothes in one place which you can see when required. So, we are summing up all the new features Instagram updates below:
Save the collection
When you see your favorite thing in your loved brand then you can save it now in your shopping collection to avail it later. You have to tap on the product tag you will get to see the price of the product all on that picture. Then you have to go in a product by the arrow beside the Price tag.
Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram
When you get inside the product you can see various pictures of the product similar to that you view in the e-commerce site. Below the picture, in the right corner you will find the tag if you click on that button then your product will be saved in your collection which you can review later.
Source: Instagram
Below the product, you can find the description of the product and the related product of the same type which you are looking.
Business profile shopping
Whenever you go to the account or the business profile of the brand then you can find all the product images and advanced options such as shop email address and direction. Then you have to click on the shop option when you click on it you will be redirected to a page which will have all the products and the details of it that the brand is selling.
Source: Instagram
You can select any product which you like just like similar the above points you can save it and can buy it later or directly you can go the website and make a purchase. Not only the shop you can even avail the email id and direction for the store which makes the work of the people very easy and can we find the store without any confusion.
Source: Instagram
Feed videos Shopping
You read it right you can even shop your favorite item from the Video feeds that your brand posts on Instagram. When you see the video from any brand first click on follow and then tap on the shopping bag icon to reveal the details and price of all the items present in the video. Then you can know more about it.
Source: Instagram
These are some of the important features that Instagram incorporated this year and made the task of the brand very easy and even people can get those items which they love it. However, on the other side, it even took a very tough and good decision to protect the safety of the users and abide by the Rules and regulation which it established by removing all the fake accounts, comments, likes, and share.
We hope that Instagram in future will bring some more strict laws against the spammers and new features to make users happy.
November is almost coming to an end and Black Friday is approaching very fast. every marketer should be buckled up with different and unique marketing strategies. The end of November is the beginning of the holiday season as it all starts from Thanksgiving and ends up at Christmas. It is a perfect opportunity for the business person’s to complete the year in a good note and increased sales during this festive season. However, start the new year with a new zeal and positive vibes is a great idea. To promote your business one of the easiest and reliable place is the digital media. These days people are more into the internet and digital marketing than going personal. Upon that social media has become a major part of everybody’s life. So, it becomes very important to target social media for any kind of business to drive the customers.
(Source: Pinterest Sephora)
While we move towards social media there are a lot of trending social media sites which also give access to do business in their site like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp etc upon all these nowadays Instagram marketing has increased a lot and people are more relying on the Instagram marketing or Instagram Ads. In all these things we can clearly say that Instagram has raised its levels towards branding and included a lot of features which helps in easy branding and driving lots of views.
In this article, we are going to mention the best Black Friday marketing strategies for Instagram that will help you in all the ways to improve your market presence and grab the attention of a lot of people towards your brand.
Though Black Friday is around the corner you will find huge spendings and transaction in this period of time. You can get immense sales and success only in this period of time. Doing a promotion in this season of the year is very advantageous because you will get to know your active customers who will look for various deals this holiday season.
(Source: Instagram)
So, it is the time to stop worrying about what has gone and what sales you made earlier and start thinking what you are going to gain now and centralize your complete concentration on only one thing that is gaining the customers’ attention. Whereas it is just the type of campaigns that vary, which usually depends on business types, but the only thing that remains same everywhere is making the profit and dragging the customer’s attention towards your business.
(Source: Instagram walmart)
You should have a very good planning and strategy which will bring you the preferred customers. It should contain every single aspect that defines about you and the product that you are selling. Prepare an eye-catching poster with all the offers, discounts and exclusive gifts that you want to give your customer.
Offers & discounts are the first things that a customer looks for during holiday shopping. It may be an age-old tactic to drive the customers but, Yes! it works. Eventually, it is you who has to make it according to this time period or generation, and make people attracted by doing something for which people crave for and will buy for sure. Promote all these things in the digital media and do digital marketing because these days digital media is the most watched place and it is a place where people most of the time stay active in. So, a proper strategy and tactics for this very much important.
Festive holidays just come once a year so concentrating on it, weeks before the holidays start always adds up as an advantage. To make it work for you it becomes very much important to take it seriously, and look it as more than just a day event. It is the time to concentrate on the whole holiday season.
For the best results start planning a few days before or you can say some days just ahead of Black Friday. This planning stays with you a longer period of time, and daily you get a certain amount of customers and the customers will keep on increasing gradually every other day. The plan should be like start posting about the offers, discounts, gifts etc. a week or a two before and increase the excitement level in the people day by day. However, also give the people a sneak peek about all those items that are discounted or have the exclusive offers.
(Source: kidly)
The motive is to create a lot of hype and buzz about the brand, offers, discounts etc. then extend it till Black Friday just by showing your hit products, biggest sales and then the discounts upon these items if any. So, that when exactly the Black Friday is arriving the viewers will be ready with their wishlist to buy it immediately.
According to the surveys, it is revealed that 62% of the shopper’s shop post the holiday. So, at this time let your brain do a brainstorming and start thinking about the offers that you can give the customers, however, which starts before the holiday days and continue till some days even after holidays.
Send all your customers the exclusive offers that you are planning to have. Whereas, keep in mind always send exclusive coupons to your loyal customers and the followers who buy from your website frequently and start following them. One important tactic to hold on these people is to give them some extra coupons or discounts or you can increase their sales day option or you can ask them to use certain coupon code so that they can avail the required discount. While creating a bit of scarcity marketing or FOMO and making the period very urgent or making it as a period of urgency.
(Source: Instagram chictreasure)
However, it is not necessary that everyone whom you share the promotional advertisement will turn up and make a purchase, but yes you can expect that a lot of people will turn up may be through your promotional ads or maybe from some other channel. For all these things to happen following your trusted customers is important.
These days the ADs on Instagram can be more personalized for a specific customer by using his/ her place that person is residing and using their linguistic factors in the ADs according to the region where they live. This way it helps to connect to the customers from all the background and this increases the chances of the purchase.
Warm up, and start planning according to the region, customer’s language, place, habits likes etc. and start showcasing your potential advertisements to the customers.
At present, there are 6.7 million hashtags comments being used until now under the #blackfriday hashtag and it is expected to rise till the end of the holiday. To avoid your posts and advertisement from getting faded in the crowd in between all the post. It becomes crucial to have a great Black Friday Marketing strategy is mandatory with your customized hashtag.
(Source: Instagram)
A customized hashtag for black Friday will make your unique and stand out in the crowd and ask your customers and the followers to use this hashtag. While keeping all your attention centralized on Black Friday and the upcoming events. Hashtags play an important role in drawing you loyal customers and you also get a clarity about your customers.
The holiday season gives you more customers and produces you a lot of engagement in Instagram people before buying anything online believe in the updates of the Instagram. Create a lot of posts, and make the people engage to your page on the Instagram page this is one of the best Black Friday Instagram marketing tactics. Schedule everything beforehand and flood your social media site with Black Friday posts as soon as the holiday arrives.
(Source: Instagram walmart)
Maximize the posts per day and create more events to drag the attention of a lot more people and it will initially increase the followers. At the end of the holiday, you will find that your followers will increase so as your sales.
Have a killer and the stronger caption aways while including the call-to-action which was not so important earlier for the Instagram caption however it is considered to be the most important thing these days. There are different kinds of shoppers out there first one who shops a lot during the Black Friday and the other are those who may not even cross your shop fence or check your website before and will think a lot before making a purchase.
So, it is you who have to make sure that your posts convert these type and normal viewers to the customers and they buy things from you. The captions you mention on the image should be the strongest which will drive the more customers.
(Source: Instagram me3store)
The CTA that is present asks your customers to view all your products and shop the collection, then comment on the post and give them a promo code which the customers can use while checkout etc. All these little efforts will drive you a lot of customers for sure and increase your sales.
In the year 2017, a whopping 13 billion sales happened in the Black Friday day. So, you can even find out that your Instagram account may be flooded with a lot of comments and DM messages which may include a lot of things like people enquiring about a product, about any discount, any query etc. all these may be the possibilities that a customer may require a reply for.
(Source: Instagram walmart)
Make sure you and your team are fully ready with all the expected question and answers for it. Especially, when you are releasing your sale, discount, promo code in the Black Friday holiday time. If you will make the work of the customers easy and smooth then the possibility of the purchases will increase. People always liked to be answered quickly and in a polite manner which makes them feel good and 70% of the time they will make a purchase.
These are some of the major and important Instagram Black Friday marketing ideas, which not only fits in for the Black Friday it can be incorporated for all the holidays and festivals. Similarly, it can be incorporated for some other social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc, these tactics are considered to be top tried methods to increase the sales and viewers and then convert them to the customers.
If facing any problem in incorporating these tactics feel free to contact us!
The holidays season is just a few days away, people have already started shopping crazily for this season. Holidays usually include celebrating with the family, friends, and relatives have mouth-watering food such as roasted turkey, baked potatoes and then, of course, a lot of shopping. Starting with the Thanksgiving which on November 22nd this year, the holiday season starts. Followed by Black Friday and then Cyber Monday so on, the holiday season starts from thankings and ends till Christmas and then may continue till the New Year.
Researches have even revealed that 8 people out of every 10 always plan to spend more on holiday shopping in the winter season. The shopping list of shoppers includes 54% of shopping for clothing and footwear items, 45% of shopping is for gift cards, and the rest 43% of the shoppers buy toys and games. On the other side, 4% of the people take a strong stand that they will not drain a lot of money for the Black Friday shopping. This was 2% in the previous year which has increased by 2%, now people are becoming a bit attentive while spending the money.
When coming towards the huge spenders in the holiday season they the only name that pops up are kids. Yeah! kids are the top spenders and seriously drain all the money from their father’s account. 54% of the fathers spend more amount for buying the kid’s stuff or whatever their kids want. This year dad’s become the top spenders for the holiday season. This percentage increased by 23% than the previous year spendings. Rest percentage which is left includes: parents of the kids aged between 6-11 years, it is expected to be 49%, 44% are the people are single parents, then 44% are the men aged between 18-34 years, the final one is in total 40% these are the iGeneration people between 18-23 years.
Online shopping destination Black Friday
Digital shopping platform is conquering the whole offline market and all most all the brands are turning towards the digital platform to give people an easy and larger exposure. The previous year online shopping spenders were about 86%, however, this year it has increased by 5% and has become 91%.
However, in the race of doing online business or e-commerce marketing, Amazon tops the chart with 73% of the people preferring Amazon for the shopping. After Amazon, the mass merchandise comes up with 70%, which is followed by departmental stores with 50%, then the footwear and the clothing stores with 51%. Amazon is considered as the top influencers for the online sales till now.
Online shopping is majorly dominated by the iGeneration with 83% of the youngsters buying everything in the digital platform. After this, the millennials people between the age group 24-41 come up with a major spending til 74%, then the generation X the age group of 42-53 spends around 70%. At last, the baby boomers aged between 54-72 years are 69%. These are actual shoppers percentage according to the age group of the people who do digital shopping in the e-commerce site.
Source: Pinterest
Keeping all these things in account the brands have an excellent opportunity to use this and increase their market value. Targeting the Black Friday and generating the best Black Friday marketing strategy will for sure to increase your sales.
However, the important thing here pops is what is the best Black Friday marketing strategies that should be incorporated? To help you out from this type of dilemma we listed out the top Black Friday marketing strategies below:
Tricks and tips for last-minute Cyber Monday and Black Friday Strategy
Scarcity Marketing
Scarcity marketing is the best tactic to make the people afraid when you are just a few days away from the D-day. When you keep something in your e-commerce account and say the viewers that “if you don’t buy it soon then you will be missing out something huge” the viewers will start thinking about. This is what scarcity marketing is all about. Making viewers feel that if they miss out this opportunity then there will be no new opportunity to buy the same product.
Source: Amazon
The World’s top e-commerce company Amazon incorporated this technique to grab the attention of a lot of customers. Not just the attention even to make them buy the product by showing them the messages like “Only 1 left in stock” upon seeing this there are 70% chance that people will hurry up and buy the product.
FOMO or Fear of Missing out
This is also a type of fear that the companies try to create among the people. It is very much similar to scarcity marketing, in FOMO people get feared of missing the item and buy the item immediately.
As shown in the above example that use this tactic and show the people that the item is “out of stock”. Here, in the above AD, you can see that the is showing its customers the message “You missed it!”. This creates a sense of fear among the people and if they lose one thing then the people will be in the hurry and immediately book other options that are available. This thing increases the sales of a brand in an urgency and is considered to be the best Black Friday marketing tactic.
Give Exclusive offers
Offers attract a lot of people, grab the people’s attention and make the people buy the product. Each and every person present on this planet love exclusive offers. It is one of the old and tried tactic which is adopted by all the marketers for a long time to increase the sales. We assure you this is the best tip for the Black Friday marketing.
Giveaway the best marketing offers and deals possible and people will be attracted like anything and this will for sure increase your sales. Never and ever forget to give exclusive offers with attractive taglines and images. Below are some of the example of digital ADs on black Friday marketing.
Source: Pinterest
Source: Pinterest
Source: mystery shirt
Social Media following
Social media plays a crucial role in driving people to your website. These days all the people who are using the internet are active on the social media platform which makes social media an important place to target the audience. Social media Ads works like wonders and it is a proven fact that 50% of the customers come from social media website to make a purchase. So, never forget to concentrate on the social media site, if you miss it then you miss a lot of customers.
Source: Facebook
The above Facebook AD is for the Black Friday marketing of a hotel which is providing exclusive offers for the holiday season. However, the below one is the Twitter Ad for the Black Friday marketing deal providing some amazing deals in the social media site.
Source: Twitter
In Instagram, you can have two ways of marketing one through the normal Instagram Ads another through the Instagram Stories. Both drive a lot of customers while Instagram stories these days are driving more customers and a lot of people are getting attracted to it. Below are the examples for it.
Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram
Cross-channel Marketing
If you want to increase the per customer revenue metrics of your brand then start promoting the adjacent product now, Yes! show the adjacent product who have just clicked the purchase option. By now, you will be wondering how? this is not a rocket science.
A customer completes one purchase then showcase him/her the items related to that item. As soon as one purchase is completed and the customers view other items related there is a 50% chance that people will buy this also. Or, give an option and combine it with another item and offer it for a discount then there is a huge chance that people will buy both.
Paid Ads
While going for the last minute marketing tactics for Black Friday the paid ADs become an important aspect to rank in the top of the search page and gather the attention of the viewers who are searching for it. For all last minuters, paid ADs is a big requirement and are the rescuers which should not be neglected.
Source: Google
Optimize for every device
The Application or Website that you have for your brand or company make sure that it is easily accessible in smartphones, tablets, laptop, desktops, each and every device through which people can access the internet platform. Optimizing it all devices: a marketer and the brand should not take it in ease and should check all the time whether people can access it or not.
Most importantly you should check whether it is working for all the Operating System available that is the Android and iOS. Make sure your website is working good enough and doesn’t contain any bugs and loads fastly so that people stay in your site and doesn’t go away in mid due to these problems.
Focus on the e-commerce site and flood the site with offers
As the holiday season is a week away it becomes necessary that your e-commerce site should contain all the offers, gifts, coupons etc. all those things which make people excited and come to your site for making a purchase.
You should feel as if this is your last chance, so, make it big and flood the website with all the exclusive and the best offers that you have. People love offers, discounts, coupons, gifts etc. So, never miss these things. Below we mentioned some of the top company website and their landing page offers.
Source: Apple
Source: Amazon
Source: eBay
Push Blogs
If you have some old blogs related to the topic like about the holiday season or Black Friday marketing deals or cyber Monday marketing deals then push the blogs forward. Refurbish those content according to the present requirement and keep it in front of the viewers. This will increase the number of viewers to your site and your old blogs will gather more viewers.
This is a way to make people know more things related to the same topic and to get a full brief note about their requirements, it will work as a guide for the users searching holiday marketing, black Friday deal or Cyber Monday deal.
Referral codes
Usage of Referral codes have been increased these days, people are nowadays are using these codes to grab more customers. In this, if one user comes up and makes a purchase then he will be given a privilege to avail certain amount or discount only if they use a specific code and refer to their friends or family then they have to come up and make a purchase, after which they first user can avail the coupon. This works generously because a lot of people come up like this and there will be no decrease in the graph of earning people will flood up and refer there friends to get the coupon.
Source: Getpayroll
Source: Subscription box
These are some of the tried marketing deals for Black Friday for all the last minute marketers to gain the attention of the audience towards their site. We assure you will also get the best result and your sales will touch the peaks if you also apply these.
What are you waiting for? Apply these Black Friday marketing tactics and increase your sales.
If you will face any problem then feel free to contact we will help you in all possible ways.
WhatsApp has moved a lot of steps forward from being just an application to chat with others, to present supporting different types of files in various formats and then introducing the WhatsApp Ads and WhatsApp stickers for business. WhatsApp has become a part and parcel of everybody’s life. these days people are using this medium to connect with each other. It has turned out to be world’s most used and loved online media to communicate. As a mostly engaging digital media channel, it has made the area vast and increased the features from just being a channel for communicating and chatting to a channel for the business that is when we all know about the WhatsApp for business. WhatsApp earlier this day made a huge reveal by adding WhatsApp stickers as a new feature.
The chat app is being owned by the Social Media giant Facebook. In the market, there is a tough competition for everything these days and to survive in the market it requires a lot. That’s why WhatsApp kept on adding new things to be in the market and keep all the people engaging in the platform. One of the recent and most trending updates in WhatsApp is the WhatsApp stickers. First in Hike, SnapChat, Instagram, Facebook Messengers and now in WhatsApp. It started rolling out from past one week in both iOS and Android platform.
Let us dive deep into WhatsApp and the WhatsApp stickers the new feature and learn about how it is benefitting the business persons
Why should we use WhatsApp?
In the late 90’s and early 20’s SMS were introduced and it was the big deal back in time and a lot of people used SMS, it became so huge that it was used for the business purposes also. For various advertisement purpose in WhatsApp, sending bank statements and bills for various purposed SMS or normal text messages were used.
While coming to WhatsApp it is also one of the huge sites which people use like anything. It is having a total of 1.2 billion active users. From the total world population of 7.6 billion, 1.2 billion people are using WhatsApp. In these 1.2 Billion people 70% of people which is estimated to be 84 million people are using WhatsApp Daily on a regular basis. It is world Second mostly used application of the world. Everyday 55 billion messages are being sent and received in WhatsApp messenger. Daily 175 Billion people are watching the WhatsApp Status. More than 100 million voice calls take place in WhatsApp on a regular basis. At last, it is considered to be as the top social media site, 55.6% of the world use this online media for connecting with each other.
These all statistics show clearly that how WhatsApp is important and why one person should incorporate the WhatsApp Business for all the business work. If this is incorporated in the business then it will give immense results to your Business and for sure your Business will excel like anything.
What are new features added to WhatsApp?
WhatsApp Sticker
Last week WhatsApp introduced a very new and advanced feature to the World’s popular messaging site WhatsApp that is the WhatsApp Stickers. It is available for both the iOS and Android users. To receive this feature you just have to update the WhatsApp using the Google Play Store or Apple App store.
Steps to use the stickers:
First is to update the Application to get the new feature.
For every conversation you do in WhatsApp you will find the emoji symbol which you have to click it.
After clicking on the emoji symbol you will get an extra option beside the GIF that is the “sticker”.
You can choose any of the stickers from the total gallery of the stickers.
Steps to add more stickers:
You will get a “+” plus icon in the stickers section click on it.
Tap on the download button which is present below all the stickers.
To get a number of stickers or custom stickers to get down and click on “Get more stickers”.
Or you can download directly from WASticker app directly for your choice of stickers.
The important thing to keep in mind is that:
First, you have to update your WhatsApp to enjoy this feature. Some of the WhatsApp versions are not supporting these stickers feature wait for sometime till the new improved version comes up. The mobiles having 2.18.329 version and more can access the stickers while lower than this version will not support the WhatsApp stickers. After you update your OS version you can use it easily.
WhatsApp Ads
WhatsApp has released another feature just some days before WhatsApp stickers, that is the WhatsApp Ads for the business. As a way of connecting to a lot of people and the Advertisement can be added to the WhatsApp status. WhatsApp story was actually the copied version of the Instagram stories and Snapchat. The WhatsApp status is just for a limited period of time that is 24 hours. This function was from past 2 years for the users but recently it gave the access to the business people to use it for the branding or advertising of their business.
(source: news4c)
The vice president of WhatsApp has earlier said that “it is a very innovative and new way to connect the users and the target customers”. It has quickly become a vast place for not only the normal people but also the business person’s and the number of users in this platform have increased enormously. Facebook the owner of WhatsApp got benefitted a lot in a short period of time.
Group Calling and Video
(source: digital trends)
Earlier this year WhatsApp introduced this feature in which you can have a group call or a group video chat with your friend, family, acquaintances. It was in the testing period for one month later the idea of Group calling and video chat was succeeded. It is allowing the users to gather together and perform the formal and informal calls with ease, making it convenient of the users to talk, those are widely spread all over the world.
Link Detector
It is most popular in the WhatsApp beta, this Android version was released in the mid of the year July 2018. It detects all the suspicious links that are being shared in the online platform. The motive is to cut down the spam, spoofing and phishing rates in the social media platform and generating more security to the people using WhatsApp. Android 2.18.221 includes this feature and identifies the suspicious links if anyone sends it and whenever it is located by the app. It usually warns the people whenever they are going to open the malicious website from the link.
Swipe Right to reply
In WhatsApp, you can swipe right to reply you don’t have to use the usual long way in which you earlier used to connect or chat with the people. This feature allows you to respond to a specific message individually or whether in a group by just swiping right.
For the Android mobiles, you have to tap and hold the message to which you want to reply and then have to swipe to right at the chat top. Then you directly enter the conversation, later type and send the text as you normally do.
While, coming for the iOS mobile, you have to tap and hold the message or the conversation you want to have and tap on the reply button, that’s it. Then you are directed to the conversation where you can chat freely.
If you want to cancel the conversation you can click the X on the top right. That’s where you end up.
These are some of the top new features that have been added to WhatsApp to increase the opportunities of the Business in the WhatsApp channel.
How to use the new WhatsApp Stickers for business?
This can be said as one of the most awaited and unexpected updates in WhatsApp. Unexpected because WhatsApp being a platform were only people used to chat with each other who are in their contacts so embedding this update in the WhatsApp is pity unexpected. Most Awaited because till now there were only minor updates in WhatsApp except the WhatsApp ADs and WhatsApp Business. So, it was believed that WhatsApp will include something good and engaging. Facebook has taken a troll and introduced the WhatsApp stickers. Most importantly the youngsters believe in sending the messages in an easier way rather than typing it all, that is where the stickers came for the rescue. Until we are into a serious conversation people like to use the stickers.
These stickers are available in the online platform. You just have to update the application in Google Play store for the Android users and Apple App store for the iOS users. It contains the featured characters which include Cuppy, Salty, Komo, Bibimbap Friends, Unchi & Rollie, Shiba Inu, The Maladroits, Koko, Hatch, Fearless and Fabulous, Banana, and Biscuit. From all these types of WhatsApp stickers, you can download the one which you like most.
you can also create your own stickers and ask people to use them. You can create amazing stickers for different festive occasions like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas. It is a brilliant idea to grab the attention of the users. Just imagine the stickers which you created are being used by people in WhatsApp to communicate with each other.
Similar to this we have also tried to create the WhatsApp stickers for one of our Indian Festival Diwali and created a lot of stickers that are related to this festival. We made different stickers using different languages present in India. The application which we created is named as Diwali WhatsApp stickers. It supports both Android and iOS. It is very simple to design but gains the attention of a lot of people towards your business.
For those who want to use our app and add different stickers to their WhatsApp conversation should follow the below steps:
Download the stickers application.
For Android, you can download and whereas on the other side you can also download it for iOS also.
Tap on the ‘+’ or the Add to WhatsApp option.
Confirm the action and then it will be added to your WhatsApp.
Follow all the mentioned points on the top the steps to use stickers.
Voila! that’s it you can find all the stickers in your WhatsApp.
The most crucial thing that should be noted is that
First, you have to update your WhatsApp to enjoy this feature. Some of the WhatsApp version is not supporting these stickers feature wait for sometime till the new improved version comes up for every mobile version.
The WhatsApp stickers are very cool and new to use so people are very excited to use it. Eventually, this is the time when you can make your mark in the market and drag the attention of a lot of people towards your business. Moreover, people, them-self are very excited to use this new feature in WhatsApp.
Maybe this your time, grab the chance and gain the attention of customers while making your mark simultaneously, so, don’t let it go!
This is the time which will help make your business to a brand.
If you face any difficulty feel free to contact us or your comment below about the problem you are facing we will revert back you. We are always there to help you!
“It is the HOLIDAY season, and the fun has begun!” To make everything easy for the marketers we bring you the best holiday marketing ideas which include all the social media marketing for holidays that will make customers go buoyant.
The onset of festive season fills everyone with ecstasy and frenzy. People wait for the season, loosen their purse strings and go on a shopping spree. Similarly, the marketers crave for the best holiday marketing ideas which make the users crazy. Shopping, these days is nothing less than a marathon. All the brands – big or small vie for this and compete, trying their best to make the marathon easy for the people by making everything available to the customer in the easiest possible ways. People, being shopaholics, find it difficult to resist their urge to buy the products and easily succumb to the fanfare and influence of advertising campaigns, that is so very enticing, they just can’t be ignored.
Online marketers are gearing themselves up as the two major festivals – the Black Friday and Cyber Monday are just around the corner. The opportune time to grab the chance, become a maniac and make some money.
In this article, you will get to know some of the most alluring and insane ideas to drive a lot of traffic to your website and increase the sales of your brand. Do every possible thing that will bring you profit and propel the customers to buy exclusively from your brand. Who knows, maybe this is your chance to make your mark in the market!!!
After conducting a thorough research, we made a list of marketing ideas – tried and tested, which, if implemented in your business, are sure to usher in immense business and positive result:
If you have an e-commerce business and everything works online for your business, the most important thing in a festive or holiday season is the landing page of your website. Yes, because this is the first thing that a customer will see after logging into your site.
First and foremost, having a long and amazing landing page transforms your viewers to customers and your customers to loyal subscribers. Customizing your website according to the viewers and subscribers is very important. Always keep yourself at the place of your customers, view things from their perspective and design everything as how they would want it to be. Check for all those things which a customer would need in this festive season; giveaway all the deals on those products and flash out the items on your landing page.
However, when it is the holiday season, the landing page must be very attractive for showcasing all the discounts, coupons etc., being offered on various brands. It is also important to remember that the landing should be decorated or made according to the festive day. For the upcoming holidays, i.e. the Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas, which are knocking at our doors, these ideas will work wonders.
(Source: Pinterest)
An email consisting of some gift guides to customers is bound to increase the sales by 48%. Woo! With Black Friday and Cyber Monday on the cards, it is a great chance to lure the attention of people to your brand. Unmissable, Isn’t it?
(Source: Pinterest)
To add a boost to the already existing subscribers’ list or the already existing list of trusted customers, go for this technique. Try to create a scenario of urgency among the people and make them feel that if they lose this opportunity, they might not get another one. “Buy it from us…Buy it Now” kind of an email marketing. This will induce them to buy the products immediately from you. In an analogous way, improve the offerings for your brand by creating this feel in the minds of your customers. Whenever they have a look at your offers, they would feel “Oh My God! What an amazing offer. I cannot afford to miss it.”
(Source: Pinterest)
Boosting the subscriber’s list or already the trusted customer list is very important. Always create an urgency among the people and make them feel that if they lose this they will not be able to get another. Show the urgency to people and make them feel they will lose something if they don’t buy from you, in a similar way improve the offerings for your brand through when the customer will take a look at it they will feel “How can they miss it!!!”
(Source: Pinterest)
You can use emails to target various people in various methods. For example, if you run a clothing, cosmetics or footwear business, you can target separately for both genders. Like, you can send discount coupons on cosmetics, clothes, accessories, footwear etc. to women, or provide discounts on brands – exclusively the brands’ women go crazy for. Similarly, for men, you can offer discounts, coupons on products like clothing, footwear etc. If you concentrate specifically according to the customers’ choice, the results will be quick, huge and profitable.
This is a digital world and social media is an indispensable platform that plays a key role in building up the reputation of your site in the digital world. You only need to make judicious, effective and wide use of this platform to reach out to most of the people, thus enhancing your outreach and getting in a lot of positive clients.
80% of the consumers active in the digital media are always on the lookout for the latest trends. They keep a constant eye on the discounts, coupons, etc. is offered. It is quite easy to catch their attention and attract them to your website.
(Source: Facebook)
(Source: Facebook)
(Source: Facebook)
The above are just a few of the examples of the Facebook campaigns. These ideas can be adapted to draw the attention of your valuable audience. Video content is another feature that can work magically in Facebook marketing, because people, rather than browsing the contents of the offers, easily get attracted to video content that is much more appealing to the eye. You can personally reach out to your exclusive customers, who, you feel are the main target audience of your business and draw in a lot of business.
(Source: Instagram)
(Source: Instagram)
“Pictures speak a thousand words”. The best place to promote your brand using pictures is Instagram. Gif’s, pictures work like magic on Instagram, and Instagram stories are not only easy to upload but help a lot in improving your brand and spread the word. People these days are much fascinated by Instagram stories, which are a rage, especially with the younger generation and a great tool for improving business. Summing up everything we can say that Instagram helps imporving the business.
(Source: Instagram)
(Source: Twitter)
(Source: Twitter)
Twitter is an online news and social networking service, wherein people post and interact with one another through messages. These messages or so called “tweets” surface around a lot of topics ranging from entertainment to news, from sports to politics. People browse twitter hashtags to get complete stories on the latest news, events or trends, and even to find people, photos and hashtags on any topic under the sun.
This is the best place where you can flaunt your advertisements for free. Contests and campaigns in twitter reach out to a huge audience base. People’s tweets and retweets reach all over the world and most importantly, you can target the people you want.
(Source: Pinterest)
(Source: Pinterest)
It is another social media platform which has been gaining popularity, with a lot of users turning towards it. According to statistics, the maximum number of users on Pinterest are women and it is also found that before buying anything on the e-commerce site or elsewhere, people visit this social media site and then decide to make a purchase from any of the places.
(Source: Pinterest)
Hashtags are very important in social media campaigns. Use hashtags that are related and try to create your own hashtags. The hashtags you create will have a wide outreach. Hashtags help in getting your advertisements and contents across to your viewers and are very popular on Twitter and Instagram. Using hashtags is highly beneficial for the growth of your business.
The popular hashtags that you may use are #BlackFriday #BlackFriday2018 #CyberMonday #Christmas #Christmas2018 #wishlist #HolidayShopping etc. These hashtags are used by a lot of audiences during the holiday season and if used well, can promise to gather a lot many viewers.
Hourly deals in the e-commerce platform give thumping results. People like to shop a lot during these short periods of time and the rush is huge when offers are made on an hourly basis. For example, you can offer three different deals in three different timeframes. Like, in the first hour, you give deals for electronic goods, then the next hour, you give deals on clothing and then, on the third hour, you give deals on kitchenware. This works like magic and paves way for a drastic increase in sales. The crucial thing to remember here is to offer this facility to your exclusive subscribers. In this way, you can increase your subscribers, as well as your sales. The number of sales is sure to touch the sky.
You should also make sure that you connect with your subscribers at regular intervals of time and make them aware, using emails. Preserving the mails of the subscribers and users comes in very handy here, as, during the holiday season, you can convert these leads to customers and the customers to subscribers. This will immensely help you extend the horizon of your business.
(Source: Dell)
Extending the deals past the holidays is a tried and tested method and gives the best results. For example, if your deal is until Cyber Monday, try to extend it for a few more days, not necessary until Christmas. All the same, it can be extended by a day or two. This way, you would extend your reach to customers who have missed the deals and the deadlines and are thus left disappointed. They would only be too glad to grab the second opportunity. Thus, your business is also happy
(Source: Shopify)
Usually, there is always a huge rush during the festive season. If you extend the deals by one to two days, the customers would feel happy and you can get customers post-holidays too. People normally skip a lot of things just because of the festive rush and their busy schedule, if they find deals lasting long, this will add a lot in converting the leads to subscribers or loyal customers.
This will help you maintain the scarcity and exclusivity of your promotions and people will feel the difference and consider you to be unique and exclusive. Give the stress and make it look catchy on the days which you have extended.
(Source: Studio Yoga)
Thus, the customers who have missed the sale and the amazing deals can still shop. This would make the customer feel they haven’t lost the chance to buy the products with the same deals, discounts etc. As mentioned this, will make you the talk of the town and make your brand a known brand in the mindsets of the viewers, and people will remember you for a long time.
VIP Discounts are for those who are your Pro-Subscribers or who make a lot of purchases from your online websites. These are your most prized, valued and loyal customers. Make them feel more special and provide them with extra discounts. This can make them feel much exclusive and, there is an increased chance of such customers buying more than the quantity they had planned in their minds – maybe even double, for personal use or for gifting purposes.
(Source: Canoga Park)
Give such exclusive discounts only to the top-end buyers and not to everyone. This would make them feel special and stick to your brand out of loyalty.
You can even surprise the top buyers with gift cards – virtual, physical or even both. This works like wonder. Not only do you gift them, but instead motivate them to gift to their near and dear ones in the festive season. Make them realize that these are the best gifts which they can gift to their family, friends or anyone special to them in these holidays.
(Source: Fanjoy)
Who says we can’t apply the offline tactic online? Of Course, we can. Other than normal coupon codes for discounts, you can go a step forward and gift a holiday trip. You can make a list of your active customers and encourage them to buy and grab a chance to win holiday tickets. Holiday season and holiday tickets? What more would one want? You can even select your top loyal customers and offer them a free holiday trip, with a written personalized note to make them feel even more special. This might not show an immediate result but would be cherished by them for a long time and thus give you a long-lasting output in the long-run.
More than these, the human touch – a peppy greeting, a wish from the heart, and a beautiful smile would go a long way. Don’t forget to greet them or wish them this festive season. It will delight them. Always try to make your customers happy with your creative ideas. By this, not only would you make your customers happy and gay, you yourself will stand to be benefitted and gain profits. Make sure to implement all the ideas wisely.
Happy Holidays!!!!
Enjoy it with loads of Fun, Laughter, Celebrations, Gifts, and Smiles. ?