The scare of Coronavirus has become huge. After China, the virus is spreading in other parts of the world rapidly. Coronavirus and COVID-19 will have broad-ranging effects in the year 2020. We already see the massive panic in the world about the virus and its treatment and travel ban.
In this blog, we will be discussing Coronavirus and COVID-19 and its impact on job loss, economy, symptoms, and safety tips. The virus has already started to show its adverse effects. Hence, having all the knowledge related to Covid-19 will be much helpful.
What is Coronavirus?
The WHO report states, Coronaviruses are a family of viruses known for causing illness that range from the curable common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS-CoV) & Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
The new virus, now officially called Covid-19, is highly dangerous. It is also known as novel Coronavirus or (nCoV) that hasn’t been identified in humans previously.
Whole-genome sequencing analysis of 104 strains of the COVID-19 virus separated from patients in different localities with symptoms onset between the end of December 2019 and mid-February 2020 showed 99.9% homology, without a significant mutation.
What are the Coronavirus and COVID-19 symptoms?
This virus is airborne & specifically targets the respiratory organs of the human to enter & cause infection.
The WHO says Covid-19 is a zoonotic virus, meaning they can easily transmit from animals to humans.
Coronavirus symptoms include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties.
In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.
In some rare cases, infected people spread the virus even before showing the symptoms of the disease, making the infection even more deadly than imagined before.
These are some of the Coronavirus symptoms that people need to be very careful about while coming in contact with any person.
As coronavirus cases in India are spreading, we are explaining COVID-19 symptoms in Hindi.
कोरोनावायरस और COVID-19 लक्षण क्या हैं ?
कोरोनावायरस प्रभाव के लक्षणों में श्वसन संबंधी लक्षण, बुखार, खांसी, सांस की तकलीफ और सांस लेने में कठिनाई शामिल हैं।
अधिक गंभीर मामलों में, संक्रमण से निमोनिया, गंभीर तीव्र श्वसन सिंड्रोम, गुर्दे की विफलता और यहां तक कि मृत्यु भी हो सकती है।
कुछ दुर्लभ मामलों में, संक्रमित लोग बीमारी के लक्षणों को दिखाने से पहले ही वायरस फैलाते हैं, जिससे वायरस पहले से भी अधिक घातक हो जाता है।
ये कुछ कोरोनोवायरस लक्षण हैं जो किसी भी व्यक्ति के संपर्क में आने के दौरान लोगों को बहुत सावधान रहने की आवश्यकता होती है।
घबराहट होने से स्थिति और खराब हो जाएगी, इसलिए कृपया सुरक्षित रहने के लिए सभी सावधानियों का उपयोग करें।
How did the coronavirus transmission start?
It all started from a market in Wuhan, China, which is known for selling live wildlife animals.
In this market, live animals were kept & butchered for selling purposes. Apart from that, both the buyers & sellers used to maintain low hygiene standards.
Moreover, all such animals were also densely packed that increased the risk of coronavirus transmission.
Coronavirus transmission happens through droplets or fomites during unprotected proximity between the infector & the infectee.
To date, WHO scientists are not able to identify the animal source of the outbreak, hence making it difficult for them to work on a cure successfully.
There are no reports on an airborne spread for the Covid-19 virus.
How does the virus gets transmitted from person to person?
Person to person transmission of this virus is occurring mostly in families living in a closed cluster. The study of the joint mission states that 344 clusters involving around 1308 cases(out of 1836 reported cases) in Guangdong & Sichuan province, where most groups around 78-85% are affected, have all occurred in families.
Coronavirus and COVID-19 Safety tips
There are certain sets of Coronavirus Safety tips prescribed by WHO that will keep you as well as others away from infection. Please follow the effective Coronavirus prevention techniques to stay safe:
Source: WHO
Wash Your Hands Frequently
Yes, washing your hands frequently with an anti-bacterial hand gel made up of alcohol or just washing them with soap & water regularly will keep the germs away, including Covid-19.
Maintaining Social Distance For Avoiding Close Contact
Maintain more than one-meter distance from the person who is coughing or sneezing. By doing so, you will stay safe from inhaling the harmful droplets coming from the cough or sneeze of the infected person.
Please Avoid Touching Your Eyes, Nose & Mouth
While working or moving, our hands come in contact with numerous surfaces such as elevators, doors & windows containing viruses.
Once contaminated, our hands can transfer the virus directly to our eyes, nose, or mouth. From there, the virus can easily sneak inside our body without being detected.
4. Practice Respiratory Hygiene At All Times
Please ensure to follow good respiratory hygiene along with all other people around you. It means covering your mouth & nose with your bent elbow that will prevent the spread further.
You can also use tissue papers while coughing & sneezing. After use, disposing of tissue paper is a wise thing to do.
By practicing good respiratory hygiene, you are easily able to protect yourself as well as saving many others from deadly infections such as Covid-19.
5. Seek Medical Care Immediately
Call for immediate medical attention in case you start experiencing cough, fever, or breathing difficulty. Isolate yourself from the rest of all the members of your family & the public.
By calling local health officials after noticing your symptoms, you will not only get the most up to date information about the situation in your area but also get directed to the nearest health facility dealing with the infected people of the virus.
Stay Informed At All Times & Follow Guidelines Of Healthcare Professionals.
Always stay informed on all the news related to Coronavirus update via news channels & the internet.
Apart from that, also follow all kinds of advice given by your health care provider from national & local health authority or employer on how to stay protected from Covid-19.
Wear Protective Mask
For your safety & personal hygiene, also use an anti Coronavirus mask at all times while venturing out.
Note The above-given guidelines are some of the Coronavirus and COVID-19 safety tips prescribed by WHO.
Download HandWash and Handrub posters from WHO.
Handshake to Namaste
People around the whole world have finally accepted to say Namaste instead of using hand gestures such as a handshake because of Coronavirus scare. One of the most significant examples is the viral videos of President Donald Trump & Prince Charles using the Indian greeting ‘Namaste’ to greet others.
Coronavirus Impact on economy & Job loss
The spread of Coronavirus had already started to show its impact on the economy& Job loss all over the world.
James Goodall said that the collapse “will likely be the first of many in 2020,” Transport Analyst, Redbus Airlines.
We expect that the demand destruction caused by Covid-19 accelerated its demise, and we believe further airline bankruptcies should be expected in the coming months.
IATA Economics has predicted that airlines could lose up to $63bn to $113bn in revenue due to low passenger traffic due to virus scare.
Source: IATA Economics
Source: IATA Economics
Anheuser-Busch InBev famous for making beverages like Budweiser, Corona, and Stella Artois beers became the latest casualty of the scare.
The company reported losses of $170 million in the past two months after the coronavirus outbreak.
Car rental giants like Hertz Global Holdings and Avis Budget Group Inc. also lost to Coronavirus fallout when their shares suffered a double-digit loss.
The hospitality industry has been hit abominably since the Coronavirus.
The sharp decline in occupancy rates in Italy, the graph shows the growth in the COVID-19 cases occupancy rates has fallen drastically in the past three weeks. The growth forecast of the hotel industry will be slow in the coming quarters.
Source: STR
Source: Earnest Research
Source: Statista
Apart from these significant events shown in the map above, postponed. There are events from other fields, also showing closed doors.
Coronavirus spread caused the cancellation of Italian Serie A football, All soccer games in the region have been postponed.
Champions League match between Paris Saint-Germain and Borussia Dortmund played without fans because of the spread of COVID-19.
The NBA has suspended its season after one of their players for Jazz testing positive for the virus.
Hollywood got affected, the release of the James Bond movie, ‘No Time To Die’ is delayed by seven months due to Coronavirus break.
Cultural events throughout Europe got canceled or postponed for an indefinite period. For example, Ireland’s government has withdrawn all St. Patrick’s Day parade.
Most of the employees of high-profile companies in the world are asking their employees to work from home to prevent the spreading of Coronavirus.
The Coronavirus outbreak impacts job loss for people across the globe.
Individuals such as teachers, hotel managers, bartenders, and many others who come in contact with children or customers have to stay at home or work from home.
Schools, colleges, and universities are closed in some parts of Italy, the UK, the US, South Korea, Japan, and Iran.
Source: Statista
Such a move is putting a strain on institutions, where these employees are working.
Furthermore, it is also getting challenging for the employers of small scale businesses such as restaurants & shops when their employees fall sick or apply for paid sick leave.
If the Covid-19 spread at this pace, there will be layoffs.
Boeing freezes hiring over MAX737 and Coronavirus Outbreak.
Norwegian Airlines is going to cancel thousands of flights along with temporarily laying off about half of its staff because of the coronavirus outbreak.
Industries directly depend on the supply chain of china as its called the World factory.
Job cuts will be there in the Travel industry such as cruise liners and hotel industry and airlines because of severe downfall in the flow of tourists.
The manufacturing sector also may see some job cuts in the coming quarters if the pandemic spreads due to the fall in imports of raw materials from China.
Companies that have low revenues may go for layoffs.
Apart from jobs & businesses, it has also affected stock markets severely.
Global stock markets are also showing some sharp reactions as investors around the world are worrying about the widespread effects of Coronavirus.
Due to the outbreak, the world economy has already started to slow.
Just go through the charts & maps given below to have a deep understanding of the effects of the virus on the global stock markets.
The Dow Jones dives nearly 1500 points after an 11-year bull run. While closing on March 11, Wednesday, at 23,553.22, it dropped to 1464.94 points.
Source: Statista
Indian Stock markets tumbled in the past two months.
In the first two months of 2020, Nifty lost over 50% of its stocks & Sensex lost around 10-40% of its share value.
Sensex came down to 33,471 from 41,915, as recorded on January 14, 2020.
The top losers on Sensex are Axis bank, SBI, Hero Motocorp, ITC & Larsen.
On Nifty, its Yes Bank, BPCL, Axis Bank, Vedanta & UPL.
Source: Trading Economics
Source: Trading Economics
Economist on Yield-curve, Campbell Harvey warns about the impending recession by saying coronavirus “completely changed the story” for the US economy.
US 10-year-old treasury bonds are dropping after a Coronavirus outbreak. In history, it’s the first time yield curve below 1%. Another reason is the pricing war between OPEC and Russia.
Source: Statista
Oil crashes by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war.
Saudi Arabia took advantage of the crippling situation arising due to Coronavirus by launching a price war against the onetime ally Russia.
Traders are preparing for the worst as Saudi Arabia is also planning to flood the market with its crude to recapture the market share & control the oil trade around the world.
The 2020 coronavirus outbreak could shrink China’s economy by 1%-2%
Believe it or not! This outbreak is going to wreak havoc on the Chinese economy brutally.
The domestic economy of China started to show significant signs of slowdown from February 1.
All the international brands started to close their stores and branches all over China to protect their respective employees from the outbreak. Even Apple was one of them.
The situation started to worsen after Coronavirus went global and begun to affect the demand & supply chain all over the world, further straining the manufacturing factories of China that led to shutdowns & mass firings.
What are employers doing to protect their employees from Covid-19?
When Covid-19 started striking all over the world, it forced people from every field to not only react but fight the virus in every best way possible including the private organizations from across the globe are as follows:-
Google’s top management has instructed all its employees located in the US and Canada to work from home until April 10, 2020, for containing the spread of Coronavirus.
There were also restrictions on Google employees from flying abroad.
Twitter has also given similar orders to all its employees on March 2, 2020, to work from home as it is one of the best ways to fight the scourge of this virus.
Facebook, to date, has taken the most significant decision to restrict all social visitors to its offices to stop the spread of infection. They have smartly decided to conduct job interviews through video conferencing.
Flipkart is currently sanitizing all its offices in India & advising its employees to work from home.
What are World Governments doing to protect their citizens from Covid-19?
All the world governments have resolved to take some strong measures to counter the outbreak. Here are some of the steps taken by major governments of the word shown below
USA: The Trump administration has banned all travelers from Europe to the US for 30 days to stop the spread of the virus.
India: The Indian govt has stopped issuing visas to foreigners coming from all over the world. The travel ban will start to take effect today. As Coronavirus cases in India are increasing rapidly, as a precautionary measure, seven state governments ordered to shut malls, schools, and large gatherings till march 31, 2020.
Italy: Government authorities in Italy took some strong measures by ordering the closure of all schools, colleges, & places where public gatherings take place in large numbers except pharmacies & supermarkets.
Spain: The entire Spanish government went for testing for Coronavirus after a minister got exposed to it. Apart from that, it has also postponed all the football matches after Real Madrid Football Squad went into Quarantine.
UK: The United Kingdom has pledged to spend an extra 46 million pounds to fight the virus. Besides that, the British government is also making serious efforts to find a cure to beat the illness.
The Republic Of Ireland, Denmark & Iran, and many others have joined hands in closing all schools, offices & numerous other public places for restricting mass movements of people for combating the outbreak effectively.
How can Coronavirus be treated?
Officially, there is no cure against Coronavirus until now. But tests are being conducted in numerous parts of the world to find Coronavirus vaccinations & drugs.
Now, when it comes to preventing the spread of the now-infamous Coronavirus, China takes the lead in containing the virus more successfully because of a slew of Anti-coronavirus drills.
Locking down Wuhan & all the nearby major cities on January 23, 2020, was the first significant step of the Chinese government to contain coronavirus transmission. Effectively putting more than 50 million people under Quarantine prevents the virus from spreading.
People from other parts of mainland China also voluntarily quarantined themselves to help the government & health officials in fighting this invisible enemy.
Under the leadership of Xi Jinping, Chinese authorities created two dedicated hospitals in Wuhan in a week.
The government also sent healthcare professionals in large numbers to Wuhan to fight the disease and to find the cure.
The Chinese government also launched a massive effort to trace contacts of all the confirmed cases.
Aggressive social distancing measures were also harshly implemented, such as shutting theatres, giving schools extended breaks.
Even color coding for every person is in place for identifying who can be allowed to move or not.
Due to the massive efforts implemented by China for Combating coronavirus threat, the confirmed cases have reduced to single-digit according to the latest WHO report.
The below image of the Coronavirus map clearly shows all the current updates around the world.
Source: Johns Hopkins University
Until March 13, 2020, The coronavirus death toll reached up to 4,720. Hubei, China topped the list with 3056 deaths in hand.
The coronavirus death rate in other places around the world, such as Italy, stands at 827.
The total number of people recovered after getting the Coronavirus treatment is around 68, 324.
Is it safe to travel?
Currently, it is not safe to travel anywhere around the world, especially to COVID-19 hit countries.
You have to contact your local health authorities on issues regarding traveling abroad.
Till the time, the World Health Organization & many other disease control agencies of the world will hopefully come up with a cure.
All travelers must travel only when it is a compulsory work-related issue. Otherwise, any form of non-essential travel is an unnecessary risk at this time.
Airlines all over the world have steeply reduced the number of flights after the commencement of the outbreak.
It is impossible to say when the disease is going to die out. But according to senior officials of WHO & CDC, its current speed & trajectory predicts that it is going to spread around the world, infecting many more people.
For winning against COVID-19, the whole world must pool all their resources, medical expertise & understand more properly how this virus strikes its victim.
Coronavirus impact on the economy & job loss is effecting both the employers & the employees. Jobs have a deep connection with the growth of the economy. If growth declines, then it will have a significant impact on employment as well. Now, the same thing is happening because of the coronavirus outbreak.
Getting panic or creating panic is not going to solve the issue for anybody. Hence our helpful advice is to stay calm & heed all the vital inputs of the health authorities properly.
Moreover, please don’t indulge in overbuying of masks & sanitizers that might create the problem of scarcity for others in this hour of need.
Let’s be hopeful that after the worst part of the outbreak is over, things will slowly get to normal, but people will drastically bring some changes in their current lifestyle.
Most importantly, companies around the world will take all kinds of precautions to do business safely.
If you have any queries on COVID-19 symptoms and safety tips or any new information to share with us, please do contact us by writing to us.
Quora has gained immense popularity over the past few years, both among businesses and the masses. It is easy to navigate and intuitive the Q&A platform. When I first started using Quora in 2014, it was still popular but nothing compared to what it is today. With over300 million monthly users, Quora has evolved far beyond a simple Q&A platform.
It is a place where people tell stories and brands share their products and services. Users share their experience of using products or services. In the user’s behavior, Quora finds a place in the same category as other social media websites. A large number of Quora users spend hours on the platform. So naturally, businesses have to develop a marketing strategy for Quora.
The leads generated through Quora is of better quality and offers more conversions, sign-ups, and reduced bounce rate compared to popular social media sites such as Facebook and even SEO. The reason behind this is people who visit a question on Quora are genuinely looking for an answer.
For example, I was recently promoting a VPN service on Quora. We posted about ten answers for relevant questions, and within a few days, the traffic to the website skyrocketed from Quora. The conversions increased, and the client was having a difficult time handling customer queries. It happened because people who visited the questions wanted to purchase a VPN, and after reading the answer, it motivated them to visit the site, which led to sales.
The benefits of marketing on Quora are immense. One advantage is the long-term traffic that Quora offers. How to drive traffic from Quora, you ask? It’s simple, respond to questions related to your industry and leave a link to your website. The answer and the link will remain on the platform forever. Whenever users look at the response, they can follow it to your site. Marc Hoag was able todrive 82.10 % of traffic from Quora to his business website. The example of Marc Hoag is just one of the many success stories of Quora marketing.
Using Quora to Assist your Digital Marketing Effort
In my opinion, large corporations and multinationals do not require Quora for advertising. Nevertheless, they need Quora for a whole range of other reasons, from customer feedback, interaction, introducing new products and services to reputation management.
It’s the small guys, the startups, SMEs, self-employed, freelancers, and others who stand to gain the most from Quora marketing. Here are some benefits that Quora can bring to a business.
1.Inbound marketing through Quora
The internet has become a confusing place with an extensive amount of content on any subject. It has also become highly untrustworthy. People want answers to questions from someone they can trust. The co-founders of Quora and current CEO Adam D’Angelo understand this and have developed the perfect platform with a voting mechanism that allows users to recognize high-quality answers. The upvote, which is similar to like button on other social media platforms, also plays an essential role in Quora. It is also a ranking factor for answers. Users are flocking this platform because they obtain genuine answers and reviews of products and services on Quora. As a business, you can share your expertise on a subject and provide resolution to user questions about your offerings.
2.Quora Content Appears in Search Engine Results Page
Popular search engines such as Bing and Google crawl the content on Quora. As a result, more and more question-based queries on search engines are displaying Quora answers. By responding to such questions, you have a chance of driving traffic from the SERP. Ranking for a particular keyword is tough as you have to compete with highly reputed websites. However, with Quora, you have the opportunity to expose your brand to visitors without all the SEO hard work.
Here is an example of how Quora can attract visitors to my website without competition with, which is nearly impossible.
The unemployed pot-smoking brother of the search world – Bing – recently announced it would be including Quora questions and answers to their Social Sidebar. The search engine is using the Quora platform to provide better resolution to questions asked on their search engine.
If Bing is not something you care about, it should interest you that Google has been crawling the content on Quora for a long time now. And their algorithm is super advanced in Quora integration. Based on their algorithm, they can choose a particular answer for a question, and it does not have to be the top answer on Quora and display it on the SERP.
3.Industry Research and Competitor Analysis
The benefits of marketing on Quora extend further than traffic and conversion; it can help you understand your industry and competitors better. Watch what your competitors are doing on Quora. How people value your products in comparison to your competitors. What are they offering with their products and services that are not present in your offering? What are your pros and cons in comparison to the competition? Where it is appropriate, respond in the form of an answer. Carefully observe user queries, and you may even discover the next product idea or improvement that could make your product the best version by far. Overall, Quora is ideal for research and to find out the necessary enhancement in your product and what people think about your offerings.
4.A Goldmine for Content Marketing Ideas
Small websites often run out of blog ideas. Quora is a great place to find content ideas and generate high-quality content. You can find questions with a high following and form a blog post answering the query; quality content that answers user’s queries is a great inbound marketing strategy. Finding out genuine problems of clients and customers is never an easy task, which Quora addresses successfully. Go to your niche and read what queries people are following the most.
5.Quora can Assist with Online Reputation
When you monitor the activity of the competition on Quora, you can do the same for your business. By setting up a Google alert for your business with Quora added to it, you will be notified of any post about your brand.
Here is how you can do it.
Simply and type your ‘business name + Quora’ and create an alert.
Using the Google alert, you can monitor just about anything on the web and Quora. Utilizing this technique, you can immediately respond to negative feedback about your brand.
Quora with, its new milestone of 300 million monthly active visitors, is the ideal destination to promote your brand. From traffic, reputation management, content marketing to competitor analysis, Quora offers it all. So, do not fear the Q&A platform, be a part of it, and see exponential growth in your business.
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There are many more blogs related to reverse image searching that we haven’t discussed today, but we will let you digest these first and then we will talk about the rest of them in our next article!
All You Need to Know About Securing the Future of Your Small Commercial Vehicle Business
When you’re setting up and setting out with a new business venture, you know it’ll take some time before you feel that you’ve secured a strong and profitable future for your business. In the first few weeks, you’re just finding your feet; in the months that follow, you’ll be building and reinvesting. It’s only after perhaps two years of constant refinement and reinforcement that you may feel that you’re secure and established in your given market. This article is about the journey that you’ll take to get to that point and the important things you should consider along the way.
Staff and Hiring
Whoever works within a start-up environment will know that the initial workforce that you manage will be incredibly important for your long-term future. Hiring the professional and motivated personnel that’ll make up your initial core team is an important step to finding yourself in a place that you may call secure for the long-term.
So, hiring well is important. You should really pay attention to the hiring process within the first couple of years of your business operations, as this is the time when you need high-quality, hard-working, inspired individuals to invest in your company as you have. You need them to work diligently to learn many areas of your business like the back of their hand. They’ll be future managers in your business – so it’s important to hire effectively in your initial months and years.
Coverage and Protection
Meanwhile, there’s a lot to be said for slowly putting in place all the legal and moral protections that you should build into the very fabric of your company from the get-go. This includes a number of important protocols, like health and safety thinking for your employees, fire safety, medical aid and medical training, and other protective measures for your staff’s wellbeing.
Meanwhile, to protect your business as a whole, you should consider getting legal backing and legal advice – especially concerning regulations and the kind of commercial legal challenges you might face in the future. Then there’s commercial vehicle insurance and other important forms of insurance, to keep your fleet of vehicles and those that drive them safe and protected for the long term.
Building Market Share
Much of your work in your initial months will be able finding business to make you money. Whether you’re offering products or services, B2B or B2C work, you know that it’s only through increasing your sales output and therefore widening your base of profits that you can truly declare your business to be secure, successful and there for the long-term. That’s why it’s so important to concentrate on operations like marketing and sales in your first few months.
Pass some ideas and strategies down to your sales and marketing professionals in order to get them working on building your brand’s visibility and presence in the online space. Meanwhile, you should consider outsourcing some of your marketing duties to external providers of marketing tips: they can often help you form a strategy that’ll build your exposure in the shortest possible time.
Networking and Connections
As a leader in the business world, one of your key responsibilities and duties is to be the public face of your company – the person that meets other business leaders, gives interviews, heads to conferences and seminars, and gives through leadership speeches at industry events. It’s here that you need to develop a solid contact book, full of all those people you’ve met on your journey who could be useful for you and your brand moving forward.
Business is also about the simple act of networking and getting your brand and your business card shared amongst as many people as possible. If you’re not convinced by this tip, you should look at the incredible journeys of some of the world’s biggest businesses, and the stories that revolve around them – often, about people they met who inspired and supported their work.
Growth and Scaling
Now that you’ve put some of the basics in place, you can start focusing on some of the more exciting business processes that will certainly help guarantee your long-term survival in the industry of your choosing. One of the most important here is your ability to grow and scale your business into something that’s moving forward, capturing more and more of the market that you’re aiming for, and outperforming competitors.
You need to make sure that the money that you’re making from your business isn’t lining any pockets in the first couple of years, but is instead being carefully and strategically funneled back into your business, ensuring that you’re always using your money to invest in the future, and to invest in new staff, new software, and more sales.
Your first few months may contain objectives and goals, but they’re not the most important of your whole business’ long career. That’s because it’s pretty difficult to map out your long-term strategy when you’re just starting out in your first couple of months. It’s only after a little experimentation and trial and error that you’ll find your foothold in the market, and you’ll be able to start making a longer-term plan for your business.
Within this strategy, you’ll be looking to set an overarching vision: something that unites all of your objectives and truly represents the long-term establishment of your brand and your business. Beneath this vision lie your objectives, and these are in the middle-term. These objectives may concern the volume of sales you’re aiming for, or your ability to navigate the market more effectively through partnerships. Finally, you’ll focus on smaller goals, that’ll help you get to your objectives more easily.
Flexibility and Dynamism
While long-term planning is certainly recommended for businesses that feel that they’re ready to move their operations to the next level, it’s still important to bear in mind that business is not conducted in a vacuum, and that external factors can have a strong negative effect on what you’re attempting to achieve as a business. It’s only with a willingness to be flexible and dynamic that you may be able to move carefully and tactically through the world’s many ups and downs and to find your own advantages from these fluctuations.
There’s also an element of competition in changing your business model. If you can look down the road of your business’ trajectory, and you can sense that to succeed you’re going to need to innovate a new business model, you’ll be stealing a jump on your competitor that’ll ultimately mean you’re better able to compete in the changing nature of the business world you’re anticipating. Trust your instincts, use your contracts and your network to help you plan and think things through, and lead your company confidently into a future in which you can be confident of your choice and your ability to roll with the punches that sometimes accompany business management.
In this guide, you’ll have learned some of the most important factors to take into account if you’re to truly make the most of your business opportunities to become established within your given field. While there’s a lot of work still to be done, and you ought to be careful each and every week to adapt to changing market forces, the tips outlined above should help you build a successful future for yourself, your commercial vehicle business, and your brand as a whole.
Insights into the marketing technology 2020 and beyond is an online survey conducted by WARC in association with BDO and the University of Bristol on more than 750 brands and agencies to understand their current and future marketing plans for martech tool use, budgets and barriers to growth. This research was conducted on brands and agencies located in North America, the UK, Europe, and APAC.
Moving on, let’s take a more in-depth look at what this 2020 Martech Insights? what are the marketing trends ? and what the future of Matech 2020 is?
You must be familiar with the concept that marketing usually focuses on developing a healthy relationship with customers and satisfying their needs.
Then you must also be knowing that this could not have been possible without technology.
Indeed, these marketing technology tools and needs in marketing are directly proportional to each other. The more the tools, the more their need.
However, due to the modernization of people’s language with time and this marketing technology word clubbed to form a portmanteau, MarTech.
Well, in simpler terms, MarTech is basically a short version of marketing technology. This mixed name concept can be witnessed in various other sectors, such as AdTech (Advertising Technology), a term used in the world of advertisement field.
Well, well, wait! Before hitting the numbers and data, let’s first try to understand the basic concepts of Martech.
What is MarTech?
Source: Chiefmatec
Like any other term used in the Software world, this Martech is also a term used by the software techies and marketers who plan, execute, and measure their business campaigns.
The planning, execution, and measurements are usually carried out with the help of Martech tools.
These tools help you in streamlining and analyzing your data and provide you with various methods or options to reach out to your target audience and keep them engaged.
What are the MarTech Tools?
Martech Tools ranges from content strategy tools designed for different media to data management tools, analytics, and attribution tools.
Some examples of tools are Photoshop, WordPress, MS- Excel, etc.. To sum up, there are about 7040 Marketing tools readily available for you on a global scale, according to Chief Market Technologies. And these vendors vary from start-up specialists to established providers.
Well, speaking of tools while browsing about this vast topic, did you ever come across the term Martech 5000 and wondered what it stands for?
Like, you and I know what I love you 3000 stands for but Martech 5000?
Well, in 2017, there were around 5000 solutions available globally for commercial purposes are these were nicknamed as “MartTech 5000”.
According to Growth, the top 10 market technology tools are:
Source: Growth
Getting back to the basics, let’s understand what a stack is in the retail world.
What is meant by Martech Stack?
A marketing technology stack is an archive of all the technology tools that companies or marketers leverage for improving their retail activities or processes.
In simpler terms, this stack is a collection of the software used by the company for retailing purpose.
I guess you have brushed up your basics, let’s now get into details about insights into the marketing technology aka Martech.
In this article, you will find the current trend, state, use, and future expectations of the marketing technology industry.
Ages of Marketing technology
Source: Chiefmartec
Our tech market’s first era began in the early 21st century and was in existence until 2012.
As you can see, 2012 saw the upleap in the tech market, and the era was called the early age of martech. This early age of martech saw the introduction of new marketing tools into the lives of businesses and companies.
Later till 2017, the graphs of software and tools usage hit an excellent steep, and that age was called the first golden age of martech.
But from the 2018 year, you can observe a bend in the graphs of tech usage.
2018 to 2020, a reckoning in the market is predicted. Therefore the era is called the reckoning age of martech.
However, past 2020, it is said that marketing technology will see a drastic change and will be higher than ever.
Martechs law:
Source: Chiefmartec
As you know, marketing is bizarrely complex and is evolving at a breakneck pace. Martec’s Law is a genuine dilemma for everyone in the corporate industry.
Hold on… Before I talk about how bizarre the market is. Let me tell you what the Law is.
What is Martech Law?
Martech’s Law is a graphical representation of the change in the market and change in the organizations.
Source: chiefmartec
According to this Law,” Technology changes exponentially, but organizations change logarithmically.”
That means the rate at which the technology is updating is faster when compared to the rate at which organizations are adopting the technology.
In other words, the rate at which the organizations are adapting to the new technology is slower than the rate of updation in technology.
Insight of MarTech 2020:
Technical software is developing over time. According to Marketing Technology 2020 Landscape Supergraphic reports by Chiefmartec, the number of solutions in 2011 was 150; from there, it boosted to 7,040 solutions according to Landscape Supergraphic 2019.
The growth of the solutions from the past eight years can be seen in the image below
Source Chiefmartec
The estimated market size of the Marketing Industry in North America and the United Kingdom’s (UK) is as follows:
Source: Martech 2020: and Beyond
From the above image, you can see How the market spending has doubled from $34.3 billion in 2017 up to $65.9 billion in 2019 just in a span of two years. The data is combined spending of North America and the UK exclusively.
However, you can observe a massive difference between the increased amount of spending for each individual annum. The increase in marketing size in 2018 is 18.1 BN, and for the current year, it is 13.5 BN.
This means the corporate spending on marketing software has decreased by 4.6 BN in comparison to 2017.
The percentage of overall retail budget spending on marketing technology:
Source: Martech 2020: and Beyond
The data, in the above image, is split by the proportion of companies spending on in-house and outsourced marketing technology.
As you can see, the results show a rapid growth rate in the spendings in North America
region while the UK has remained steady.
On average, all the brands in North America and the UK are spending approximately 26% of their budgets on software when compared to 23% last year.
That means there is a 13% increase in martech budgets since last year. However, in comparison to 2017 Martech values, there is slight evidence of a decline in the future of the market.
When coming to in-house sourcing and outsourcing by these companies, there has been substantial discussion in the industry regarding the usage of in-housing of tech and optimized utilization of services by brands from their agency partners over the years.
However, what the results suggest is, in the North America region, there has been an increase in both in-sourcing and outsourcing by the brands.
However, when you look at the data of the UK, there has been an evident drop in the outsourcing of resources but a 1% increase in the in-sourcing.
Marketing Technology budget change over 12 months:
The martech budget change of clients by 2020:
The 750 brands and agencies on who the research is done have two opinions on the client’s budget. On analyzing the combined results of these 750 brands, 43% of the brands feel there would be an increase in the client’s budget over 12 months by 2020, 53% of the brands feel there wouldn’t be any change as the clients will still keep their budgets fixed for the annum. However, only 4% of the brands feel there would be a slight drop in the set budgets of the clients.
Source: Martech 2020 and Beyond
When you try to look at the results of the analysis for individual regions, each region has its perspective.
Before moving on with the further analysis of the data, you should remember that the analysis reports of Europe excluding the UK while the others are of the whole region.
All other regions except for Europe strongly believe that most of the client’s budget would remain constant while in Europe, 53% of the brands believe there would be a significant increase in the budgets of the clients.
The martech budget increase of brands by 2020:
When the brands were questioned about their budget increase over the next 12 months, the results were somewhat like this:
Source: Martech 2020: and beyond
As you can see, each percentage of brands has its proposals for the budget increase.
On average marketing technology, 2020 budgets by brands are:
22% believe that their budgets might increase by 0-5%.
26% estimate their budget increase between 6-10%.
21% calculate their brand budget increase to range in between 11-15%.
15% of the brands feel theirs might increase between 16-20%.
9% of the brands say their budget will increase between 21-25%
6% of all brands estimated their budgets to increase by more than 25%.
However, from the results, you can analyze that Europe, including the UK, has the highest percentage of brands, on average, 9.5%, which predicts their budgets to be more than 25% of the current budgets.
While North America has no companies which estimate to spend more than 25%, however, it has the highest number of brands calculating to increase in between 0-5% on their budgets.
How has increased investment in marketing technology affected the companies’ Media Spend?
With the development of Chatbots, Artificial Intelligence, SEO tools, and other corporate tools, it has become easier for marketers which media is most effective for their use and promotions.
In the last year’s survey, it was found that the marketers had decreased their market spend when they invested in software tools. But for 2019, marketing technology, the market trends have changed.
Source: Martech 2020 and beyond
From the above data, you can understand how the market trends have changed in comparison to 2018.
Though for about 44% of the brands, their media spend has not been affected, for 32%, it has decreased whereas there was a 57% decrease in 2018.
That means there is a difference of 25% when compared. However, a significant increase of 8% is visible on the media spend from 2018 to 2019.
What do the marketing trends, marketing technology budgets and marketing sizes for 2020 suggest to…..
On a global basis for brands the marketing technology, market trends and sizes suggest for the development of in-sourcing resources as well as to maintain good relations with outsourcers too.
Thought the budgets of companies by 2020 are predicted to increase, you can see how more than half of the budget is spent on resourcing.
Hence the companies should focus more on developing their in-source resources or train the pre-existing staff to integrate and upskill their methods and ideas of resourcing.
This doesn’t mean you tend to lose your relations with outsourcers. Incase if the insource resources crash, the only option you have to get your job done is through outsourcing. Hence it is equally important to maintain a balance between insourcing and outsourcing.
From the observations of inhouse and outsourcing future marketing trends, you can see that there is a little momentum in In-housing resources among the respondents.
Hence there is an excellent opportunity for you to grab. You can use this opportunity as an advantage and win back most of your clients, who are about to consider in-housing or have recently shifted to in-housing.
However, winning back is not as easy as you think.
It rarely happens that you go to your client, explain to him difficulties of in-housing, and boom he is impressed and gets back to you.
To impress your client and win him back, you should sell your values according to “COW.”
Now wondering what this COW is?
Well, COW stands for Creativity, Objectivity, and Wider perspective.
Hence, when you are explaining your resources to the client, always try to be creative, objective, and try to have a wider perspective of branding and culture.
Technology vendors?
As you can see, the possibility of an increase in budget spending, there is always a scope of improvement for your tech vendors.
All you have to do is to ensure that your goods and services can facilitate creativity, are easy to operate, and solve the concerns of both brands as well as agencies.
Media Owners?
If you are a media owner and are looking at the data analysis, I bet you must be feeling happy.
Compared to last year, data this year has a piece of positive news for all media owners because there last year had a great decrease in media spent while this year’s research says there is an increase.
For you, the key to making money out of this is by focusing on the importance of data of the brands and agencies as well as keeping yourself transparent.
Now, if you step ahead and prove your effectiveness and relevance to brands concerning the context of increasing usage of technology platforms, that’s it you get clicked just like that.
Now, let’s look at the current usage and capabilities of marketing tools.
Current Use and Capabilities of Marketing technology:
Marketing tools provided by established organizations are where the brands and agencies find their use.
The following are the marketing tools currently in use by most of the brands on a global level.
Source: Martech 2020 and beyond
From the above data, you can analyze various categories of tools used by companies for marketing.
By comparing both 2018 and 2019 data, you can see that for some tools, there is a drop in their usage while some have picked up the graphs.
Though you can observe a negligible difference between the rise of Analytics, Measurements and Insights, Mobile, Data management, and Ad tech’s graph, you can find a significant rise of 3% among Market automation and SEO. A 5% rise in usage of experience optimization can also be seen. But, in the case of collaborations with other software, there is an increase of 9% in comparison to that of 2018.
However, you can see that, and there is a 3% downfall in the usage of Commerce, lead generation and sales, and Customer relationship management (CRM). While coming to Emails, there is a significant drop of 6% in the usage in 2019.
However, the future market trends also suggest that there might be a huge fall in the usage of Emails as only 14% of the population among the 750 brands plan to use it in the next 12 months. Comparatively collaboration usage can be seen to fall as 38% of the crowd have no plans in using the tools.
How can you develop the best MarTech Strategy?
When the Brand respondents of the Survey conducted by WARC in association with BDO, and University of Bristol were asked about the skills they look into while hiring the marketing function for their company the top priorities were somewhat like this:
Source: Martech 2020 and beyond
As you can see, the most important criteria for the brands is creativity. On average, 49% of the brands prefer their marketing software to be creative. Later they look at the brand strategy and then the customer experience.
So similarly, even you should have a clear picture of what you need for your brand. Hence planning a martech strategy is very essential.
Here are some great tips for you to develop the best marketing strategy for the future market trends:
Analyze what you need:
Along with the growing market, new tools are launched every day. It is always tempting to get the best tool or a high-end tool. Every organization, just like yours, wants to have the best.
But what will you do with a tool which is of no use to you? It is just like a person with hearing aid buying a high-end version of headsets.
Hence, always sit with your team and analyze which tool is easy for them to work on and to give fantastic results.
Check for Upgradations of the tool:
Now, you know what you want and started to use it. It is giving the best results. But, with the change of time, tools also need to be upgraded for more optimization.
Hence, keep looking for up-gradation of the tool or alternative sources for tools that are easier to adapt and give optimized results for your brand.
You can save your time of research about new tools and use product hunt for the same.
Understand the role of the tool:
Why do you need a tool? Why can’t you do everything manually?
I know the answers, I was just playing around.
You usually need a tool because it serves several purposes that are important to your business team.
First, they help you in understanding your customers through data and analytics.
Second, they help you in automating processes so you can use that data to work more efficiently.
And third, they help you in making the customer experience even more personal and meaningful.
Hence when you are using tools, make sure that it serves at least one of the purposes. If your tool is not serving any of the purposes, I say ditch it and shift it to a useful tool.
Know what your clients look for:
Having a tool, analyzing the numbers or data will not fetch you anything until the client is satisfied. Hence when you are choosing a tool or planning a strategy, always keep clients persona in mind.
To know what your clients need to look for leads from the customer experience department and choose strategies accordingly.
Keep your data up to date:
Always remember, no matter whichever product services your companies provide, you must have your database. The database helps you understand more about the market; it’s functioning and customers’ persona, which helps you and your company develop to the next level.
How are marketing technology and customer experience related?
When the brands were asked about how important is customer experience optimization for their company? The results are:
Source Martech 2020 and beyond
As you can see, 57% of the population feel customer experience is very important, and 39% feel it is important. Hence on average, 76.5% of the brands and agencies feel customer experience is somewhat important for them.
What is the customer experience?
Customer experience is nothing but the feedback from the customer. The feedback can be in any manner. It can be the impression on your brand, product, or your services.
For most customer-based companies, the customer is the king.
Technologies used by the brands to learn about customer experience:
According to the research, as you can see, Most of the brands use Customer relationship management and social media management the most to get customer experience.
It’s not always necessary that you should also use what the top brands use. Here are some customer experience tools you can use for your company for better results.
Customer experience tools are:
1. Customer review suggestion box:
No one knows what is working and what is not better than your employees. So, first, start from your own office. You know, like charity begins at home, feedback also should start from your own office.
There might be a possibility that if you, the boss, is asking about a review, no one would dare tell negatives.
So drop a suggestion box where the employee’s name can be anonymous, and you get the genuine review.
2. Customer surveys:
Well, well, yes, customer surveys. From your database, you can find out your brand loyals easily, and also you can find brand switchers.
Pick them up and send surveys via online mails, or if you are in the same area, try to meet them up. You can have a little chat about their experience with the brand and then conduct a survey.
3. Social media listening tools:
If you feel that surveys, the suggestion box is too much, and you don’t wanna do it, then you can always turn to technology for help.
Social media listening tools help you monitor what your customers are looking for. It includes the top searched keywords, your brand products, their reviews or comments, your competitors, and many more.
Now you must be wondering where to get these tools? Don’t worry; we have a solution to every problem of yours.
There are an unlimited number of tools out there based on your preferences, for reference Hubspot, Hootsuite, Sprout Social are few tools from where you can start.
There are other Customer experience tools available in the market that fulfill your preferences, and they are IBM Tealeaf, Satmetrix, WalkMe, Khoros, Podium, Whatfix, and on and on.
By reading the above information about marketing technology and trends, I bet you must have understood what it is about and how are the current market trends.
Well, now let’s look at the future.
With 2019 almost coming to an end, it’s time we take our experiences from it and prepare for the future 2020.
Future of Marketing Technology 2020 :
The most used technology in the current marketing strategy these days is IOT- Internet of Things, 38% of the population among the brands use IOT as their technology in marketing strategy. 26% of them plan to use it in the next 12 months too.
Next, catching up technology is Virtual Reality, aka VR, 26% currently use it, and 24% plan to use in the coming 12 months.
The other analysis you can find in the figure below.
Source: Martech 2020 and beyond.
As you might be aware of the fact that along with changing times, technology is also evolving.
So, What will happen in 2020?
This is probably going to be the future of Marketing technologies, aka martech:
Brands will look for alternative communication channels.
Businesses will no longer be built on one channel
Personalization will be the new market trend
#Voice Search Optimization:
Though the research states that the voice search usage in the next 12 months will not be more than 25%, another search, according to ComScore states, over 50% of the future searches in 2020 will be in the from voice search.
Hence, companies to rank on top have to optimize to voice search.
Here we are not just talking about Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa. We are talking about voice searches beyond these.
One such personal best is Never heard about it?
Well, is a voice assistant, which helps in voice shopping.
You don’t have to buy a device; all you need to do is simply connect it to your Amazon’s Alexa or Google Mini.
Then upload the menu and shop.
Voice Shopping in the estimated to reach $40 Billion in and $5 Billion in the UK by 2022.” -OC&C STRATEGY CONSULTANTS
Another wonderful thing about learns from the customers and customize it accordingly.
That means, If you are ordering a particular item from the same store over and over, it understands it, and for the next purchase, it makes it easy for you to order.
# Why will dependency on Google Analytics to decrease?
I am sure that every company at one point or the other must have used Google Analytics or is currently using it.
If you have used Google Analytics, you must be aware of how it functions.
If not, here is a brief intro to it. Google Analytics is basically a web analytics service. Google offers it. It helps you to track and report website traffic as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand.
If you ask me if this Google Analytics is not accurate for research? I would say No.
Now, if you ask m if there is something wrong? Still, it’s no.
I bet your next question will be, do people, not like it? Of Course, no, who wouldn’t like a free tool to check Website traffic.
Then why will it be replaced? Let me give you a living example of smartphones.
Nokia phones were considered the best. Even you must have used it at some point. But with time, smartphones came in and replaced it.
People like you and me preferred smartphones cause work got easy and optimized.
Similarly, with Google Analytics. Over time new updated tools and software are emerging, and Analytics has become the conventional method of data analysis.
Nowadays, there are things like repeat purchases, upsells, down sells, and checkout bumps are seen. On top of that, there are various ways in which you can generate revenue for your online business, like partnerships, or webinars.
As a result, it has caused companies to start using analytics solutions that match their database better, for example, Amplitude. Or something more convenient than that.
In the end, all you are seeing is a big push into business intelligence.
In 2020, you will get to see more and more companies adopting these business intelligence solutions. Due to budgets, they might as well shift from paid ones to free ones like Google Data Studio.
If you have no idea about Data Studio, then I suggest you start getting an idea now.
It is easy for you to pass in all of your business and corporate data into one place.
For example, you can pass in more complicated data from your Facebook ad campaigns into Data Studio with ease as it would be a bit difficult task to perform with Google Analytics.
#How IoT will top the businesses?
As mentioned earlier, 38% of the population among the brands use IOT as their technology in marketing strategy. 26% of them plan to use it in the next 12 months too.
According to a report by Statista, the Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices installed worldwide in 2020 will be 30.73 billion. Currently, in 2019, it is 26.66 Billion.
Which means there would be a rise of 4.07 billion in IoT.
If you have no idea about what IoT is then, The internet of things (IoT) is nothing but the data you share over an internet connection.
In technical terms, IoT is a growing set of technologies based on devices that could share data via an internet connection.
Hence, companies will have to look into this for better optimization, and it is estimated according to a report by Statista that by 2015, this IoT would reach 75.44 billion.
That means 48.78 billion rises from the current use.
#Why will brands look for alternative communication channels?
The most conventional communication channel used by corporates is Email. You and I also use it for our marketing purposes.
In fact, email marketing is one of the E-Commerce business ideas and SEO ideas.
The only problem with emails is conversion rates are low. Buyers, most of the time, do not check inboxes or only look for important ones and skip promotions. Hence it is becoming challenging for companies to only stick to emails.
Hence, companies are looking forward to alternative business channels for better conversion rates, which are effective in turning their leads into customers.
Some alternative communication channels are Chatbots, Customer call centers, toll-free centers, and push up notifications.
# Why will business no longer be built on one channel?
In previous years, a lot have companies have been built on a single channel, like facebook, quora, etc.
Facebook uses the email address book as its channel. Whenever you log in for the first time, you must have seen a pop up suggested friends or import email addresses from facebook.
Similarly, Quora is built on SEO channels. It helps companies ranking on search engines.
But, marketing these days is not unidirectional. It is heading fast towards marginal gains.
If you want to win the market, then you must use all the channels possible for business. Hence marketers will shift to use multiple channels to build their businesses or rank number one.
#Why personalization is important in the future?
Personalization is an SEO trick to grab the attention of your customers. There are two types of personalization to a website:
Themed personalization
User personalization
Themed personalization:
This is what you do to customize your website according to a festival. Like recently, we celebrated Halloween. So you must have customized your website to a Halloween theme.
Google always personalizes itself to such events. It makes the users happy and attracts them.
Well, if you do not know how to customize your website, you can use organized themes for helping you with customization.
User Personalization:
This is an important point, especially in the field of online marketing. Let it be your ads or products you sell. You should always know your demographics.
User personalization is what you can find Amazon or Flipkart doing. They observe your shopping trends or recent searches. Later, when you use their services, they will show you related items.
Based on your recent searches, here are some suggested products. A message appears, and we find all our related items.
Now, what will happen if this is not there? If personalization was not there, then you or I can get suggestions for baby clothes or dog food.
Well, if you have a baby or a dog, it will be useful, but I don’t have a baby or a dog, so its a spam to me.
But if you give me some search related to footwear- oh, I love browsing footwear and keep on buying them even if I don’t need new pairs- I will browse and definitely buy at least one pair.
So, personalization helps in business growth and attracts customers.
Now, if you ask me, why is it important? In future people will get so busy that they will not have time to look into anything. If you personalize your products according to buyer persona and showcase them on top of the websites or ads, the chances are high that they will end up purchasing some goods or the other.
You might have definitely been hearing about some of the above points or might feel they are irrelevant to you, but this is the future of marketing technology 2020.
Martech is not a piece of cake. You also must have been facing barriers in technology for marketing. However, here are a few topmost barriers for Marketing technology 2020.
Barriers for MarTech:
According to the report, MarTech 2020 and beyond, the brands and agencies have different views on the barriers of marketing.
According to the brands, 50% of them feel budgets will be the top constraint in 2020 marketing. Still, agencies have a different view; among them, 56% feel understanding the technology will be a constraint for marketing technology 2020.
Here is the data analysis of barriers for both brands and agencies
Source: Martech 2020 and beyond
On a whole account, Marketing technology 2020 is going to see a lot of ups and downs. But for you, if you have confusion or dilemma about what to do, where to start, how to start, you can always contact us.
Most things mentioned above are either things that you have been hearing for a long time or have never heard about. But whatever it is, it is in the future, and if you want to survive, you should be prepared.
We would always love to hear your views on the marketing trends 2020 and what you think about your future. Do give your opinions in the comments section below or contact us.
We hope that this article was of excellent help to you in understanding marketing technology and 2020 trends.
Google has consistently been updating its Search Algorithms by prioritizing users’ persona over a few years. This year early in September, they officially announced the launch of the new Google Search Console. In no less than 50 days, another Search Algorithm update the Google’s BERT update is flashed up into the market.
If you are wondering if this revision is just like Core update, Penguin or Hummingbird, then the answer is No. This new BERT update is considered to be one of the most significant search algorithm updates after the 2015 RankBrain.
In this article, we have focused on providing you information about:
What is BERT update?
What are its features?
When is it used?
How it affects your search?
Should you optimize accordingly?
What are the Pros and cons?
All you must need to know about the update:
You probably must be wondering what this BERT is? Well, it is an abbreviation for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Now, what is this? It is what we are about to tell you.
Last year Google launched an open-sourced neural network-based approach for Natural Language Processing (NLP). This technique is called BERT. This technology is used to facilitates anyone to create their own state-of-the-art question and answer system.
That means, it is not always necessary that you or I will always search using grammatically constructed sentences. A lot of people browse using a string of words related to their query.
Source: Google Search
But Google already has autocomplete feature to figure out what your query is about, then what is this update for? Let’s see what is this about.
No matter how many updates have been made in the breakthroughs, still the results of the inquiry mismatch in case of complex queries. Hence, The new update is about improving the understanding of the inquiries made and providing the user with related information.
However, this revision is the result of Google research on transformers: models which process words that are in relation to all the other words in a given sentence of search, rather than one-by-one in sequence.
Now, let us glance at the features of the revised algorithm.
What are the Features of BERT?
The revisions in the search algorithm have not been confined to updates in software alone. There were new hardware advancements too. For the first time, Cloud TPU’s have been used in breakthroughs.
The cloud TPU’s usually power Google products like Translate, Photos, Search, Assistant, and G-Mail. The TPU,s, or Tensor Processing Units have been linked up with search algorithms to serve search results and provide users with the most relevant information.
However, this update is only confined to US English and shall be implemented in other languages over time.
Let us understand it’s usage in detail.
When is BERT used?
BERT usually comes into consideration for understanding the search inquiries in a better way and give relevant results. This revision is also applicable for snippets.
However, this doesn’t mean Google’s BERT update has replaced RankBrain. This BERT Google Natural Language Processing (NLP) update is additional support for a clear understanding of your query and to provide you with relevant results.
Let us now understand how this update affects our search.
How does BERT affect search?
According to Google, the BERT update will affect 1 in 10 of the search queries of the US.
For example, if you are searching for “2019 brazil traveler to the USA need a visa”. Your results before BERT Update and after BERT update are as follows.
Earlier, the search results were more focused on how the USA citizens can travel to Brazil. Later, search results are optimized and refined to how Brazilians can get a visa of the USA.
The search algorithm is now taking prepositions like “for” or “to” into account while performing a search to the search query.
Another example, if you wanted to know “do estheticians stand a lot at work.” Your results before Google BERT Update and after BERT update would be:
Source: Google Blog
Hence it can be observed that Google is now able to understand the meaning of “stand” as a different word rather than matching it with “stand-alone.”
Does Google’s BERT Update Only Effect Search Queries?
No, the Google BERT update is not just limited to search queries alone. It is globally live for featured snippets too.
A featured snippet is nothing but a brief answer to your query. It appears on top of the Google search results. It’s usually extracted from the content of a web page and includes the title and URL of the page.
Source: Google Search
With Google BERT updates, these featured snippets are also modified, and the results would be as follows:
Source: Google Blog
You can see the difference for yourself. Isn’t it huge?
So, it is observed that the update is now able to understand the usage of each preposition and provide us with results accordingly.
Now a big question for all the digital marketers is, should they optimize accordingly or not?
What is the Architecture of BERT?
BERT works on the Transformer mechanism, and this is an attention mechanism that analyses contextual relations among words (or sub-words) in a given text. The transformer mechanism is further enclosed with two separate mechanisms — an encoder which helps in reading the text input and a decoder that helps in producing a prediction for the task. However, BERT’s key focus is to generate a language model. Hence, only the encoder mechanism is necessary.
Instead of predicting the next word of the sentence in a sequence, BERT makes use of a novel technique called the Masked LM (MLM): it randomly masks words of the sentence and then tries to predict the words. Masking means the model looks in both directions. It uses the full context of the sentence, and checks both left and right surroundings, in order to predict those masked words. Unlike the earlier language models, it takes both the previous and next tokens into account into consideration at the same time. The pre-existing combined left-to-right and right-to-left LSTM based models were missing this concept of “same-time part.”
Source: Google Blog
In the above image, visualization of Google BERT’s neural network architecture is compared to previous state-of-the-art contextual pre-training methods is shown. The arrows indicate the flow of information from one layer to the next layer. The green boxes at the top indicate the final contextualized representation of each input word.
However, the three pre-training methods differ from one another. BERT is deeply bi-directional, OpenAI GPT is unidirectional, whereas ELMo is shallowly bidirectional.
Should you optimize your SEO accordingly?
Google says that
“It’s our job to figure out what you are searching for and surface helpful information from the web, irrespective of how you spell or combine the words in your query ”
So, this is an effort by Google for a better understanding of the searcher’s query and to match it with more relevant results. However, this algorithm update is not intended to penalize any site.
Hence, instead of focusing on optimization, focus on writing content for users, like you usually do. However, we suggest you to keep a check on search traffic and optimize according to the search trends.
What are the Pros and Cons of Google BERT Update?
As every coin has two sides, every update has its own pros and cons. This revision helps the search results get better by understanding the natural language of the user. But, it is going to affect one in ten searches of the US. Implying 10% of the total searches shall be affected due to this update, which is huge.
This implies soon, Google will no longer focus on Keyword density but try to understand the content of the text. However, Language understanding remains an ongoing challenge for the giant search engine.
What do we suggest?
Though the methods of search have been refined, there is still an opportunity for you to rank on top. Here are a few tips for you to improve your SEO concerning BERT:
Use Long Tail Words:
As mentioned earlier, this update is a step of Google to understand searchers’ queries. The search results are based on the phrases used by the enquirer. Hence, use long-tail keywords related to the topics which match with any related phrase used by the enquirer.
These tools provide you with related keywords, long-tail keywords, and their density. This will help you decide which keyword you have to focus on while doing your SEO.
Do not focus on article length:
It is an old followed tradition in digital marketing and content marketing to write lengthy articles. But, with the Google BERT update length of the article is not as relevant as it was. This doesn’t mean long articles will not be considered. Articles which are more relevant to users concern will rank on the top of the search.
So, instead of focusing on the length of the article, focus more on human understanding, readability, and content relation.
To check your readability, you can use tools like Hemingway or Grammarly.
It is for sure that due to this update, sites will lose some traffic. Do not worry if you lost your traffic or conversion rates. Take this as an opportunity to develop content which is Super-Specific to the user persona.
Try to answer user concerns and question more in your article. If you do not know what questions you need to answer, then use tools like answer the public are Google autocomplete suggestions, FAQ, and Quora.
We hope that this article was of excellent help for you in understanding the BERT update.
We would love listening to your view about how this Google Update. So, do write to us in the comment section below or contact us.