Twitter hashtags are one the crucial and omnipresent thing used in social media platforms nowadays. These had their humble beginnings from Twitter, but have now become quite trending. People, these days even talk using these hashtags. Every tweet, every post in the current scenario, contains hashtags in it. Hashtags render people more active in social media. These hashtags, may, at times, result in providing the required engagements, but not at all the times.
By using Hashtags, you can organise everything in social media. You will also get an opportunity to know who is talking about similar things as the ones you are talking about. A person should know: when to use hashtags, where to use hashtags, and also the hashtags one should use? Most importantly, how will these hashtags help you leverage your brand and company in the social media.
What are Hashtags?
On Social media, mainly Twitter, when you use “#” and continue writing the words without any spaces, then the phrase is a “hashtag”. When we write a hashtag for a tweet, it gets linked to all the other people who use the same hashtag. One more advantage is that these hashtags also increase the visibility in the masses. It can even increase the conversation to last for a longer period of time.
When you add “#” with any phrase, then the resultant hashtag will act as a link. Whenever someone clicks the hashtag, that person is redirected to the place or people who use the same hashtag. You can see and know the range or people who use the hashtag.
Hashtags are tags that anyone can create. In fact, anyone can use these, but one can’t restrict people from using them. Sometimes, the hashtags can trend organically without including any popular brand. Hashtags grab people’s attention and encourage them to read the content. In this way, you can increase the engagements and viewers for your page in Social media.
Keeping all these things aside one more crucial thing that comes up on everyone’s mind is:
Would I be able to enroll my hashtag?
The answer to this is “YES”. Anyone who has created his/her hashtag can enroll it. The only thing they can’t stop people from using it, unless the hashtag is promoting a brand.
It clearly means, you can register a hashtag as yours but you can’t own it as you do in case of websites created by you.
Why should we use Hashtags?
Hashtags usually ease the process and make your brand visible to the audience. When people search for the hashtag, each and every post which contains the hashtag will pop up all the results. Using the hashtags, you can reach the audience who are the target customers for your business. This makes things easy for you, because people themselves will search for your business, using the hashtags and will find you. Hashtags are also used to create an action because people use it and automatically get attracted towards it.
If your hashtag is relevant enough, then people will be automatically get enticed and spend more time on your social media page. After some time, you can redirect them to your official website. In this way, you can increase the number of engagements. Hashtags are also used by various social media platforms except Twitter. This somehow affects the use of hashtags in social media. It also impacts the use of Hashtags as the amount of information given increases and puts everything on the front page, while you search in the social media.
The Hashtags created give only the distinctive results. For people, who are active in social media, it becomes easy to find all the information for the users in the social media platform. If a hashtag is unique and you combine it with the content, then it makes the whole content unique and makes your post stand out amongst the social media users. The users can also find it useful and valuable and will also copy your hashtag.
How to use Hashtags on Twitter?
The series of hashtags started from Twitter only. Hashtagging has a major impact on your Twitter account, when you start considering the follower count. Using the general and non-specific hashtags doesn’t drive the required traffic. If you use some of the hashtags which are trending and most of the people are using it, then such hashtags will attract a lot of people. Below are a few similar kinds of hashtags:
Hashtagging in twitter encourages people to take part in various activities taking place in the social media platform. Always make sure that all the hashtags that you create and the tweets you tweet in the twitter aim at grabbing more audience, or you can say, followers. This is useful, even if people don’t follow you.
If you have a good content with unique and grabbing hashtags, people will automatically start engaging in your posts. From the next time, people will automatically consider you to be effective and your work to be amazing and they will start following you.
How to do Campaign in Twitter using effective Hashtags?
For any digital marketing company or organisations who are selling their products on the digital platform:
All those companies for whom the digital platform is a business, have to make their presence felt on the online platform. Grabbing the attention of the people is the main motto of any company. The audience, most of the time, gather in social networking because many people stay active on the social media platform and people communicate with each other here. Social media has become a part and parcel of everyone’s everyday life these days.
Coming to the Twitter, it is one if such platform where people are always active. There are a lot of biggies, companies, celebrities, social activists who use this platform, almost incessantly. Most of the people all over the world follow these people. Not only the people, but celebrities are also interested in various activities that go on in the social media platform.
To promote your brand amidst all these is a major challenge and grabbing the attention of the people becomes a bit difficult. To overcome this challenge, companies do campaigns on different occasions. Being a digital marketing agency, we also embarked on digital campaigns. Having a sound knowledge of Twitter and its use, we too started campaigning.
Independence Day
Our first campaign on Twitter was the Independence day campaign, in which we made a video about giving up plastic flags and use flags made of fabric or paper. Indirectly, we were requesting our viewers to stop using plastic and turn to use biodegradable materials. This was to highlight the adverse effects of our addiction to plastic, resulting in pollution and killing of land animals and marine mammals, the resultant plastic pollution and the interminable loss to the environment.
This was our very first campaign in Twitter. A maiden attempt by us, we just used trending and relevant hashtags. We didn’t use or make our own hashtag. Our main motto was to reach the masses by hook or by crook, and create awareness. It truly was a boon in disguise, and proved a boost for using social media as a viable platform for sharing our ideas.
Our second campaign was on Raksha Bandhan, a festival signifying the bond between a brother and a sister. The festival is characterised by the sister tying a Rakhi or the sacred thread on her brother’s wrist. The brother then takes a vow to protect her lifelong. On this day, we planned a campaign and made a contest with hashtag #IamwithYouSister. The campaign ran like this – the brother and sister had to take a selfie, with the rakhi tied on the brother’s wrist. People had to take the picture and use the hashtags #IamwithYouSister and #RakhiAtSoftscripts. Gift vouchers were given away to randomly selected participants.
The outreach of this campaign was moderate. Here also, we neither created our own hashtags, nor used or framed our own hashtags. The response was not very encouraging.
Our learnings:
It is not necessary that every campaign will grab the audience’s attention. Some campaigns might be a huge success and grab a lot of response, and yet a few might not be upto the expected level. This is a fact that must be accepted with grace. We should never give up and stop, but should move on.
Ganesh Chaturthi
Ganesh Chaturthi or Ganapati Puja, as it is more popularly known, is one of India’s famous festivals, celebrating the birth of Lord Ganesha – the elephant-headed God. Every house is adorned with Ganesha idols made of different materials – Tumeric, mud, or the idols made from metal. We collaborated with another company that produced eco-friendly idols of Lord Ganesha, which could easily dissolve, and started our campaign.
We shot a 30 second video that displayed the idea of stopping usage of Idols made up of POP or Plaster of Paris. Instead, it showcased the usage of Green Ganesha or biodegradable idols. For this video, we received 1,146 organic views and the people not only viewed the video but gave positive response and engaged themselves actively. Hence, we need to upload good and relevant content such that viewers can be easily attracted.
Collaborating and doing campaigns also saves a lot of time. This is always a win-win situation, you can increase the number of users by attracting and retaining your own viewers, and also by gain the users of the collaborated company.
On the same occasion, we also ran another campaign – selfie with eco-friendly Ganesha. That was when we started using our own hashtag, that is #SelfiewithEcoGanesha. People participated enthusiastically and came up with their unique selfies with biodegradable and environment-friendly idols of Lord Ganesha and posted them, using the #SelfiewithEcoGanesha. It was mandatory to have the selfies only with Eco-friendly Ganesha. Selfies with other forms of idols were not considered. The top 5 contestants were awarded gift vouchers.
The campaign was live on all the 10 days of Ganesh Chaturthi and a lot of people participated with their amazing selfies. They also came up with different ideas on celebrating the eco-friendly Ganesh Chaturthi. The response was overwhelming and we had, by this time, gathered a group of loyal followers and people who follow us regularly. They are still with us!
World Tourism Day
We not only concentrated on the local or national events. In fact, we tried to cover almost everything that was going on in the whole world. We mostly concentrated our campaigns on trending topics. For instance, we conducted a campaign on World Tourism Day too. However, here also, we didn’t create any hashtag of ours. Yet the campaign was successful with a huge crowd of people who visited the campaign. The people who had participated in our earlier campaigns, now became our trusted audience. The campaign was all about sharing their travel pictures.
In this campaign, we gathered a decent number of comments and retweets, where people posted their travel pictures in India with the hashtag #WorldTourismDay.
Our motto was not only to promote our brand. We had the vision of promoting our brand along with the concept of improving the Indian Tourism on a worldwide spectrum. Our efforts bore fruit and we landed up getting thousands of lovely pictures with nature at the backdrop.
We did not restrict our campaigns exclusively to promotion of our brand, instead, we also focussed on the current scenario and the present world conditions. For example, we created awareness, empathy and sympathy in the minds and hearts of people when Tsunami struck Indonesia. This was for a social cause and with the noble idea of helping people in distress.
Gandhi Jayanti
Considered to be a national festival in India, Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated to mark the birth of the father of our nation – Mahatma Gandhi – our great leader who freed India from the shackles of British supremacy. We created a campaign to accomplish his vision of keeping India clean and green. We also supported the Honourable Prime Minister’s vision of #SwacchBharat. Here, we created a Hashtag #WeSupportBapusdream. In the campaign, people had to post their images supporting the #SwaachBharat campaign and how they are contributing their bit in keeping the country clean.
The top participants got away with alluring Gift Coupons, sponsored by us.
Most of our campaigns are aimed towards social causes and also make people aware of the present day scenario in our country.
Indian Air Force Day
We created a campaign on the Indian Air Force Day to support our Sky Warriors and make people realise the fact that it is because of them we are safe and sound inside the comfort of our home and have a happy sleep. After this, we asked people to write 2-3 lines about these real heroes whom they know. We created our own hashtag #HumVayuSenakeSaath, which means “we are with the air force” We also promised to give Gift hampers at the end of the campaign. A huge number of people participated in it, and came up with a lot many stories – told and untold of these real heroes.
This was our latest campaign which ended with the culmination of Dussehra – a 10-day long festival or Navratri, where people worship Goddess Durga. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil. Our idea was to support women and the concept of women empowerment. We created a hashtag #HumNaarikeSaath which means “We support women”.
In this campaign, we encouraged people to tag their friends and family, whomever they wanted to gift this festive season. For this, they had to use the hashtag #UtsavKaMausam which was created by us. At the end of the festival, some randomly chosen participants were given Gift Coupons.
Always giveaway the prizes and gifts which were promised in the campaign. Never ever try to bluff people, because if you do so, people will not only feel cheated but would lose their trust in you and eventually leave. Your campaigns will be considered fake and you will lose your integrity.
Conduct the campaigns according to your budget and limit yourself till the point your budget permits you. It will only be stupidity if you promise something and struggle hard to fulfil it.
Have some guidelines for each and every campaign. Ask the contestants to follow the guidelines and make everything fair for the audience. This will reduce your stress levels, while selecting the deserving persons as winners of the campaigns.
These are some of the things that, if meticulously followed, will yield good results and positive outcomes, in the twitter campaigns.
This article throws light on how hashtags help promote twitter campaigns.
Hope this gives you a good idea about campaigning on social media.
If used properly, Instagram Story can be a powerful weapon in the advertising world, but if not, all your efforts can go down the drain with a single tap. It takes a user less than a second to tap on your story, which means, if you don’t get their attention instantaneously, your story and all the resources you’ve invested in it, will be pointless. Here are a few tips which will help reduce the bounce rate on Instagram stories.
The plus side of Stories is the possibility of getting a whole new audience, boosting your brand awareness, and ultimately improving your business. However, this might not be as easy as it sounds. It’s not like, you can just upload Stories or run Story Ads without any guidelines or, without much effort and expect great results.
Instagram Stories aren’t magical
Even so, Stories can work magic for your business, but only if done right. You can’t overdo it, but you can’t slack on it as well. There is a fine line which you have to delicately balance if you want people to really see your Story and to see it through till the end. Today, let’s see where exactly that line is.
Run Story Ads
The first thing here is to run Story Ads. Even though, you can simply use your business profile to upload Stories, ads are a great way to build a stronger follower base and drastically upgrade your business.
At first, Story Ads were reserved for huge brands like Nike, but have quickly become available to everyone who wants to run them. The reason why Story Ads are gaining such a huge popularity, is that News Feed and other digital channels have become polluted with a lot of clutter – an overdose of information that sometimes makes you miss things, without even realizing. On the other hand, advertisers are exceptionally slow in adopting Story Ads as a method of advertising, which means, more space, and the audience is left for you.
Furthermore, one-third of the most viewed Stories come from businesses and one in five Stories get a direct message from the viewer. If you top that off with a bit of creativity in your ads, you can engage people in new and interesting ways for as long as you can stay creative.
Add a Call-to-action
If you want your viewers to actually do something after watching your ad, you must add a call-to-action. Otherwise, they will be amazed but confused, left there wondering what was the point of it all and what they are expected to do next.
A call-to-action is supposed to direct your followers and it should tell them exactly what they need to do next, which is why it has to be clear and strong. There should be only one call-to-action, so your viewers won’t be confused. It should create a sense of urgency and even a fear of missing out on whatever it is that your business has to offer.
There is nothing more tempting than a limited period offer, an exclusive deal or a one-time opportunity, and by offering any of these in your ads, you can expect viewers to turn out to be visitors, and in many cases, even customers. Of course, you can’t place call-to-action anywhere you want. Even for your Instagram stories, you have to measure your metrics from other Social Media channels, and think about efficient content strategy and coordinate with your digital marketing strategy.
As one of the most powerful tools, you can use this in your Instagram Story Ads. call-to-action is a must if you want your ads to pay off.
Experiment With Video
Before choosing video as your ad format, you have to think about whether or not it is the best format for that particular idea. This is especially difficult to do right because there is not a single rule that dictates when you should use video, when you should use a carousel and when you should use a simple picture. One format is not necessarily better than the other, but for a specific case, a particular format might provide better results. As usual, you will have to test all of these options or read articles about making content mistakes to avoid making beginner’s mistakes.
A video is not necessarily better than pictures, but in some cases, it simply is a better way to go. to go. Videos can be much more creative than a single, still picture and you can engage your audience in better ways than pictures could ever do. You can fully express your creativity and find new ways to interact with viewers, with every single ad.
Videos in your ads are a great way to express your creativity and to show your viewers what your brand is all about. Even so, getting a video to work in your favor can be a tricky task, which is why there are professionals out there, specializing in this kind of work. You should always get a professional help, if you choose to do a video ad. So, before embarking on this endeavor, do your research, find helpful reviews or ranking lists, and simply choose from the listed agencies the one that you think will fit your business the most.
Interact With Your Audience
There is no better way of getting someone’s attention than to make them interact with your ad and what better way to make someone interact with your ad than to ask them for their opinion.
People love to share their opinions and they love to bask in the thought that their opinion matters. Moreover, you can use that to find out what your followers want, what kind of content they would like to see in the future, and even what they think about your brand.
Usually, you can get better information if you let viewers pick between two options than if you simply ask a ‘yes-no’ question. You can always ask them if they going to be interested in the next theme of your stories, and announce to them about these.
Stay In Harmony With Brand’s Aesthetics
Your image is the most recognizable feature of your company, when it comes to your followers. They know your logo, they recognize your style and they can identify your product from afar. This means that they have to recognize your ad as well as connect the story to your brand seamlessly, and all this in a fraction of a second.
Not only does your Story Ad have to fit perfectly in your overall Instagram aesthetics, but it also has to fit in your overall company aesthetics, i.e. your image. For example, you can’t just polish and decorate the hell out of your ad, only because you’ve seen it work elsewhere and if that doesn’t look like you. Simply put, you have to adjust your ad to what your viewers are expecting to see from you. You can do that just by using colors of your brand in your stories, or the same font. For now, there are just a few fonts you can use in Instagram stories, but you can customize images that you want to upload before using Instagram. Use Adobe Illustrator or
Photoshop to polish your stories, and then add some gifs or pools to make them more interactive.
All in all, it’s all about keeping your audience engage by discover the fun and interactive ways to reach out to them. Even though a few are listed above, new ways of utilizing Instagram Story Ads are invented daily, which means that it’s just up to you and your creativity to make things work.
This is a softscripts guest post, written by one of our readers. The content in this post belongs to their respective owners. If you feel that any content posted here is a violation of your copyright, please write to us at [email protected] and we will take it down. There is no commercial exchange by Softscripts for the publication of this article.
Can AI replace the human writers? It is the well-known fact that the days are gone when Artificial intelligence was only being used in Science fiction movies. Whereas it is the time to accept that AI has taken over the human world. It has become a situation like we are living in the science fiction movie world. Due to the advancement in technology, everything is taken up by the robots or bots or chatbots. It could be somehow considered that AI can replace human writers.
Years, before AI generated content and SEO were just a part of a thesis. But now these things are slowly on a verge of becoming reality. We can consider the case of the phones first the telephone was discovered upon evolution the telephone become much smaller and compact. That contains more things than just dialling the people far away. Now the phone version is known as mobiles or smartphones.
The famous content writers are even saying that “People have already started using the Robots and the artificial intelligence to create the effective content and after 10 years people will start thinking how they have wasted such valuable time in making just content”.
The content writing bots came into lame light when an American Company known as Narrative Science came up with this idea in the year 2010. Whereas the background research was begun 10 years before. And it got worldwide recognition in the year 2013.
It all started at Northwestern University of Engineering and Journalism as part of the research. Kris Hammond and Larry Birnbaum are the co-founders of the Narrative Science. And their first discovery was QUILL using Artificial Intelligence.
This software is basically used to write the content and article’s for school or college level sports events. And articles on the financial earnings of a company. The articles written by this software are very natural and matches human written articles.
The companies like Amazon, Deloitte, Indix, Factset use Quill software for their daily updates.
Narrative Science has got a lot of appreciation and recognition for Quill. In the year 2017, it was listed in top 50 companies who are leading in artificial intelligence. In 2015 they were listed in CNBC’s Disruptor 50 list.
Below are some of the robot writers that are nowadays being used to produce millions and billions of content. After which you can easily analyze “who are the better writers- bots or humans?”.
Quill is the artificial intelligence bot that automatically communicates the crucial data at a scale. It helps in realizing the potential of the untapped data. To make it easier for the people to understand it and get the relevant result. The company Narrative Science distributes it. The NLG or the Natural Language Generation platform automatically generate the content, analyze it and communicate the data the way you want it.
(source: Quill)
Down the route, Quill gives the users an image of a powerful and a useful NLG technology. And builds up a strong and potential NLG technology. This software performs more complex tasks in an ordinary desktop.
The biggest advantage of Quill is that it has a high ability to generate the potential, targeted and insightful content and narratives from the analysis of the human and machine data taken. It even imitates the style of writing that a sports writer does and can fabricate 1000 more such articles. This indicates that the technology has advanced a lot in making the work of the humans easier.
AI bot quill and pricing
If a Sports article is considered, Quill can create 1000 more articles that are effective and genuine. All the articles are generated instantaneously without wasting a lot of time. The articles created would be different for every sport and maximum would be similar of the type that is written by the Sport’s writer.
According to the technological review, Quill can write up to 1 million words per day. There are a few top companies like Forbes, US intelligence etc those are using this bot.
While moving to the price of this Quill bot, this is not available online easily. After effective research, it was found that the price of the Quill differs from articles to articles depending on the type of story. It will cost $70,000 dollars per year for maintaining the same story type whereas it will create 100,000 stories. And the pricing differs for different story types.
Article Forge is a tool that automatically generates the article if a topic is being entered. It is considered as one of those tools that incorporate deep learning and understanding of algorithms to create the article similar to a human-created article.
It doesn’t just end up with creating the article it manages both material generation and publishing. Whenever you enter a certain topic about which you want to write. Article Forge search about that particular topic and checks millions of the article related to it and then fabricate the whole article in its own words.
It can also be considered as the only tool which checks on different articles and then has the capability to write its own article. It searches and writes an article just like a human being. These things help in creating a very high-quality content. The content written is of high quality and helps in link building.
While creating the content it adds all the Titles, links, videos, images etc into the content automatically.
Below is a content created by Article Forge:
This tool can generate Content in 7 different languages that include English, Dutch, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Portuguese. Articles in all these languages have the foundation as Artificial Intelligence that incorporates in Article Forge. Knowing so many languages makes the tool a versatile tool as it knows some other languages besides English.
People who are interested can have a 5-day free trial. After which they have to subscribe by paying a certain amount. You can register in it on a monthly basis or on a yearly basis.
In the year 2016 for the Rio Olympics, one of the largest American newspaper The Washington Post came up with a bot which was created using Artificial Intelligence known as Heliograf. This bot will post all the updates that take place in the Olympics and also write about the ongoing events and sports. It even creates content about the basic sports aspects.
This bot every morning in the early hours used to post all the updates about the events. That took place just before a day and also updates of presently ongoing games in the Olympics. In which not even a single word would be recommended by the human. The bot itself does everything. Below is just an example that the bot used to post on twitter.
Heliograf: mostly used bot
This bot was developed specially to make the writers free of the task of posting updates on the social media sites. And this bot will just concentrate only on the simple aspects of the games like updating the scores, medal counts for different countries etc. It focuses mainly on the things that are data related and statistics related. Which provides free space for the writers to concentrate on other complex tasks.
Till the year 2017, this bot created 850 articles including the high school sports update and automated sports earnings which the bot does with much more accuracy than the human beings. Heliograf Bot won the first award for 2018 Global world Biggies awardin the field of “Excellence in the Use of bots”
This is what the judges of the Global Biggies Award had to say about the Heliograf Bot.
Whereas, now this bot is not available for sale in the public. The full rights are with “The Washington Post” which they don’t want to bring it to the market.
It is regarded as one of the most convenient and easy to use tool for Article editing. And this tool is free of cost. We just have to enter the text that we want to check and edit. After which it highlights all those sentence’s which are complex and hard to read and all those words which are adverbs and are excess in the content. It even shows those phrases which have passive sentences and are needed to make them in to active.
You can see clearly the tool here is styled according to a document. It highlighted different phrases which have different problems. It even shows the readability score and whether the content is good enough or not.
There is one another bar after the readability score. Where you can see the reading time, letters present, characters used, total number of words etc.
Once you have completed all the editing in the content you can download the file .html extension directly in your desktop or laptop. And the most amazing thing here is, it is free of cost. You just have to download it for your desktop or laptop.
Wordsmith is another Natural Language Generation or NLG platform that takes down all your data and transforms it into a narrative insight. Frames the whole data into a narrative story and gives it a more human touch. For the different industry and the medium how they communicate.
The world’s largest Newspaper media group “The Associated Press” use this Wordsmith bot to generate effective quarterly earning articles.
The Associated Press uses the platform Wordsmith which was developed by the Automates Insights. It takes the raw data provided and then transforms it and different stories can be published easily that could be comfortably understood by the normal people. This involves all the earning details covering quarterly and more stories including the previous efforts.
Not only about the financial earning Wordsmith even went to write about the Sports leagues most of the school leagues, college sports and small basketball or baseball leagues.
The biggest warning that comes up with Wordsmith when you opt for it is. It requires a lot of human instruction to write down a relevant and effective content.
The financial business of Wordsmith
Firstly, we have to give it all the raw data whether it is for sports or for quarterly earnings for a financial business. Then we have to arrange all the data in a systematic manner according to the industry to which it belongs. Before providing all this to Wordsmith it should be checked that whether it could interpret it and narrate it accordingly. For which human beings have to create a template accordingly and provide the guidelines to the bot to work efficiently.
The Associated Press provides all the guidelines in an AP style format among all the templates, to write the reports. After giving all the details to Wordsmith it will provide a report. Wordsmith works for all the platform irrespective of the industry it is going into. NLG is not just for the big companies and supports only the huge MNC. It is for everyone who wants to get benefit from it.
While coming down to the price. “The Automated Insight” has not mentioned the price anywhere. If anyone wants to know more about it can go up for a free demo and know about the price.
Article Generator Pro creates the content which is plagiarism free and requires less human input. You just have to give the topic it will create awesome content related to it. The articles generated by Article Generator Pro are professionalised. You may require a content for the different purpose may be it for the school essay, college assignment, or business work. It will give you the best content without any plagiarism and gives an edge in content fabrication.
You just have to fill out all the required things. Like the topic, a number of words you want to concentrate, text rewriting, images required etc. After giving all input the Article Generator Pro will analyse everything and create an effective article. Not only just an article it can create an essay, thesis, report etc.
As we know everything comes with a price. You have to subscribe to it. To avail the automatic article generation.
But, if you opt for this tool it will automatically do research on the given topic. It contains a smart inbuilt algorithm which helps in reframing the information that it got from various searches. Basic, user input is required nothing more than that. Automatically write the bibliography and gather the images to have an effective content. In total it can be considered as a cost-effective tool for content generation.
AI bots can effectively reduce the workload on the humans. Like it improves the area of growth and provides the writers with a wide area to experiment and get good feedbacks.
Time taken can be reduced. The bot can help the writers partly by giving him the lines. The writer can use his creativity and incorporate this lines. That’s where an effective content comes up.
In content marketing, there is a lot of work to be done. From creating the content to using relevant keywords, using the images etc. Ai bots can replace all these kind of hectic works.
The technology keeps on evolving. In the field of AI it is never ending so it is expected to have a lot of advancement in Artificial Intelligence that will make the work of writers easy.
If you are worried thinking that may be AI can replace the human in generating content. And maybe you are worried about your future as a content creator. Then there is nothing to worry about it. Below are a few points which will help you build up your trust on that human writers are irreplaceable.
Trust Factors
There are a lot of people who are still not sure about AI and its application in technology. There are a lot of reasons which influence these facts may be because of the Mass media, cultural backgrounds. Usually, people will like to trust a human being than any bot or the algorithms that are embedded in it.
Moreover, when the creativity factor is considered. Bot are machines which are not at all creative as a human being is. The way a human can convert his emotion, and creativity into a content can’t be found in a Robot.
This is another major factor in creating mistrust for Robots in humans.
Bots don’t have Human Sense
Bots, Robots these things are made by humans to ease human work. That doesn’t mean that they could replace the humans. Bots don’t have any emotions, love, hate, memories etc. they can’t even show preferences. Which a human being has. Writing an article, blog, poem, story etc. should contain a human touch and feel. Bare sentences consisting of words can’t impress and draw a person’s attention. Whereas a human’s deep thoughts scripted into a content can.
When we move towards stories. A person tells a story which he has experienced or heard. Similar a person writes a story when he has experienced or something has impressed him. These all things the Robots doesn’t have.
There are a lot of tools available on the internet platform. Which can write the content for you or just rewrite the content if you enter the original one.
This is the original content written by a human being. Whereas below is the content that is just rewritten by the bot.
These two images show a huge difference in between. The Bot created content just changes some words and their meanings. Which makes the whole content different and not to the point. You can know easily which is bot written and which is human written. It has a clear difference.
All that a content needs is a human touch, his strategy, feel, experience, instruction to carve out a wonderful article.
Bugs in AI creation
AI creates a lot of content in just some time. This is one of the major drawbacks of AI. Because a number of contents will have a number of bugs. And it does tons of action in a few seconds which increases the risk of having a lot of mistakes.
If you have a typo error in one post then it will show up to all the customers. And everyone could easily view it. For which again a human hand is required. To remove all this kind of errors.
People are always curious about new things that come up in the market. But everything has some pros and cons. Similarly for a chatbot if it is in a discussion. It will stop after a certain extent and can’t continue after it due to its programming. And sometimes it gets some bugs in it also.
Bots are very expensive
The content generated by the Bots are very expensive. Above as we have discussed Quill it charges $70,000 per year to generate the contents. Being a content writer I have been using Hootsuite to manage my social media campaigns.
Here, for the first one month, you have a trial period after which you have to pay some amount on a monthly basis to be a member and use this bot. It is not too much expensive as compared to Quill. Here you can manage all your social media ADs, campaigns etc. You have to just set the things like in which social media platform what you want to post and at what time. According to the time and information given to it, the bot will post accordingly.
You can even avail a free demo of the Hootsuite. You have to go the free demo place and register your self then the Hootsuite people will revert back to you.
For a bot, every instruction has to be given by a human only. It can’t work on it own and it is very much mandatory for a human touch. Apparently which means you get only that, what you pay for.
Bots connection with Humans
Bots can’t be related and can never be as sympathetic as human beings. Unless a Robot comes travelling from the future.
Suppose we consider a statement “Digital Marketing has become an important and primary thing for any company’s marketing strategy these days”.
Why does this sentence stand so still and powerful? The connection of one human to the other who relate to each other. And experience the different things that are going around them. There are a lot of people who are on social media, follow blogs, Videos, youtube. Why people follow the PEOPLE, not any bots? because people connect people, People doesn’t connect bots.
This is where we come to a conclusion Human writers can never be replaced by a Bot. Because human connects to human, not to bots. And the connection is always an important and primary aspect of writing.
In this progressive world of cut-throat competition, one can’t afford to be left behind. One crucial parameter of always being in, and winning the rat-race is to go with the flow – be tech-savvy and constantly upgrade oneself. One has to keep abreast of the latest happenings and also be open to learning. Yes, learning is a perennial activity. The technological age is no less than the age characterized by ‘Survival of the Fittest.’ One has to constantly sharpen his/her axe.
Learning the latest know-how, imbibing advanced skills and gaining knowledge is not only mandatory, but also expensive. Well, if you have the zeal, nothing can come in your path. Knowledge is Power and we show you how you can amass it without spending a single penny. Sounds interesting? Doesn’t it?
In this article, we enlighten you on some of the best e-books for digital marketing trends that come free of cost. All you need to do is just log in, download the e-book; Hey and Presto! You have a plethora of knowledge before you.
All the e-books for digital marketing mentioned below are recommended by top digital marketers and will help you unwind various aspects of digital marketing trends.
Social media is a lot more than just making friends, poking, tagging, uploading images and videos etc. In fact, social media has changed the way of conversation, most importantly in digital marketing. The effect of social media is enormous when we opt for the B2B marketing.
Marketers are now focusing on Social Media, because people all around the world connect with each other only through social media – Yes, the reason as to why businesses are shifting their focus more towards Social Media!
Social Media is a widely used tool, with the help of which, marketers easily connect with their clients, involve in regular conversations and interact seamlessly.
Navigation in Social media can be quite difficult and challenging. To ease your work and help you wade through this difficulty, Salesforce has come up with this e-book for digital marketing. An e-book that gives tips and tricks on how to work on social media, and how to leverage your social media campaign.
The e-book throws light on the metrics which is required to be tracked, the content that is appropriate for the work and that can support all platforms. Most importantly, how to grab viewers’ attention, and how to convert viewers into customers, through the medium of social media.
(Source: Uberflip)
Content marketing is very important and plays a pivotal role in making any digital marketing strategy successful. Content marketing is not so easy as it appears to be. In fact, it requires proper strategy and planning and one should understand the deeper concept of content writing in digital marketing trends.
Knowing data analytics and implementing it in work is extremely crucial. Analytics doesn’t only help in making the right digital marketing decisions, but also helps in deciding whether the content you have written is performing, underperforming or overperforming.
In Data-driven content marketing e-book, you can learn about the content in detail – What is content marketing, how to write, what to write, etc. The e-book for digital marketing also contains information on how to create effective content.
This e-book focusses on an in-depth study of content marketing and the strategies involved in it.
(Source: Moz)
Moz provided one of the best e-books related to the latest trends in digital marketing. It provides some of the best SEO tools that help in various ways. This Moz Beginners guide to SEO e-book is not like any other usual e-book for digital marketing, it contains the important topics in the form of articles. When you browse through the e-book, you can easily understand the concept as all the articles are arranged in the form of topics.
There are a lot of e-books for digital marketing that are available for free on the internet platform. The Moz e-book has been read by millions of people n number of times. It is the best e-book available for beginners in digital marketing.
This e-book gives full details about the major topics in digital marketing that is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. You can learn all the strategies that should be implemented to make a website rank higher than the others and make it search engine friendly. This also includes information on topics like how to increase interaction with people, ow to improve rankings, how to use the keywords and why is content so important?
(Source: FreeEbooks)
Every marketer’s dream is to increase the number of leads. This “How to build a world-class internet lead generation program” is the best e-book on digital marketing trends and focusses on how to increase the number of audience for the business. Not only this, the greatest challenge lies in converting leads to effective customers.
This e-book for digital marketing explains everything in an elaborate way. It focuses on inbound content marketing, and the different ways we should opt to make effective content that will attract targeted customers. In this book, you can find the various tricks of the trade like remarketing or how to adapt it to increase the lead generation and how to use social media in promoting the same. These are just a few of the important tricks that are mentioned in the book.
The Author, Peter Geisheker also wrote details about internet sales funnel. You can learn how to advertise on the Internet platform and engage people and drive them to your website. This e-book also contains detailed information on how to use a dedicated landing page in sales.
(Source: Buffer)
Social media is considered as a major base where people across borders connect with each other seamlessly. After all, the world is now reduced to a global village. Marketers turning towards social media has become a regular practice these days. To concentrate on social media, it is essential to come up with good strategies and take careful steps.
Retracing our steps and going back a few decades from now, we understand that Social Media was not so popular and marketers never concentrated on it. Back then, people had the impression that social media marketing meant working in a new territory. Now, working in this territory has become highly essential.
Finding the best e-book for digital marketing trends, that too in social media is a bit difficult. To make things easier for you, we help you with this e-book, that consists of the top 25 social media strategies, which are filtered out from all the top-rated blogs on social media. All these 25 tricks are tried and tested, and only then rated as top social media strategies.
(Source: Optimizely)
Marketers get a better overview of “What are the customer needs?” and “What is it that they want?”, with the help of optimization and A/B testing. The main aim is to optimize the conversion, which is not a cake walk.
A lot of testing and experimenting is required. The optimization survival guide e-book for digital marketing contains complete details on how to achieve a conversion. It contains 30 best and top-rated tips from top marketers, who can show you the path of “how to become a successful marketer.”
The e-book contains tricks on how to sidetrack the roadblocks and helps to take the testing or the experimented program to the next level. It even tells what you must expect when you go for a certain optimization strategy.
This e-book helps you analyze your strategy and trail a hypothesis from it. This helps in building the best version of testing.
50 SHADES OF GROWTH by Sid Bharath and Danny Halarewich
(Source: Lemonstand)
This book titled “50 shades of growth” is one of the best e-books on digital marketing trends, tailor-made for digital marketers who are into the e-Commerce business. The book is all about e-Commerce and is very useful for the e-Commerce business.
This e-book for digital marketing contains 50 top rated tips and tricks on e-Commerce business growth, which helps to elevate your brand to the next level. The book contains all the steps explained in a detailed and easy to understand manner.
The tips mentioned in the e-book are well tested and applied by experts who have got the best results and have grown from scratch to being one of the top e-commerce companies. It even provides many wonderful tips, that you can experiment with, and implement.
You can also find a full list of optimization and marketing tools. Interested people can get good deals on the tools and users can use it.
(Source: Hubspot)
Creating content that attracts users’ attention is important. Making this step work – infographics, visual contents, graphics, data, graphs etc. is very crucial to implement, as this can improve the conversation with the viewers.
Infographic itself doesn’t work all the time. Without a perfect working strategy behind it, the idea of infographics may fall apart. To overcome this, Piktochart collaborate with HubSpot to make this happen.
In this e-book for digital marketing “How to generate leads with infographics?” you will find 11 crucial tips that will help to improve your lead generation by using infographics. This ebook is considered to be the best e-book for digital marketing in generating leads.
You can easily learn how to write content in the form of infographics, how to optimize infographics for a social media campaign, and also get a clear idea on how to pitch infographics to media and come to know the outlets that are content curated.
(Source: Marketo)
Conversation not campaigns is the e-book for digital marketing that gives a detailed information on topics like “how to conduct email marketing?” Opting for the old technique “batch and blast” is not ideal for all the cases.
It suggests to address an individual and speak to them directly in a personalized way, by having a generic conversation and thus attract more number of people. This can’t happen by blasting random emails.
The users need a reason to visit your website and engage in your emails. The marketers’ need to develop a good rapport and build a strong bond with the users. This is to retain the users. The bond should be one-to-one, not one-to-many. This is the best e-book for digital marketing trends that throws light on email marketing and also on the behavioral filters and the triggering messages that are based on the behavior.
(Source: Unbounce)
It is a known fact that the quality that we maintain in landing the page determines the success or failure rate of the marketing campaign that we run – a challenge that is hard to be accomplished. It is much more than just putting a headline and purposeful copy altogether.
If you are worried that your marketing strategy is driving away the customers, then “The conversion Marketer’s guide to landing page copywriting” is the best e-book for digital marketing trends that will help you in writing content for a good landing page. It even showcases the importance of the critical copy that must be present for the conversions.
It is an e-book consisting of 56 pages and gives all the professional tips and tricks that will help in attracting visitors and improving the landing page quality. You will also get to know “What are the click-worthy calls to action?”, or “What are the elements required for high converting landing pages?”
(Source: ConvinceAndConvert)
For conversions and making your business visible and known, the best strategy to follow is Influencer marketing. Sometimes, marketers consider it a bit confusing, but if implemented in the correct way, the results would be positive.
Paid and earned: two sides of influencer marketing e-book for digital marketing tells about what we should do to have a successful influencer marketing, and what should your focus be on when coming to paid marketing or earned influencer. All these kinds of questions are answered in this e-book.
You can also find some other important aspects viz the reasons as to why brands need influencer marketing etc. The influencer marketer requires brands so that new content can be developed and posted for the followers.
This is the best e-book for digital marketing trends that you should follow to know about different types of influencers like the mega, micro and macro, their impact and a lot more.
Source: Contently
Facebook has become an entirely new world for people inside the universe. The power of Facebook has become immeasurable and unparalleled when compared to other sites in all perspectives. Social media owes the world’s 25% of the traffic.
For all the brands to promote themselves, Social media acts like a gold mine, where you can keep your customers engaged and can bring their attention to your official website.
“Marketers guide to Facebook” by Contently, is the best e-book for digital marketing trends, mainly in social media. The book gives in-depth information on how to undertake Facebook marketing? You can even be able to run how to leverage the Ads in the social media platform to get better results. You can also find the best tips and tricks from industry experts and the case studies related to it from the brands who have mastered social media platform.
INSTAGRAM FOR BUSINESS FOR DUMMIES by Jenn Herman, Eric Butow, Corey Walker
(Source: Allitebooks)
The social media platform ‘Instagram’, can be efficiently used for increasing the business visibility, lead generation and conversion of the leads. Developing the brand insights will help in creating a brand awareness among people – on the products and services provided. Using Instagram for brand promotion will help connect the younger generation with a large sea of people, connected to social media. This will bridge the gap.
Business or brands can easily showcase “what they are doing” and can offer a view on the prospects to the customers. It can also build your brand profile on Instagram and improve engagements and reach. Create enticing campaigns, draw people to interesting contests and provide gift coupons to the winners.
These are some tricks and tips that you can learn from this e-book “Instagram for business dummies” which will help enhance your business and reach, through Instagram. This is how you can leverage your brand name in the social media.
Google analytics is a tool by Google for Search Engine Optimization or SEO and for different online marketing purposes. It gives a free web analytics which contains all the statistics, graphs, basic tools that are required for analysis. How Google Analytics will help in SEO Strategy.
Features of Google Analytics:
It contains data visualization which means getting the whole data, statistics, and everything that is related to one screen.
The data which it displays gets updated with time when new trending things goes on.
All the data provided are segmented into a subset for easy analysis.
You can get the full custom report and can even share the data using emails to have an easy communication.
Not even that it is integrated with other tools such as the Google Adwords, Website Optimizer, and Public Data Explorer.
The websites which are small or the startups or the companies which are of medium sized Google analytics support these websites more. But on the other hand, it doesn’t provide much support to the larger websites and the websites having higher enterprises. The data that is provided in the front end when we search something is provided by the Javascript page tags inserted on the pages and the codes on that data which the user wants.
The Page tags are nothing but a bug which checks on all the data that a visitor wants. Whereas, if the user has disabled Cookies the system itself can’t get all the data of the users because everything relies on Cookies. Google doesn’t analyze all the data given or available instead it does the sampling of reports.
Advantages of using Google Analytics
However, some people have raised a concern regarding the security issues while using the Google Analytics. From the dashboard of Google analytics, we can know information about those websites and people who are connected to social media sites like Facebook, Instagram etc. And there a lot of companies who require commercials in huge number so, they want an advanced version of web analytics.
Analytics tells a lot of things about the websites that are being analyzed by the Google analytics. Below are some of the points that should be considered:
How much amount of traffic you can attract and where are users from?
What are the pages that attract the users and why?
How much time do the users spend on a particular page?
What are the pages the users mostly surf before exiting from the internet?
In which websites or web pages the major number of users get converted to customers?
What is the number of users surfing the internet using Phones, Laptops, Desktops, and tablets?
What is the exact location of the maximum number of users?
Below are some of the ways in which you can use the Google analytics tool which is very much helpful in SEO strategy making:
Usually the digital marketer especially the SEO’s are tested by the abilities how they are creating the website rank high in certain keywords. And every digital marketing agency rank the SEO’s on the basis of total traffic generated and the Conversions created. If your site is active in the internet platform for 13months then it is called as to be the active and well-performing website. It gives you a fair chance to showcase your talent by showing the growth chart.
With the help of Google Analytics, the full growth graph is shown, there is a comparison tool already present in it. The Executive of any company can easily access it and see the growth chart and analyze from it. And you can show the executive about the progress and growth the company got because of your efforts.
If the officials see the growth they didn’t even ask about the keywords and the relevancy and where they are being used. Because when someone sees the growth he focuses on that only, after which rest all background things becomes blur.
The main thing which matters here is the growth and the profit that the company earns. Which means you have to showcase yourself as you are the reason for growth and profit. This is the best key to make your mark in the company.
The most important thing here comes up is knowing all those pages which receive a lot of organic searches. This helps the content marketers to take the best decision. Even helps in the making the strategies strong and good. Helps in making the best strategies in comparison with the other companies.
That’s is why organic search metrics becomes so important to be checked. It’s very simple to see the statistics for it. Just you have to select the “behaviour” in the bar in Google Analytics, then select the “site content” then go to “all pages”. After which you will get the full data of the pages which are trending the highest.
How to improve landing page?
It even gives several other options such as if you want to see the search result for the particular category in the page you can easily do that even. You can also see the indexation of the top web pages which are ranking high. If there is a landing page which has various kinds of the viewing analytics. This means the page view is huge and has a lot of interest and offering its user the best experience and ranked better than any other sites.
If you have a web page and Google likes your web page that means the other sites will also know about your website and see about the website and make your website popular. This is a very essential step to boost your page and help get the backlinks and users to your site. You can then easily link your page to the other pages by giving backlinks and internal links from your and their site.
If a site ranks low in the page ranking that means the company doesn’t provide the service which it mentions to be. These people usually use keywords to drag people but don’t keep the important content when users go to the actual site. Which invites the increased bounce back rate which means users return back who are not interested.
Before writing a content you can always see what the users are searching? what is trending? and what they actually want? For writing the best content the most important thing is searching the relevant queries, relevant keywords and then concentrating everything in a content and making it effective. This process is very difficult and clumsy and lengthy process. In this process, all the information can be easily received from the data collected from the Search Console.
You just have to go the “Acquisition” option then go to “Search console” and then to the “queries”. By using the Google search console you can get access to all the keywords for the particular word you searched. You can even find all the information regarding who and what they searched about you and your company? Even small things like who you are? what is your company about? what are your services? etc.
How to write content?
While creating the content it is always recommended to save the keywords that are related to the topic. This thing helps in creating your website rank higher in the Google rankings. To reach this place you always have to filter the keywords and chose those which are higher in search rankings.
After gathering all the keywords then comes the content preparation. Before that one more small thing is there. That is searching those pages which contain the relevant keywords and finding their reach. This thing makes the work very easy for the content writer because if the keyword reach is very good then the page ranking would be very good. And automatically the content will be having the highest reach.
Google Analytics is very useful if you want to see the campaigns that you ran for third parties. You can easily access it using Google Analytics. When you go to Acquisition then you will see another option such as “campaigns” and then go to “all campaigns” where you see the “full campaign list”.
Basically, this contains the information about all the promotional campaigns that you have done for other companies. And the campaigns that will showcase on their website but it will point to your site just by giving backlinks which may include things like discount codes, dedicated landing pages, articles, guest blogs etc. And each of the campaigns should contain a UTM code. As this is the code that makes the work of the Google analytics very easy while tracking for campaigns. The UTM code is basically attached to custom URL which is usually used to track the source, medium and the name of the campaign.
Performance Of Third Party
The data which is gathered from the campaigns of the third party will help to get the details of the website which is on the top and why it is? This instead helps in getting a lot of audience and clients. Links usually bring a lot of hype and weight to your web page. The more powerful the links are better the rankings of the webpage will be. Because links are the strongest things to get the best results.
And always note down those keywords which you think are relevant and are required for the future purpose. This even includes those keywords that help in attracting traffic to your website. These keywords you can find easily by going to the option “Acquisition” then go to the option “campaigns” and then to the “organic keyword”. This gives you full details of the keywords and generates new ideas for the content.
Users are the base of any company and the primary thing to remember. It is very important to have the details of the users whom you are targeting and of those who visit your web page. For example, if you have two websites one with all the statistics, well-defined profile, and higher metrics. On the other hand, you have another website with no profile information, Uncategorized, unstructured and no other information. Then which website will people opt for? The answer is the well-defined website.
So, these are all the channels or the pathways that let the users come to your website. Some people may have come randomly, some may have already visited your site, some may have seen your ads. There are a lot of possibilities in which a user can come up. But our work is to bring those people and giving them a reason to visit the website again.
When searched for the channels Google Analytics will show some of the default campaigns and channel in the first. But you can filter it out by choosing the categories and applying those things which will take you to the desired result. It even has the feature of grouping in Google Analytics which you can access by going to same option that is “Acquisition”, then you will get another option “All traffic” and after which you will get another option “Channels”.
What are the channels?
Not only that you can even create yourself a lot of channels. But, only one thing that you have to mark here is that “Is channel relevant enough?” and “Is it useful or not for the business?” And you should have every detail about it, but if you don’t know about it then the problem is with you. Instead, if you have a granular channel grouping you can get the best result as it eases the decision making. By accompanying this you will have the data that is accurate and right.
For having the best landing page- analyzing and performance of the landing page is mandatory for the channel’s performance. Planning everything in a strategized manner and having the channels those are working and which give suitable results. Not only that it should draw a lot of people to the website and increase the traffic to your website. These are some of the important things to follow.
Creating a top ranking website is not easy. Taking care of web design, development and SEO are just a few of things you have to tackle. And while you are taking care of all of these points, you also need to take care of the content. A content is said to be effective when it contains the relevant SEO keywords. While taking care of all this stuff one thing should be kept in mind a lot of time should be invested in finding the relevant keywords. By doing this you can get a clean and clear idea that where you want your website to be in. With the help of this, you can shape the company’s future easily.
Whereas, to make the work of finding the relevant keywords simple and easy there are a lot of tools available on the internet platform. Which helps in getting the most relevant, targeted and trending keywords in the digital platform.
The keyword finding is just like a hunting, and it may include a lot of things like SEO keywords, long tail keywords, negative keywords etc. This involves various other things like checking the best keywords which are related to your field of work. Increasing the number of searches of your website on a monthly basis. Keep all the long tail keywords aside first try to know about your competition. Use those keywords which are related to the topic and have a high search result.
Below are some of the most used and highly recommended websites to check for keywords:
It is the best place to search for the SEO keywords for any of the topic. Google keyword planner provides the result directly by checking the Google.
This website is considered as one of the top websites where you can get the relevant keywords. And is the best site when comes to the fact that “good content gives the best result”. So here preparing good content becomes very important.
This tool analyses Google inside out and give the required information that it gave from Google. It also tells about the search engine that you should target while the optimisation of the site goes on.
Just once you log in to the Google Keyword site, you will get the full details and later work accordingly. In regards to that, you will get various other keywords option which has the higher relevancy. But that is where the challenge beings hunting all the keywords and choosing those which are relevant for your work.
(Source: Neil Patel)
Not only that you will find various other things in it like the monthly searches for a particular keyword in an average, competition for the keyword, and how much a person should bid for that particular keyword.
The work done by Google Keyword Planner is not extraordinary but instead, it just does everything in a right way.
Soovle is a tool which gives SEO keywords from multiple sources. Like from Google, Bing, Yahoo, Wikipedia etc. And segregates everything just on one page.
Here, in the search option write the word which you want to search. It will then show various keywords from different sites and you have to choose all those keywords which are relevant according to your content.
Not only that in between all those keywords if you got the relevant keyword. You can drag that keyword and can save it in the “saved suggestions”. It is one of the best features of Soovle.
Jaaxy SEO keyword finding tool is the best tool available these days. By accessing it you can get access to various keywords.
This tool gives keywords in huge and large quantity. Mostly all those keywords which are related and even those which are not related.
Not only that it also gives all the data that is related to that particular keyword.
It has 6 different columns which are as follows:
First one the average searches that take place for that keyword.
The second one is the traffic, how much traffic does the keyword attract.
The third one is the QSR or Quoted search results, which means how many websites are there which are searching for this particular keyword.
Forth one is the KQI or the keyword quality indicator, which tells about the keyword whether it is of poor or good quality or just normal.
Fifth is the traffic which is the score based on the traffic and competition for the specific keyword.
Sixth is the domain which tells that how many domains are there which are related to the particular keyword.
SEO chat suggestion keyword tool is a bit different. Whenever we enter an SEO keyword it gives the related keywords in a stepwise manner.
In the first level, it will give the keywords which are important.
Considering the second level, it gives the important keywords with the sub keywords.
At last in the third level it gives the main keywords and sub-keywords inclusively it adds on more number of keywords.
So, it can be said that the third level is the best place to search for the required keywords. And the keywords in level 3 are linked with the keywords in level 2 and level 1. The third level keywords provide the best keywords and contain the hidden gems for your content and which will help your website to rank high in the Google listing.
Wordstream free SEO keyword tool is one of the most preferred tools to find the keywords. However, on the contrary, it is not a free SEO keyword tool. Gives free searches for first 30 keywords after which you have to pay some amount and continue using it.
It is a very user-friendly SEO Keyword tool. This is very much similar to the Google Keyword Planner. And is very much reliable and used by a lot of Content writers, SEO, and digital marketers.
Here, just like the other tools, you have to enter the word and it will show you the full list of relevant and most searched keywords and all those keywords which are related.
The aim of this SEO keyword tool is to give you the results which will make your business profitable. Not only that it even gives full guidance about how to use these keywords and where to use these keywords.
Not, only the SEO keywords tools there are even lot more tools which help in making you work even better. Wordstream is a huge website for digital marketing you just have to dive in and find what is helpful to you.
Ubersuggest is another fantastic SEO keyword tool. It provides you with the whole list of the keywords that are present or related to the same keyword.
But the important advantage of Ubersuggest is that it provides more reliable results as compared to Google Keyword Planner. It provides a list of keywords which contains all the keywords. Moreover, It provides all the keywords long, short, everything that is related to the word which is entered.
It is very simple to use you just enter the required keyword and start “search”. After analysing you will get some pages of the keyword suggestion.
It separates the keywords on the basis of “Search volume” the amount of the people searching it, “CPC” they have that is Cost-per-click, the last one is the rate of competition for the specific keyword.
MOZ SEO keyword tool is another best and widely used keyword search tool available these days. It provides various ways and different things through which we can find the most relevant keywords.
The above is the full overview of the keywords of the word that is being entered. It gives the keyword suggestion, SERP analysis and mentions of that keyword.
After which each of the options is extended where we get more suggestions. Which is shown below.
It gives the full details of all the related keywords to the word that is being entered. Not only that it has advanced options which can be seen below where you can see various options.
This was all about the SEO keyword search. Second, comes the SERP search results. Moz keyword tool displays everything that is in SERP Analysis and it gives the full details of it.
This shows,
Monthly income you will get if you go for it.
The difficulty that you will face.
Organic click-through-rate that you will gather if you go for it.
The priority that you will get on a scale of 0 to 100.
Keywords Everywhere SEO keyword tool is a different kind of SEO tool. This tool you have to install it in your desktop or laptop you just can’t access it like the other sites. It displays the data of the top 10 sites that are trending on Google this includes the sites like eBay, Amazon, Answer the public etc. It considers everything first and then gives the result which is relevant enough.
The best thing about this tool is that every time you don’t need to login to the site or open the particular website. Once installed, when every time you search for something in the browser it will automatically show the relevant keywords. Whenever you search anything it gives all the keywords comparing with the top sites. Not only that you can even know the Cost per click rate and the competition for the particular keyword.
And the coolest thing is that you can see those keywords also which the customers are attracted to or searching a lot and even those keywords which are not related but still are trending.
Google Trends can be used for finding the SEO keywords. While you search for a particular word it gives you various options for it.
Suppose you entered the term “digital marketing” for the search purpose. It will not only give the result for the keywords instead it will tell about some other things such as the recent search graph, related queries of it, the mostly searched area for that particular keyword.
These are some of the important things that are being covered by the Google trends and becomes very important while the keyword search. Not only that it even shows the regions which are having the craze about the particular thing or have a high Hype for it.
SEMRUSH SEO keyword tool is bit a different from normal keyword finding tools. Whenever you enter a word we not only get the long list of the relevant keywords. Instead, it also shows all those keywords that give a tough competition to this keyword.
It gives some other options like it lets you chose the country which you want to target. Then it also provides the information regarding the organic search or the paid search.
In the organic search, you can see the two options that the volume and the number of searches. While we go to Paid search we can find the two things that are the Cost per click and competition ongoing for the keywords. The number here represents the usage of that particular keyword and the cost for the particular keyword.
Later beside organic search, we have the cost per click distribution among all the top countries in the world. Then it shows the trending things. Which means the topic which you are searching for it tells what is the rate it is trending for.
Below that you can find the phase match and related keywords. The keywords that are trending and related are upgraded from time to time. Along with the SERP report.
Then you get the organic search results with the links which tell where the search happened from. With the Ad copies beside it. It even provides the full history of what you searched.
KW finder SEO keyword tool is one of the trending and upgraded tool. This is a free tool and provides every information for free. This contains a lot of features just at one place.
It tells the difficulty level, through the SEO Keyword difficulty tool. Which tells that how difficult it is to compete in this category. And how difficult it will be to rank higher in this category. It shows the difficulty level automatically not by extra searching.
Rest in the related keyword list it shows the keyword searches that are trending in the list. This depends on the PPC, CTR and the quality score of the particular keyword.
It even gives the SERP list that is on the top and is recently done. Which contain the Domain authority, page authority, Moz rankings, Moz trust rankings, links present in the content, facebook rankings, strength of the profile etc.
Serpstat SEO keyword tool is also one of its kind. This tool like some of the tools tried to sum up everything in one platform. The major hit for this tool is the graph which shows the competition.
It shows the full list of the companies that are competing for the same keyword and their rankings according to the Google search engine rankings.
You can also see the bubbles on Wikipedia, Youtube some other big websites who compete and have higher rankings, more visibility, targeted keywords.