Google analytics is a tool by Google for Search Engine Optimization or SEO and for different online marketing purposes. It gives a free web analytics which contains all the statistics, graphs, basic tools that are required for analysis. How Google Analytics will help in SEO Strategy.
Features of Google Analytics:
- It contains data visualization which means getting the whole data, statistics, and everything that is related to one screen.
- The data which it displays gets updated with time when new trending things goes on.
- All the data provided are segmented into a subset for easy analysis.
- You can get the full custom report and can even share the data using emails to have an easy communication.
- Not even that it is integrated with other tools such as the Google Adwords, Website Optimizer, and Public Data Explorer.
The websites which are small or the startups or the companies which are of medium sized Google analytics support these websites more. But on the other hand, it doesn’t provide much support to the larger websites and the websites having higher enterprises. The data that is provided in the front end when we search something is provided by the Javascript page tags inserted on the pages and the codes on that data which the user wants.
The Page tags are nothing but a bug which checks on all the data that a visitor wants. Whereas, if the user has disabled Cookies the system itself can’t get all the data of the users because everything relies on Cookies. Google doesn’t analyze all the data given or available instead it does the sampling of reports.
Advantages of using Google Analytics
However, some people have raised a concern regarding the security issues while using the Google Analytics. From the dashboard of Google analytics, we can know information about those websites and people who are connected to social media sites like Facebook, Instagram etc. And there a lot of companies who require commercials in huge number so, they want an advanced version of web analytics.
Analytics tells a lot of things about the websites that are being analyzed by the Google analytics. Below are some of the points that should be considered:
- How much amount of traffic you can attract and where are users from?
- What are the pages that attract the users and why?
- How much time do the users spend on a particular page?
- What are the pages the users mostly surf before exiting from the internet?
- In which websites or web pages the major number of users get converted to customers?
- What is the number of users surfing the internet using Phones, Laptops, Desktops, and tablets?
- What is the exact location of the maximum number of users?
Below are some of the ways in which you can use the Google analytics tool which is very much helpful in SEO strategy making:
Usually the digital marketer especially the SEO’s are tested by the abilities how they are creating the website rank high in certain keywords. And every digital marketing agency rank the SEO’s on the basis of total traffic generated and the Conversions created. If your site is active in the internet platform for 13months then it is called as to be the active and well-performing website. It gives you a fair chance to showcase your talent by showing the growth chart.
With the help of Google Analytics, the full growth graph is shown, there is a comparison tool already present in it. The Executive of any company can easily access it and see the growth chart and analyze from it. And you can show the executive about the progress and growth the company got because of your efforts.
If the officials see the growth they didn’t even ask about the keywords and the relevancy and where they are being used. Because when someone sees the growth he focuses on that only, after which rest all background things becomes blur.
The main thing which matters here is the growth and the profit that the company earns. Which means you have to showcase yourself as you are the reason for growth and profit. This is the best key to make your mark in the company.
The most important thing here comes up is knowing all those pages which receive a lot of organic searches. This helps the content marketers to take the best decision. Even helps in the making the strategies strong and good. Helps in making the best strategies in comparison with the other companies.
That’s is why organic search metrics becomes so important to be checked. It’s very simple to see the statistics for it. Just you have to select the “behaviour” in the bar in Google Analytics, then select the “site content” then go to “all pages”. After which you will get the full data of the pages which are trending the highest.
How to improve landing page?
It even gives several other options such as if you want to see the search result for the particular category in the page you can easily do that even. You can also see the indexation of the top web pages which are ranking high. If there is a landing page which has various kinds of the viewing analytics. This means the page view is huge and has a lot of interest and offering its user the best experience and ranked better than any other sites.
If you have a web page and Google likes your web page that means the other sites will also know about your website and see about the website and make your website popular. This is a very essential step to boost your page and help get the backlinks and users to your site. You can then easily link your page to the other pages by giving backlinks and internal links from your and their site.
If a site ranks low in the page ranking that means the company doesn’t provide the service which it mentions to be. These people usually use keywords to drag people but don’t keep the important content when users go to the actual site. Which invites the increased bounce back rate which means users return back who are not interested.
Before writing a content you can always see what the users are searching? what is trending? and what they actually want? For writing the best content the most important thing is searching the relevant queries, relevant keywords and then concentrating everything in a content and making it effective. This process is very difficult and clumsy and lengthy process. In this process, all the information can be easily received from the data collected from the Search Console.
You just have to go the “Acquisition” option then go to “Search console” and then to the “queries”. By using the Google search console you can get access to all the keywords for the particular word you searched. You can even find all the information regarding who and what they searched about you and your company? Even small things like who you are? what is your company about? what are your services? etc.
How to write content?
While creating the content it is always recommended to save the keywords that are related to the topic. This thing helps in creating your website rank higher in the Google rankings. To reach this place you always have to filter the keywords and chose those which are higher in search rankings.
After gathering all the keywords then comes the content preparation. Before that one more small thing is there. That is searching those pages which contain the relevant keywords and finding their reach. This thing makes the work very easy for the content writer because if the keyword reach is very good then the page ranking would be very good. And automatically the content will be having the highest reach.
Google Analytics is very useful if you want to see the campaigns that you ran for third parties. You can easily access it using Google Analytics. When you go to Acquisition then you will see another option such as “campaigns” and then go to “all campaigns” where you see the “full campaign list”.
Basically, this contains the information about all the promotional campaigns that you have done for other companies. And the campaigns that will showcase on their website but it will point to your site just by giving backlinks which may include things like discount codes, dedicated landing pages, articles, guest blogs etc. And each of the campaigns should contain a UTM code. As this is the code that makes the work of the Google analytics very easy while tracking for campaigns. The UTM code is basically attached to custom URL which is usually used to track the source, medium and the name of the campaign.
Performance Of Third Party
The data which is gathered from the campaigns of the third party will help to get the details of the website which is on the top and why it is? This instead helps in getting a lot of audience and clients. Links usually bring a lot of hype and weight to your web page. The more powerful the links are better the rankings of the webpage will be. Because links are the strongest things to get the best results.
And always note down those keywords which you think are relevant and are required for the future purpose. This even includes those keywords that help in attracting traffic to your website. These keywords you can find easily by going to the option “Acquisition” then go to the option “campaigns” and then to the “organic keyword”. This gives you full details of the keywords and generates new ideas for the content.
Users are the base of any company and the primary thing to remember. It is very important to have the details of the users whom you are targeting and of those who visit your web page. For example, if you have two websites one with all the statistics, well-defined profile, and higher metrics. On the other hand, you have another website with no profile information, Uncategorized, unstructured and no other information. Then which website will people opt for? The answer is the well-defined website.
So, these are all the channels or the pathways that let the users come to your website. Some people may have come randomly, some may have already visited your site, some may have seen your ads. There are a lot of possibilities in which a user can come up. But our work is to bring those people and giving them a reason to visit the website again.
When searched for the channels Google Analytics will show some of the default campaigns and channel in the first. But you can filter it out by choosing the categories and applying those things which will take you to the desired result. It even has the feature of grouping in Google Analytics which you can access by going to same option that is “Acquisition”, then you will get another option “All traffic” and after which you will get another option “Channels”.
What are the channels?
Not only that you can even create yourself a lot of channels. But, only one thing that you have to mark here is that “Is channel relevant enough?” and “Is it useful or not for the business?” And you should have every detail about it, but if you don’t know about it then the problem is with you. Instead, if you have a granular channel grouping you can get the best result as it eases the decision making. By accompanying this you will have the data that is accurate and right.
For having the best landing page- analyzing and performance of the landing page is mandatory for the channel’s performance. Planning everything in a strategized manner and having the channels those are working and which give suitable results. Not only that it should draw a lot of people to the website and increase the traffic to your website. These are some of the important things to follow.