10 Best Content Marketing Trends for 2019

10 Best Content Marketing Trends for 2019

Here is the content marketing trends, before we going to content marketing trends we need to know basic things.

What is Content Marketing?

If you’re new to this, let me acquaint you with what content marketing actually is. This is a no-brainer. The title itself suggests the complete idea. Hold your horses! Do not get deceived by the simple idea it connotes. There’s a lot more to it than that meets the eye.

How Content Marketing builds your Business?

Content marketing is merely a way of writing blogs with the purpose of attracting more traffic. This traffic eventually goes ahead and attracts the prospects that are essential for building your business. These prospects are the ones that you might be doing business with. Thus, in short, content writing is a way to build your brand and grow your business.

How Content Marketing helps SEO?

content marketing trends

Content Writing. How?
We will take you through…
SEO is nothing but helping your website crawl better on the Google SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Initially, you need to write as relevant a content as possible. Understand what the users would usually search for in your particular domain. Write your content in accordance with your keywords and Voila! You’re good to go.
Google will start considering all those keywords and display your page on the SERPs. This leads to a number of clicks to your web page. So that’s how it helps your SEO. For the content marketing tips, do read this article on content marketing tips and tricks.

Why is Content Marketing important for Business?

Content marketing is said to have attracted about 160% of businesses more than the websites that don’t encourage content writing. If you don’t showcase your own expertise, then how will the external parties know of your existence? Similar is the case with the content writing. Content writing is a technique where you show off your skills and expertise in that particular area, that finally leads to the prospects – creating your brand. When you appear constantly on the SERPs, when the prospects search for the same, it definitely grabs their attention. When these prospects are interested enough in the way you do business, they’d be willing to team up with you. That’s how most of the prospects are earned online.
If you’re still not convinced, do go through this article.

What are the Content Marketing Channels?

Once you finish with your content, the next and the foremost step is to promote it on a large scale. This promotion is helpful as then, it would reach a large number of prospects who are looking for services like yours. Do register yourself in the channels mentioned below:

Social Media:

What’s the purpose of all those hours of writing when it doesn’t reach the expected audience? What better location could you find to publicize your article than your very own social media? We know out of all the communities, social media has the highest outreach. Do share your articles on the social media platforms to garner a number of audiences. In order to understand how you can leverage social media for your content marketing, do read this article on social media promotions.

content marketing trends: Social media

Similar Field Communities:

There are a number of communities that are in relevance to your field of expertise. No matter what field you are in, you can always find your own communities. These communities help increase the relevance of your posts.

Guest Blogging:

Guest blogging is yet another way of expanding your business in a short time. Find the website with a better domain authority (DA) than yours and start guest blogging. This will lead the traffic from their website to visit yours and eventually, you’ll see a great increase in your traffic.

Email Campaigns: 

Encourage the viewers to give out their emails in an interactive way to be able to send them more of these. Keep them updated, keep those blogs coming one after the other. Make it interesting to watch. Not everyone is interested in sharing out their personal information, so make them give it out to you by themselves. Such should be your strategy.


Make videos, make them interesting, publish them on YouTube, give out your link. This will eventually gather a huge amount of traffic. Keep interlinking from one media to the other to get a huge flow of traffic.
Out of all these, there’s one important thing that you can never fail to follow. Always get yourself updated with all the new trends in the field.
Here are a few more low key channels you can visit.

What are the content marketing trends for 2018?

content marketing trends: trends

1. Content Remarketing:

If you can invest something on this, then you need to go with this. Content marketing is the way in which you can display the same content that your users were not able to finish. So, the people would have the option to come back and finish the whole article again. This is called content remarketing. This helps the visitors leaving your website to revisit.

2. Podcasts and Embedding Videos:

The latest trend these days that has been taking over the regular blogging is the Podcasts. These podcasts are highly essential for all those people who are busy to read through things. Podcasts help in reading out the whole article that is written in words. This helps the reader to multitask while listening to the same content that he/she has to read.
Embedding videos from YouTube or various other channels helps in easy understanding. This ease of learning attracts a number of people towards your blog. Not just that, one of the ranking factor, duration of a visitor in your website, increases by a great amount, when you successfully make them stick to these videos.

3. Funny and Humorous:

Being funny has always attracted a number of customers. I know I’m not as funny but yeah, I don’t recommend you to be that way. Don’t go hurting people on your quest for being funny. A good laugh always kills off the pressure that you take all day! Hence, be funny for yours and your viewers’ sake!

4. Promotion, Promotion and Promotion:

Keep promoting yourself finding new channels. I can only suggest a handful of these, but you need to find your own communities or locations to promote based upon your field. So, just go ahead and find your niche communities to be able to spread your content across the web.

5. Ambience:

These days people are all about ambience. Would you walk into a restaurant with a bad ambience even though it offers great food? That’s the effect even a website ambience has over the viewers. These days every other website is developing its pages, such that they are more interactive than ever. So, do concentrate on your website’s interactiveness, such the viewers remember the next time they visit your blog.

6. Voice Search:

The next big thing that everyone is aware of! Voice search is the next big thing in the technological advances running around. We can say with surety that this will take over the regular search by a great extent. That’s the kind of predictions the experts have for this. So whenever you write some content, do keep the questions asked as per the perspective of the voice search. This might not be completely essential on this day, but in the future, it’s going to help your viewers a lot with their search.

7. Marketing Automation:

Another way in which you can make your life easier is by using the marketing automation. Marketing automation helps you in doing the jobs that are usually performed by people. Hence, do understand what a marketing automation is and how it helps you in building your marketing strategies – here.

The Evergreen Trends:

There are certain trends that never go out of date. The ones that are listed below are few of those. Never ever even think of neglecting all these factors.

8. Trial and Error:

This is a method that works the best. This needs a lot of patience, but mark my words, this will help you in the long run. Learning from mistakes is the best way to learn anything. The same is the case with this one as well. Keep trying for different techniques and implement them on your website. Some might even give you unexpected results. That’s how you learn to grow your traffic and prospects altogether.

9. Content Repurposing:

You update your blog day after day coming with all the new updates. Have you ever thought what happens to your older blogs? You must have thought about it, but have you really acted upon it? Well, you should. Your older contents are as important as the newer ones. The older content, once they are outdated, are supposed to be looked upon. These updates lead to a better quality and efficiency of your blog. It also shows the kind of effort you’re trying to put and how serious you are about your business.

10. SEO:

If you know the importance of having your website rank top on SERPs, then you’ll know Search Engine Optimization is always essential no matter what year it is. As long as the search engine exists, its optimization is highly necessary to attract enough traffic to your website. So always have your site optimized and ready for the search engine to crawl.

Best tools to improve in content marketing:

content marketing trends: Tools

Content marketing is not just about how you market the content. It is also a cluster of how you write the content. So, let me introduce you (if you don’t know already) to all the tools that can help you in writing and marketing your content efficiently. There are a number of tools that you can utilise for the content writing purpose.


Always have a sight on which Plugins to incorporate on your CMS. If your CMS is WordPress, then find the appropriate plugins to make your job easier and efficient. You can find multiple plugins that can help you out in making your job smooth. There are a number of such plugins, for WordPress, Yoast SEO: helps in your SEO, Backup buddy helps in backing your data while writing. Thus, do acquaint yourself with multiple plugins, but don’t go with too many of them. More plugin slows down your website.

Google trends:

This is one more way to find the most trending topics and putting them up on your website. Trending topics are always the ones that reach a larger audience. The current hot searches will put your site ahead on the results. So, always be aware of the trends, and be ahead of your competitors.

Google Trends


One more widget everyone needs to put on their respective browsers is Grammarly. This widget helps you in working out on your grammar. Bad grammar pulls you down on the results page. Hence, always take care of the grammar upfront.


In order to see which topics to concentrate upon, this would be the best site for you. Buzzsumo shows the statistics on which topic reaches the maximum social sites. Hence, according to these shared statistics, you can create your own content and share them on social media.
You can check demo Click Here


Writing a content itself is not enough for your content to reach the masses. You need to take certain marketing precautions as well, to install this plugin to be able to directly share your content on multiple social media sites.


There isn’t just one single thing that HubSpot does. HubSpot is considered to be one of the largest tools to ever exist for your content marketing. It not only helps you with your SEO, but also shows you the analytics that you need to be aware of. These analytics show the different responses to the different things you’ve tried on your content.


The other important tool in the field of content writing, Ahref analyzes all the content of your website and gives you your ranking on the internet. It shows the amount of organic traffic that your site attracts. It also has features like showing the progress of your site.

Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is the one site every website user needs to use to understand the statistics. These statistics help you deliver better performances on your website. This analytics also shows which sector your traffic is coming from. You can also have a view at your bounce rate and the duration at which your audience is staying.

Furthermore, if you’d like to have a brief look at tools, do look here.

Content Marketing Success Stories:

Nomadic Matt

content marketing trends: Traveller

A great and impressive travel blog by Matthew Kepnes who has earned a great deal of recognition. This guy is an American Travel expert and has a domain authority of his blog at a whopping 66. That’s quite a great Moz Domain authority for a travel blogger and it isn’t easy to get such an authority. He went on to writing books and managed to become the New York Times best selling author.

An MBA graduate, after traveling to Thailand decided to quit his job. He decided to earn his living by what he loves to do. He has travelled to over 70 countries in his 7 years of traveling. How to Travel the World on $50 a Day: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Smarter is the book that has been critically acclaimed and is said to be an eye opener for all those heavy spending nomads.

Neil Patel:

Image result for neil patel

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The guy about who all the content marketers are aware of. Neil Patel has found his own ways of attracting the traffic through both his conventional and unconventional methodologies. These tricks have helped him create a name for himself in the world of SEO and Content Marketing. Now, he is the founder of multiple well-doing websites and has a great impact on all the digital marketers.
Neil Patel is now worth more than $10M and has been said to have a great impact in the world of digital marketing. So, do follow this guy in order to stay updated on all the things happening around you.

Content marketing trends in various industries:

In the Travel Industry:

content marketing trends: Travel

The travel industry has been reaching new heights in terms of blogging and using its content on various platforms. So, let’s look at how this industry has been upgrading itself in terms of content marketing:

General Blogging:

The usual blogging has been on a hike for a long time and is believed to have a great future as well. These blogs are the way in which people are attracted towards the site. Different people enjoy the travel experiences of these blogs and become loyal customers.

Social Media Short Contents:

The short and sweet tales or quotes posted on social media go a long way in being shared among themselves. These shares are further publicised. This publicising further helps in the brand awareness.

Video Marketing:

Video Marketing is another way of putting the content in the videos and sharing them further. These are short and quick to read. There isn’t much detailed information but the short videos help in a quick understanding. They don’t consume much time and are quick in helping us by giving a brief understanding.

In Commerce Industry:

content marketing trends: Ecommerce

Content on the products:

There has to be certain content on every product description. The way the product sells also depends upon the description of the products. These details should be explained in a way that helps with a good understanding of the customer.

Instagram Description:

Instagram descriptions have always gone a long way in attracting people’s attention. These descriptions, if short and attractive, can keep the audience engaged towards them.

Video Marketing:

The videos of products and apparels give a brief idea on the products. The videos are not just enough, rather the product descriptions on the product page help with an easy understanding of the colour, size and further specifications.


The tweets made on each product also help with the product sales. Tweets are short ways of displaying the content and attracting the customer’s attention in a short time.


Well, what can I say? There isn’t a page good enough to describe and guide you all about the content marketing. But I think this would be enough for a great start. Understand what it is and start improvising if you’re lacking in any of these. All these tricks have helped me in gathering about 200% of traffic in less than a month. Here’s how even you can improve your blog audience. I’m sure it’d help you the same as well. Have a great time in marketing your content!

What’s new in digital marketing in 2018? Things you can’t miss

What’s new in digital marketing in 2018? Things you can’t miss

Digital Marketing Trends in 2018

1) Content


How do you make your website famous? By rushing on to the top of the google search, whenever someone tries to search for anything related to your field. This is not going to happen unless you learn every little trick of SEO.

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is a process wherein people tend to extend their reach towards the readers in order to grab their attention. When a content is written, one needs to make sure that the content has all that it takes to enlighten the reader. The reader must be able to easily find whatever he needs and should be directed to the appropriate links if the whole data can’t be written under the same content. Let’s dig a little deeper and learn how the search engines operate because if you need to learn the tricks you need to know its every root as well as possible.

What Actually Works for Driving Traffic from Search Engines?

You’re not alien to the fact that the most used search engine is Google. To be honest some of us don’t even know if any else search engine exists. Such is the reign of Google in the search engine field. Every search engine has a different way of positioning its websites on top. The better your keywords and other SEO tactics are the more the chances.

Doesn’t matter which search engine you use, search results are dynamic and they go on changing on a continuous basis. Google keeps on updating its methods of ranking its website. So with such dynamic process, one should never rely on any SEO software as the change is quite difficult to predict.

So how does this work? How do you think Google determines which pages to show in response to whatever users look for? How do you get this traffic that is of utmost importance towards you?

Google’s algorithm is extremely complex, and I’ll share some links for anyone looking to dive deeper into how Google ranks sites at the end of this section, but at an extremely high level:

Google basically looks for the high quality with a good amount of content that meets the requirements of the user. They determine relevance by “crawling” (or reading) your website’s content and evaluating (algorithmically) whether that content is relevant to what the searcher is looking for, mostly based on the keywords it contains.

There are numerous ways in which Google determines which website to rank first, but most of all it looks up how many websites take your website’s link as reference. To put it extremely simply: If the only sites that link to your blue widget site are blogs that no one else on the Web has linked to, and my blue widget site gets links from trusted places that are linked to frequently, like CNN.com, my site will be more trusted (and assumed to be higher quality) than yours.

Increasingly, additional elements are being weighed by Google’s algorithm to determine where your site will rank, such as: How often do users come to your sites, how engaged can you keep your readers, are they visiting any other website for further information or are they satisfied with what they find on your page. Your site’s loading speed and “mobile friendliness”

How unique is your content and how determined are you in providing a diverse kind of articles for the enlightenment of your customers? Every little thing matters in SEO. So to make it simple, being honest and humble towards your readers would be the best bet for you to receive the number of readers.

Source: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2015/04/30/seo-basics

Links you can refer for further knowledge:

Honest SEO


In order to rank higher, you can follow tips from different websites as each website provides different innovative ways, I’ll be attaching a few of them at the end of this paragraph. Let me tell you some of the very basic things that every website is going to tell you. Make sure the keywords are entered right. You need to know the most frequent searches. Provide links to other websites if you think they have explained it better or have a different mode of explanation. Content sharing is always helpful. If you’re good enough in finding the source of the website. That is a different way in which people would love to visit your website as you’d be good not in just providing the content but also directing the readers towards the pages where you can find a better explanation.

Make sure to not go with the black hat tricks and stick to your ethics. Using black hat techniques will not only lead you to lose your potential customers but would also have your contents at risk. The key things to follow in SEO are mentioned below:

1) Follow the trends and stay updated all the time
2) Attract customers by showing the kind of exposure you have on what you do.
3) Be ethical and don’t follow black hat tricks like backlinking or keyword stuffing.
4) Make sure when the readers read your content they don’t have to find anything else out of your page.


Infographics are the most feasible and easy way to express some good information. People get attracted to the brighter version of explanation and they tend to understand the pictorial representation when compared to the usual generic typed information. So putting the norms of cliched text aside try and decorate your content with some efficient and easy to understand infographics so that as soon as a reader enters your website he gets a vibe of interest because as long as the vibes in a website are positive, people learn better. It is a known fact that pictures are way better modes of information understanding.

There’s a wonderful theory behind the same. Whenever you read something the chances of you understanding and retaining in your hand is relatively very lower when compared to a situation where someone explains you a story. Our imagination skills work far better when it comes to storytelling or understanding something through pictures. Hence, if you inculcate the habit of using infographics in your pictures, you tend to attract a number of customers as it makes easy for them to understand whatever you’re trying to sell.

According to research compiled by 3M, the corporation behind Post-it Notes, visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text, which means you can paint a picture for your audience much faster with an actual picture. It’s no surprise then that HubSpot’s social media scientist Dan Zarrella found tweets with images are 94% more likely to be retweeted than tweets without.

Source: https://www.fastcompany.com/3035856/why-were-more-likely-to-remember-content-with-images-and-video-infogr

Some of the tools through which you can create infographics are: Canva, Edrawsoft, and Venngage

Have you ever observed how your eyes are directly attracted when some funny face or other funny picture comes in front of you? Let us put 3-4 pictures in front of you. One with a written content, next with infographics and third with an image attached immediately above? I’m sure your eyes would dwell first on the image attached here. It’s human eyes’ basic tendency of finding the things that provide delight to their eyes or something which enlightens their mood.

When the emotion is already expressed it only takes your reading skills as you already understand the situation by the things present in the picture. This is something that hasn’t been used much because of the impression that it doesn’t sound very professional. But has proved to have some really good result, reason? Ask yourself which one would you be delighted to read?

So in this generation of informal knowledge transfer, I personally prefer even a business website to be as informal as needed. At the end of the day, a website has to publish some brain soothing things too in order to have a better reach towards all genres of their customers.

Pictorial Representation:

Unlike the points mentioned above, if you aren’t able to brainstorm a good idea or a good infographic picture to help you with the pictorial part, you could just put up some relevant picture that shows the exact similar situation and make sure that the picture represents the content and its information in the best possible way.

b) Social Media

Live video and stories:

Image result for instagram live stories
Credits: Wired

This is the first most important part of this year’s marketing trend. Just a couple of minutes on live video would grab millions of fan’s attention and occasional things like these tend to stack up in our brains for a long time. You don’t need to pay huge amounts of money to the celebrities as this could just be done by them sitting right at home. You can also use the fame of insta-celebrities, one moment of their time could grab you some great number of viewers or customers. Scroll down to the next point to read further about this.

Influenced marketing:

Image result for instagram celebrity marketing selling jazzypooo
Credits: Jazmine Garcia

Source: https://stories.buffer.com/the-simple-guide-to-monetizing-instagram-c2b0bab3c242

Just as mentioned earlier, the same way in the picture above you can see this insta-celebrity Jazmine Garcia posing with a product that she has been paid to promote, this is how small or medium scale industries could go about if they really want to increase the reach of their products.

Multiple people around the world who basically are famous on social media tend to use their fame as an opportunity and promote market of various products. These people have some really good potential followers and would charge way times lesser than the celebrities. So your product reach will be high and similarly, you would get to spend a relatively very low amount.


Youtube is the second most used search engine after Google and you know how many of us tend to visit the website on a daily basis. These days whenever someone hears about anything, all they do is go to youtube rather than Google, because it’s no hidden fact that video explanations are less stressful, less time consuming and easy to understand. You can just post your advertisement before the video begins. People have no better option than to go through these videos to get into the part they actually came for as there is no possibility of forwarding them. This might seem like a force-feeding but people are so addicted to youtube that they don’t even care about it. Youtube is not going to go extinct any time sooner, hence youtube ads are another better way of attracting and letting the potential consumer or client learn about your business.

c) Giveaways:

Who wouldn’t enjoy some free stuff? People go and create multiple accounts if there’s a possibility of earning even as low as a 20 rs when there’s a signup bonus. If the amount is large you can still garner a lot of popularity. So rather than spending millions on celebrities, you would rather just use different ways of attracting the consumers towards you by offering them so giveaways.

Let me give you a strategy for the same. Ask people to like and share your Facebook page wherein you sell your products or do your business and let them know that first certain number of customers would be awarded a certain amount. That’d attract some good number of customers and users to your page and in order to keep the customers from unliking the page, offer them a scheme of a certain number of lucky people winning gifts in the form of cash or products.

The basic things to keep in mind before you implement all these things:

1) Do what you say, say what you do, because any business is always all about trust. Until you prove your efficiency no one’s going to invest in you.
2) Be ethical and honest. This might lead to a slow growth but eventually, this would lead to a great respect in the society and respected people are always chosen first.
3) Be a critic, yes, but choose not to be something that spreads hate or negativity. Treat every single person even if a client or not with all due respect. You will be returned the favor one way or the other.
4) Don’t let them see you like you’re all about business.
5) Concern for the customer’s or reader’s need should be your first priority.
6) Empathize more, know about your circle and reach of your customers a bit more

What are the best Backlink Strategies for the year 2018?

What are the best Backlink Strategies for the year 2018?

What are backlinks?

Whenever a website which is external to you links with you then it is known as backlinks or external backlinks. Backlinks are one of the most important factors which are used for rankings in search engine results. The algorithm of Google always keeps on changing and evolving. As backlinks only help you to gain higher rankings in the search engines. And links are one of the top most important things required nowadays to make your SEO service rank high. If you see any page is ranking high and having a lot of followers to it then it is including a lot of links to its content because Google thinks the page is authoritative if it contains a lot of links.

Earlier by using only the relevant keywords in the content was enough whereas now those times are gone. Earlier spamming of an article was ok to be done but not now because you can be penalized if you are found to be spamming an article on your website. The procedures of link buildings have been changed a lot with every coming year but still, it is very much important in making a page score high ranking in search engine rankings.


People doing online business or marketing usually don’t know why backlinks are important to rank the page to higher. People don’t get that backlinks are the foundation or the keystone of any Search Engine Optimization services. Google rankings are moreover is based more on the backlinks only. When the surveys were done by the Google says that backlinks are very important to rank higher.

In the Search Engine Result Page if a content is ranking on the top that means it is having a lot of links to the content than the content which ranks the less. People sometimes think that by having the backlinks only they will get the top rankings whereas it is not the same case everytime spamming the contents, forums or links etc get noticed and doesn’t gather you a good amount of links. Eventually when you have different backlinks from different sites than it is very useful in ranking high. The domain link authorities are very important for any site and if these are present in a site it helps the site to rank higher. So which initially means the site would be much powerful only when it higher domain authority links so you have to give more focus on the links than the site. To get more traffic to your site link building is very important for the SEO strategies below are the important link building campaign plans that are required in 2018:

  • FOUNDATIONAL THINGS IN LINK BUILDING: The most efficient and methodological link building involves investigating original data and research which makes the site 70% more powerful. As the “content is king” in nowadays digital world than keeping the content original and specific is very important to draw the attention of a lot of people. When some write a content or blog it is very important to keep the notice and having a grip on the original research gains a lot of backlinks and references for the site. So these are important or can be called as the foundational things of any content or blog by gaining a lot of backlinks. How the research and original data are being used for backlinks is given below:
    • Always chose the topic which the viewers find it to be very valuable. As there is a lot of things people want to know about if you catch the thing in the right moment of time and develop the content and blog at the same time. It will for sure drive you a lot of organic traffic to your site.
    • Always publish all your research and findings everything that is very important for the viewers to know about. As earning the links is not so easy without publishing the relevant research.
    • Not only the contents and blog always try to add the complementary content based on your research. Make a series of blog, videos, podcast etc use everything which you think is relevant to your content.
    • Never restrict your research, findings and analysis do as much as possible and use demographics, charts, graphs, graphics whatever that is relevant for your site to rank high and make the people feel that “it is having some relevant content”.
    • Promoting your site or the blog is very important because if you understand the people choices and feel that it will tickle the people’s interest sharing or be promoting the analysis is very good.
  • BUYING LICIT LINKS: some of the SEO services try to buy the backlinks or the sites but buying the links is a very bad habit because while analyzing Google may find it illegal and penalize your site. Whereas there are some other ways which help in gaining the high backlinks that involve things like- reviews that are paid, official sponsorship, and writing the guest blogs in some renowned sites with disclosure. How to have paid links are given below:
    • Go for the organic links than paid links because while the organic and paid links are compared then paid links are too risky to be used. And still, you want to rely on the paid links always remember that it should not exceed more than 10-25%.
    • Build the links slowly and easily because nowadays SEO builds the links 1-20 links per month instead opt for 1-2 links per month because link building should be done deliberately.
    • Researching a lot about the domain page site is very important. Check the red flags like spam contents, outbound links. Check the page history, its rankings and all. Before agreeing to do the backlinking works for any of the sites.
    • Always change the keyword anchored texts because pages having the same keywords are being sent a red flag by Google for buying the links.
    • Disclose your involvement whenever you pay the sponsored site for hosting the content. And always try to gain the trust of people by making everything transparent and making them know everything about the paid links to the readers.
  • POSTING CONTENTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: The SEO strategies nowadays think that the content sharing in the social media is very much important and efficient to gather the leads. And gives the most effective link building strategies as it is most followed strategy for link building in the SEO campaign. Some of the link building strategies that the SEO companies use are like the Broken Link building, Local Business Website. Almost any SEO company you chose for link building on your site everyone relies fully on social media for getting the desired leads. How social media helps in building links is given below:
    • Always know who is your target audience and check on which platform they are more active on. There are different tools which help you in finding this and focus mainly on that platform only because it will finally help you in gathering the leads.
    • Target the audience and chose the topic which attracts more of them. Use the tools to find patterns, engagement and likes, shares, comments etc which help gather the number of audiences.
    • Promote and share the content or blog as much as possible. And the content to free because if your content is interesting, attractive, and unique enough the viewers will only share your content.
    • Remarketing is one of the very important aspects nowadays. If suppose you tweeted it don’t stop there retweet it, if you already posted in Facebook then go in some other platform and post it there also, and give the content a small boost with every passing week. In this way, you can gather the number of leads that are new including the old one.
  • LINK BUILDING USING VIDEOS: the surveys say that 66% of the SEO companies think that the link building using videos is very much effective because people have to be very careful while building links in the Google whereas there is no such thing with the Youtube videos. And a lot of people out there think that hosting a Youtube channel is very much efficient than having a page in any site and moreover sharing the videos in different social media sites gives a lot of boosts to host page in Youtube. And it is always been a great idea to include backlinks in the video and share them on different platforms.


Local SEO: How it will help your company grow?

Local SEO: How it will help your company grow?

Local SEO basically means targeting the audience in the local platform. It is one of the most trending things nowadays and the most effective way to promote your business on the local platform. 46% searches done on the internet are the local searches and the percentages are increasing every year. And an online business should always have a local SEO or else it would miss a great amount of traffic on the local platform. It is the optimization of the businesses in the local online platform you that you can be found easily on the local platform. Having your audience nearby you is a big plus point for your business.

Websites not only give attention to local audiences even as it connects to the audiences internationally. It would be an undeniable journey for anyone or business to begin their local SEO journey with an optimized on-page and off-page strategies for SEO.


Normal SEO and local SEO both are the same only difference is the geographical region it is targeting. If you want to go to the top then going step by step is very good, first aiming locally then being global will benefit a lot to your business and help it grow in the SERPs or search engine result pages.

If suppose you are having a restaurant locally in Visakhapatnam if your it ranks high in Hyderabad there is no point in having such type of SEO services. People should find it in locally and it should be effective for people living in the same place not far away, increase in organic traffic is very much important for any local business.

The address, city, and region should be very much proper to optimize the local SEO in the easiest way. Content also plays a very vital role in local SEO campaigns the things like including the details, its speciality, about your business, how it is reaching to the local people, even including the nearby towns etc. if you include all these things people moreover get attracted to it and people from the towns nearby will also want to know about your business. Which gradually helps in growing your business. And all these things can only be accomplished by a proper optimization of the best SEO strategies.


  • CREATE AND OPTIMIZE YOUR WEB PAGE: creating a web page or website is very important for any online business. Creating web pages in Google My Business and Facebook page if you are targeting the global audience helps a lot.
  • For the local promotion of the business creating web pages in Sulekha, Justdial, Quikr will help you gain a lot of leads. Not only this the optimization of the web pages is also very important that too by following the right SEO strategies. Because the right strategies only help you let go to the top in the Search Engine Result Page or SERP. Detailed information is what people require nowadays, and providing them this is your work the details should include:NAP: the name of your company, correct address, and the right phone number.
  • Don’t forget to mention the right opening and closing time of your company, because if it is wrong then the people may come and return if your company is closed and you will be losing your valuable customers.
  • If suppose you have 4-5 branches of your company it is always recommended to give the full details like the address of every branch, the contact numbers of every branch with including the names.
  • The phone numbers which you provide should be in working condition because if a client calls you and your number is not in working condition then it will lead to losing the potential customer. If you provide the number as the clickable one than it is the best service you can offer to your clients. Searches say that 76% of people prefer calls in the local searches whereas 30% result in location-related local search.
  • Not only adding address but adding location or map has also become very important nowadays. Because people want themselves to be navigated straight to the spot without including the in-between search works involved. And more than 80% of people look for Google maps location which can navigate them easily to their destination.
  • Adding reviews is also very important because people nowadays believe more the reviews and comments given by the users who already experienced it. They are the trust building signals for the users.
  • Including schema which means creating the common language or the most understandable language and targeting it every search engine like the Google, Yelp, Yellowpages, Bing etc. which makes your website to be easily get noticed and understood by the search engines. This helps a lot in increasing the rankings of your website and most important tells the search engine that you are a local business, not the big brands. Which initially increases the leads and attract a lot of people which also improves your rankings.
  • CREATE ONLINE PROFILES: having your business website is not enough for your business, if you want your business to be known by a lot of local audience’s then you must have a page in the local search websites like Sulekha, Justdial, Quikr. And also create a page in the social media platform like the Facebook, Instagram etc and most importantly having an account in the Google My Business, Yelp, Yellow pages, Bing increases the visibility of your business page a lot.
  • But when it comes to the search in local areas people moreover rely on the reviews and websites that gives true reviews. The local websites here includes Sulekha, Justdial, Quikr etc. for any business those are targeting local people having a page in these sites is very important. Even Google also follows and posts the reviews about the local searches that are given by the local search websites.
  • Google my business is very important for any business whether it is small or big, it helps you manage your business page and lead it to the top ranks and makes the presence of your business be known to people. And ranking high in google page is very important because the ratings only ensure were your business and how much visible and reliable your business is on the online platform. As we know that 86% of the people rely on Google maps for the navigation to the right place of the company.
  • Ranking high in the local listing is also important as there is always a competition between every similar type of business, the local reviews by Sulekha, Quikr, Justdial helps a lot to make your business stand out in the competition.
  • Reaching out to people using social media is always been a great idea because social media has now become very huge and almost 70% of the population is active on social media. Which brings you a great platform to promote your business and attracting leads to it.
  • Whatever platform you may be using but the information given should be the same and correct one. And should always check who is your relevant customers or the target demographic so that you can target those group of people easily. Maintaining the same consistency in the business will surely help you to excel.
  • CREATING BLOGS OR CONTENTS: Every online business having the websites or web pages should have their blogs for sure. Because it lets the people know what is your business about? What are the things you are providing them? How are they working? And how these services are important to them? Which attracts a lot of leads to your website.
  • Having the links which draw more links to your website is the relevant one. Because links only help your business website to rank high and the links are the furthermost factor for any page to rank high. And a simpler link will always help improve the rankings of your blog and web page also. The blog should always contain information about the locality, local things, neighborhood, the neighboring cities and towns, the terms that localities usually search for. Always try to sponsor local events, functions, organization which makes your presence in the local. And all the blogs posted by you should always help the audience and be informative to them.
  • Link building is very much important to build the strong bond with the audience’s it can be done by joining with the local business blogs and can participate in the conversation going on the blog. Which firstly enhances the local presence of your business in the people. By this, even you can know who are your competitors and can avoid direct competition with them. And always gives some comments and mention their links to your blog which help people to get to your blog easily. And building links and increasing the links helps in building a very good base for the business.
  • For any business, it is important to know which demographic you are targeting for or which group you are targeting for as you are writing for that group of people only. You should always know what your audience want not you want because people least bother what you want they only care what they will get from you.
  • Mistakes made while writing a content is very common it should be taken a lot of care while crafting the contents. There are a lot of tools available online which will help to omit these type of errors or mistakes. And never directly copy the content from different websites and paste it in your blog because people can easily know about it and doubt on your business and its uniqueness which will decrease your business rankings and business also.

