10 Best Content Marketing Trends for 2019

10 Best Content Marketing Trends for 2019

Here is the content marketing trends, before we going to content marketing trends we need to know basic things.

What is Content Marketing?

If you’re new to this, let me acquaint you with what content marketing actually is. This is a no-brainer. The title itself suggests the complete idea. Hold your horses! Do not get deceived by the simple idea it connotes. There’s a lot more to it than that meets the eye.

How Content Marketing builds your Business?

Content marketing is merely a way of writing blogs with the purpose of attracting more traffic. This traffic eventually goes ahead and attracts the prospects that are essential for building your business. These prospects are the ones that you might be doing business with. Thus, in short, content writing is a way to build your brand and grow your business.

How Content Marketing helps SEO?

content marketing trends

Content Writing. How?
We will take you through…
SEO is nothing but helping your website crawl better on the Google SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Initially, you need to write as relevant a content as possible. Understand what the users would usually search for in your particular domain. Write your content in accordance with your keywords and Voila! You’re good to go.
Google will start considering all those keywords and display your page on the SERPs. This leads to a number of clicks to your web page. So that’s how it helps your SEO. For the content marketing tips, do read this article on content marketing tips and tricks.

Why is Content Marketing important for Business?

Content marketing is said to have attracted about 160% of businesses more than the websites that don’t encourage content writing. If you don’t showcase your own expertise, then how will the external parties know of your existence? Similar is the case with the content writing. Content writing is a technique where you show off your skills and expertise in that particular area, that finally leads to the prospects – creating your brand. When you appear constantly on the SERPs, when the prospects search for the same, it definitely grabs their attention. When these prospects are interested enough in the way you do business, they’d be willing to team up with you. That’s how most of the prospects are earned online.
If you’re still not convinced, do go through this article.

What are the Content Marketing Channels?

Once you finish with your content, the next and the foremost step is to promote it on a large scale. This promotion is helpful as then, it would reach a large number of prospects who are looking for services like yours. Do register yourself in the channels mentioned below:

Social Media:

What’s the purpose of all those hours of writing when it doesn’t reach the expected audience? What better location could you find to publicize your article than your very own social media? We know out of all the communities, social media has the highest outreach. Do share your articles on the social media platforms to garner a number of audiences. In order to understand how you can leverage social media for your content marketing, do read this article on social media promotions.

content marketing trends: Social media

Similar Field Communities:

There are a number of communities that are in relevance to your field of expertise. No matter what field you are in, you can always find your own communities. These communities help increase the relevance of your posts.

Guest Blogging:

Guest blogging is yet another way of expanding your business in a short time. Find the website with a better domain authority (DA) than yours and start guest blogging. This will lead the traffic from their website to visit yours and eventually, you’ll see a great increase in your traffic.

Email Campaigns: 

Encourage the viewers to give out their emails in an interactive way to be able to send them more of these. Keep them updated, keep those blogs coming one after the other. Make it interesting to watch. Not everyone is interested in sharing out their personal information, so make them give it out to you by themselves. Such should be your strategy.


Make videos, make them interesting, publish them on YouTube, give out your link. This will eventually gather a huge amount of traffic. Keep interlinking from one media to the other to get a huge flow of traffic.
Out of all these, there’s one important thing that you can never fail to follow. Always get yourself updated with all the new trends in the field.
Here are a few more low key channels you can visit.

What are the content marketing trends for 2018?

content marketing trends: trends

1. Content Remarketing:

If you can invest something on this, then you need to go with this. Content marketing is the way in which you can display the same content that your users were not able to finish. So, the people would have the option to come back and finish the whole article again. This is called content remarketing. This helps the visitors leaving your website to revisit.

2. Podcasts and Embedding Videos:

The latest trend these days that has been taking over the regular blogging is the Podcasts. These podcasts are highly essential for all those people who are busy to read through things. Podcasts help in reading out the whole article that is written in words. This helps the reader to multitask while listening to the same content that he/she has to read.
Embedding videos from YouTube or various other channels helps in easy understanding. This ease of learning attracts a number of people towards your blog. Not just that, one of the ranking factor, duration of a visitor in your website, increases by a great amount, when you successfully make them stick to these videos.

3. Funny and Humorous:

Being funny has always attracted a number of customers. I know I’m not as funny but yeah, I don’t recommend you to be that way. Don’t go hurting people on your quest for being funny. A good laugh always kills off the pressure that you take all day! Hence, be funny for yours and your viewers’ sake!

4. Promotion, Promotion and Promotion:

Keep promoting yourself finding new channels. I can only suggest a handful of these, but you need to find your own communities or locations to promote based upon your field. So, just go ahead and find your niche communities to be able to spread your content across the web.

5. Ambience:

These days people are all about ambience. Would you walk into a restaurant with a bad ambience even though it offers great food? That’s the effect even a website ambience has over the viewers. These days every other website is developing its pages, such that they are more interactive than ever. So, do concentrate on your website’s interactiveness, such the viewers remember the next time they visit your blog.

6. Voice Search:

The next big thing that everyone is aware of! Voice search is the next big thing in the technological advances running around. We can say with surety that this will take over the regular search by a great extent. That’s the kind of predictions the experts have for this. So whenever you write some content, do keep the questions asked as per the perspective of the voice search. This might not be completely essential on this day, but in the future, it’s going to help your viewers a lot with their search.

7. Marketing Automation:

Another way in which you can make your life easier is by using the marketing automation. Marketing automation helps you in doing the jobs that are usually performed by people. Hence, do understand what a marketing automation is and how it helps you in building your marketing strategies – here.

The Evergreen Trends:

There are certain trends that never go out of date. The ones that are listed below are few of those. Never ever even think of neglecting all these factors.

8. Trial and Error:

This is a method that works the best. This needs a lot of patience, but mark my words, this will help you in the long run. Learning from mistakes is the best way to learn anything. The same is the case with this one as well. Keep trying for different techniques and implement them on your website. Some might even give you unexpected results. That’s how you learn to grow your traffic and prospects altogether.

9. Content Repurposing:

You update your blog day after day coming with all the new updates. Have you ever thought what happens to your older blogs? You must have thought about it, but have you really acted upon it? Well, you should. Your older contents are as important as the newer ones. The older content, once they are outdated, are supposed to be looked upon. These updates lead to a better quality and efficiency of your blog. It also shows the kind of effort you’re trying to put and how serious you are about your business.

10. SEO:

If you know the importance of having your website rank top on SERPs, then you’ll know Search Engine Optimization is always essential no matter what year it is. As long as the search engine exists, its optimization is highly necessary to attract enough traffic to your website. So always have your site optimized and ready for the search engine to crawl.

Best tools to improve in content marketing:

content marketing trends: Tools

Content marketing is not just about how you market the content. It is also a cluster of how you write the content. So, let me introduce you (if you don’t know already) to all the tools that can help you in writing and marketing your content efficiently. There are a number of tools that you can utilise for the content writing purpose.


Always have a sight on which Plugins to incorporate on your CMS. If your CMS is WordPress, then find the appropriate plugins to make your job easier and efficient. You can find multiple plugins that can help you out in making your job smooth. There are a number of such plugins, for WordPress, Yoast SEO: helps in your SEO, Backup buddy helps in backing your data while writing. Thus, do acquaint yourself with multiple plugins, but don’t go with too many of them. More plugin slows down your website.

Google trends:

This is one more way to find the most trending topics and putting them up on your website. Trending topics are always the ones that reach a larger audience. The current hot searches will put your site ahead on the results. So, always be aware of the trends, and be ahead of your competitors.

Google Trends


One more widget everyone needs to put on their respective browsers is Grammarly. This widget helps you in working out on your grammar. Bad grammar pulls you down on the results page. Hence, always take care of the grammar upfront.


In order to see which topics to concentrate upon, this would be the best site for you. Buzzsumo shows the statistics on which topic reaches the maximum social sites. Hence, according to these shared statistics, you can create your own content and share them on social media.
You can check demo Click Here


Writing a content itself is not enough for your content to reach the masses. You need to take certain marketing precautions as well, to install this plugin to be able to directly share your content on multiple social media sites.


There isn’t just one single thing that HubSpot does. HubSpot is considered to be one of the largest tools to ever exist for your content marketing. It not only helps you with your SEO, but also shows you the analytics that you need to be aware of. These analytics show the different responses to the different things you’ve tried on your content.


The other important tool in the field of content writing, Ahref analyzes all the content of your website and gives you your ranking on the internet. It shows the amount of organic traffic that your site attracts. It also has features like showing the progress of your site.

Google Analytics:

Google Analytics is the one site every website user needs to use to understand the statistics. These statistics help you deliver better performances on your website. This analytics also shows which sector your traffic is coming from. You can also have a view at your bounce rate and the duration at which your audience is staying.

Furthermore, if you’d like to have a brief look at tools, do look here.

Content Marketing Success Stories:

Nomadic Matt

content marketing trends: Traveller

A great and impressive travel blog by Matthew Kepnes who has earned a great deal of recognition. This guy is an American Travel expert and has a domain authority of his blog at a whopping 66. That’s quite a great Moz Domain authority for a travel blogger and it isn’t easy to get such an authority. He went on to writing books and managed to become the New York Times best selling author.

An MBA graduate, after traveling to Thailand decided to quit his job. He decided to earn his living by what he loves to do. He has travelled to over 70 countries in his 7 years of traveling. How to Travel the World on $50 a Day: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Smarter is the book that has been critically acclaimed and is said to be an eye opener for all those heavy spending nomads.

Neil Patel:

Image result for neil patel

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The guy about who all the content marketers are aware of. Neil Patel has found his own ways of attracting the traffic through both his conventional and unconventional methodologies. These tricks have helped him create a name for himself in the world of SEO and Content Marketing. Now, he is the founder of multiple well-doing websites and has a great impact on all the digital marketers.
Neil Patel is now worth more than $10M and has been said to have a great impact in the world of digital marketing. So, do follow this guy in order to stay updated on all the things happening around you.

Content marketing trends in various industries:

In the Travel Industry:

content marketing trends: Travel

The travel industry has been reaching new heights in terms of blogging and using its content on various platforms. So, let’s look at how this industry has been upgrading itself in terms of content marketing:

General Blogging:

The usual blogging has been on a hike for a long time and is believed to have a great future as well. These blogs are the way in which people are attracted towards the site. Different people enjoy the travel experiences of these blogs and become loyal customers.

Social Media Short Contents:

The short and sweet tales or quotes posted on social media go a long way in being shared among themselves. These shares are further publicised. This publicising further helps in the brand awareness.

Video Marketing:

Video Marketing is another way of putting the content in the videos and sharing them further. These are short and quick to read. There isn’t much detailed information but the short videos help in a quick understanding. They don’t consume much time and are quick in helping us by giving a brief understanding.

In Commerce Industry:

content marketing trends: Ecommerce

Content on the products:

There has to be certain content on every product description. The way the product sells also depends upon the description of the products. These details should be explained in a way that helps with a good understanding of the customer.

Instagram Description:

Instagram descriptions have always gone a long way in attracting people’s attention. These descriptions, if short and attractive, can keep the audience engaged towards them.

Video Marketing:

The videos of products and apparels give a brief idea on the products. The videos are not just enough, rather the product descriptions on the product page help with an easy understanding of the colour, size and further specifications.


The tweets made on each product also help with the product sales. Tweets are short ways of displaying the content and attracting the customer’s attention in a short time.


Well, what can I say? There isn’t a page good enough to describe and guide you all about the content marketing. But I think this would be enough for a great start. Understand what it is and start improvising if you’re lacking in any of these. All these tricks have helped me in gathering about 200% of traffic in less than a month. Here’s how even you can improve your blog audience. I’m sure it’d help you the same as well. Have a great time in marketing your content!

8 B2B trends in 2018 to attract more businesses

8 B2B trends in 2018 to attract more businesses

If you’re a firm whose key concentration is B2B, then this B2B trends in 2018 would be something really useful to you. Often we see even after all those continuous efforts, still we lack in making an impact on our business. Attracting more businesses towards our firm becomes a tough nut to crack. Well, if you’re under such a situation, then you are in dire need of a serious upgrade. Check with all the points mentioned below as I’ve picked the best ones for you. If there seems to be a lack in any one of these, do act upon it quickly.

Content and Slides marketing:

b2b trends in 2018

The content marketing has been for a while in the market and I’m pretty sure it’s here to stay. Content writing is the first and primitive most section required for any website that intends to sell services. The respective blogs show their expertise in that particular area. It also attracts the audience or viewers who need information or services from that particular topic. It’s been proven that the services websites with blogs were able to generate 160% more leads than those who failed to maintain one. Content marketing enhances the chances of your brand recognition. You can further read the tips and tricks of content marketing here.

The slides have not been so acclaimed in the market but in my opinion, slides are an easy way to share the information. They are easy, on point, don’t claim much time and most of all slides are interactive. Every other slide you visit you are welcomed by images and short notes rather than those big blog posts that some might be annoyed to read completely. Slides are time-saving and people with less patience or who don’t have enough time in their lives can go with it.

Customization with AI:

b2b trends in 2018

Customize your website with AI. Yes, if you’d like to stay ahead in the race and ahead of your competitors, this is a must. Artificial intelligence is going up and up day by day. AI has the capability to interact with your clients directly and individually. It doesn’t just give vague answers to their query, whereas it understands the situation, analyzes and gives the best possible outcome. This enhances the bond between the firm and the client in the most efficient way.

To add to this, artificial intelligence plays a prominent role in figuring the faults in your website. A few tools that can optimize your website and figure out all the vulnerabilities in it. These tools are quite essential for the small to big scale firms.

Account Based Marketing(ABM):

b2b trends in 2018

If you don’t already know what an account based marketing is, let me help you with it. ABM is a process of client acquisition through specific marketing. Being specific and particular while marketing is always beneficial. Similar is the situation with ABM. In ABM, a customer or client is targeted directly and individual measures are taken to acquire them.

For example, if I am a law firm and would like to attract the mobile giant Samsung as a client, just sending out field specific emails to all such clients won’t do me any good. A certain individual attention needs to be given to show them how important they are to us. How you’re going to take care of their needs with utmost responsibility. That’s what ABM is. It’s like individually catching the particular fish that you need rather than throwing a whole piece of net in anticipation of finding that particular fish in it somewhere.

Leverage LinkedIn:

b2b trends in 2018

LinkedIn, after the acquisition by the software giant, Microsoft is now more popular than ever. B2B businesses have been benefitted the most from this. Through linked in the clients and firms could find each other based upon their requirements. If you’re a firm deal with SaaS, there can be queries you can address on LinkedIn and they’d recognize you. This increases the chances of you having a business with them.

Video and Podcast Marketing:

b2b trends in 2018

Video marketing, though has been for quite some time on the field, has been upgrading ever since. In this generation where everything needs to be in a blink of an eye. Video offers just the facility in sharing the information. Videos are fast, interactive and influential in most of the cases. Attaching a video to your blog also increases the stay time of your visitors.

The podcast is the other kind of media marketing. When you write a content, the viewer might not always be able to read it. As it’s highly impossible for a person to read and do some other job at the similar time. So podcasts offer you the flexibility of doing some other work while understanding the concept.

Implementation of AR:

b2b trends in 2018

Augmented Reality (AR) has been ruling the current real estate world. It’s certainly going to grow much larger than ever. In augmented reality, one needs to turn their camera on and place it to the location where they want to put the product. On the camera, you can see the product is placed at the appropriate location. The dimensions with which it’s said to be made is also accurate.

If you’re a product based company, instead of sending your clients the desired products, you can give them a good view on how it looks. They can sit at home or office and understand how it looks in their respective place. After having a good look they can straightaway place the order. This saves time, effort and stress.

Introduction of Marketing Automation into your business:

b2b trends in 2018

Marketing automation is one another important aspect in marketing these days. Marketing automation is highly required in order to make the work less stressful and more efficient. his automation is said to be used by about 80% of the businesses and is expected to have raised by 51% when compared to the 2014 statistics.

This automation collects the data from the prospects and then you can utilize this data to convey the appropriate information to the respective audience. This has a high relevance rate and the rate of conversion would be substantially higher than any other way. You can customize the automation tools in a way that it sends out the marketing emails or messages occasionally and keeps your audience stuck to you.

You can further read about marketing automation here.

Voice Operated Searches:

b2b trends in 2018

The next big thing that’s going to rule all over the world in a few years.  People who can’t really use their hands in certain situations, tend to use the voice search instead. You must have seen Siri and Google now being so trendy. Out of which, Siri, which was founded in the year 2011 has been used by 66% of the users and Google by 33%. The rate of usage of these voice search engine is expected to rise drastically.

Voice operated searches are expected to be used more than 50% by the end of 2021 which is some great number. This shows the kind of concentration one needs to put on this. So while writing a blog or telling about yourself, do use the keywords that suits the voice search. Read further about this here.

In order to read further about this, do go through this article. and if you’d like to go through the statistics, visit here. For an in-depth statistics, visit this article.

Best ways to conduct successful Instagram contests

Best ways to conduct successful Instagram contests

You must have come across many contests while on Instagram or any other social media for that matter. If you want to know how well the contests gain a reach, then you can compare with the other posts on that page and I bet at least in 90% of such cases, contest posts would have the maximum likes and shares. That’s the power of conducting contests.  That’s not it, people would not only participate in the contests but they’ll start following up as well, to make sure they are well updated about the contests coming up.

How should I increase my reach?

The best way to increase your reach is by conducting the contests that attract people and make them put some efforts. When you ask the viewers the right way, they not just participate, but also tend to share or comment. These shares or comments are seen by the other people on their friend list and they decide to hop in as well. This eventually reaches the other guy’s friend list and the story goes on. This way the total number of participants increases to a great number. Let’s look at a few of the factors that affect the kind of influence a contest can have on participants.


A representation of the contest is always the first and foremost thing one needs to take care of, before posting it on social media. Other posts or texts can be edited after posting but these are something not to be messed with. The choice of words is important as well as, if there are any grammatical or sentence forming errors, it might lead to some other meaning which would eventually land you in trouble. So make sure that the sentences are written well and has no other meaning to it. Make sure you avoid any vaguely written lines and be right on point.


Hashtags are another way you can increase your visibility throughout the social media platform. These days audience don’t have the time to go to the page and search for the competition again. They rather just prefer going with the hashtags. This not only shows the contest details, but also about the different participants who have shared the same. This way the whole contestants could get under one roof. The comments are passed and posts are liked which eventually increases the reach to a great amount.

Multiple social media:

Once you’re done representing the right way and putting all the required hashtags, now it’s time to share them on multiple social media platforms. There might be people who encounter the same post on one channel but not the other. This way people from multiple platforms can come together under one roof using the hashtags or the provided links and participate in the contests. The likes that are visible to their respective friends, prompts even those people to go ahead and participate.

Get it promoted by other pages with the same field:

Good connections are always a cherry on a cake when in need. So, if you have connections with other Instagram pages with some good amount of followers, operating in the same field, they might help you get a lot of attention from a different set of people. That’s like a lot of increase in traffic. Who wouldn’t like to enjoy some free rewards?

One another thing you need to remember is the action of reciprocation. When you reward someone with something for almost nothing, they get a sense that they owe you something, so when there’s an opportunity to give back to you, they’d gladly take it if they think you can help them. This is how most of the conversions are done on a small scale.

Follow Up:

Once you’re done writing and sharing, keep following the posts to make sure you track the kind of response you get. Reply to all of the comments and keep putting up stories about the same so people who missed to look at it could get a clear picture of it again. Don’t post the stories too often, to an extent that it annoys the viewers. As there’s a high chance that people might unfollow you. Keep it simple, short and precise so people would enjoy some of these as a reminder.

Analyze all the stages:

Learning is the most important stage of any business. The more you learn from experience, the better way you deal with the next contests to be held. Know your strengths, analyze which procedure was the best. Learn which social media platform earned you the most audience. Read the comments and understand all the mistakes you’ve made so far and try to avoid them in your next.

Announce the winner:

Don’t forget to post the winner details on your page. That way, they can show what they’ve won and how lucky they are to get the reward. This not only increases the enthusiasm in other users in that person’s acquaintances, but also helps you in the increase in your traffic. Make sure that the reward is good enough to be publicized. That shows what kind of a good offer they’ve missed. This makes them not want to miss such opportunities ever again.

Why should I host these contests:

If you’re still not convinced with why you should conduct these contests, let me brief you with this a little. The contests you host has the most possibility than any other way to get a good audience. People would start visiting your page often. Once they are used to it, even the most of negligent viewer would follow you. That’s the power of contests in attracting the human attention.

Free gifts with little or no effort are always welcomed by anyone. Be it a rich guy or a poor. Free things are always precious. This give away technique might seem to be costly but just think it this way. Rather than spending millions on advertisements, why don’t we just spend a few bucks on contests and get half the traffic? The advertisement followers might refuse to follow on Instagram. But the contest participants are very likely to follow you for further contests.