5 Tips To Boost Conversion Rates Of Your Emails

5 Tips To Boost Conversion Rates Of Your Emails

One of the oldest means of marketing; email marketing still works like a charm whether it’s to reveal a new product to your existing customers or to connect with more potential customers for the same, with an email conversion rate you can do it all.

Just write up a great one. Use a good structure and design — the right links. And SHOOT!

email marketing

If only it were all that easy.

While email marketing is just a simple term, its right implementation can get the best in a sweat.

From writing a great subject line to keeping the mail body comprehensive yet short. And then the pressure of compellability, I tell you. All of it requires some in-depth analysis, research and the right choice of words (of course).

But does it mean email success is too hard to achieve? Well, not if you go by these five tips.

5 Killer Tips to Boost Email Conversion Rates like anything

Here are the top tips for leveling up your email marketing game to earn a spate of conversions.

1. Make use of existing intel

Be it offline or online; data is an integral part of all businesses.

Gathered after several hits and trials, it helps businesses strategize and optimize better for their future projects, including email marketing campaigns.

But how exactly?

Well, it’s a lot like targeting.

The data would tell you a lot about your audience. Its likes/dislikes. Geographical locations. Age group and the gender that they belong to. The brands that they love the most. Products that they are interested in. And a lot of other stuff.

Now here you need to do is make use of this data.

Craft your emails by that. Use it to be relatable with your emails. As relatable as you can be. Do you know how a joke suddenly becomes way funnier the moment you start relating to it? The same tactic works with all forms of content “Emails too.”

This will make your prospects believe that you can feel their pain and so can help them too.

2. Refine your email list

While you might be sending out emails to some subscribers who gave you their email addresses at one point in time, turns out not all of them are receiving those emails now.


Every email list in the world has the following categories of subscribers.

  • Confirmed: Those who confirmed their subscription to your newsletter/mailing list
  • Unconfirmed: Those who didn’t prove their subscription
  • DNC list (do not contact): The ones who blacklisted you (no further contact)
  • Bounced: The file with (now) invalid email addresses

Now, this might have got you wondering,

All mailing lists are divided into four categories, three of which aren’t worth a try. But how does it matter? Why do I need to refine?

Well, I hate to break it down to you. All email service providers charge their consumers for every single email that they send.

This means that sending emails to the people who don’t want to see your emails or don’t want to respond to them or aren’t even going to receive those might be costing you $$ unnecessarily.

The solution is easy. Just take out an hour and refine your mailing lists.

Every time you shoot emails, make sure they are going to the right audience. Failing at that will cause you throwing money for nothing.

3. Create outstanding mail copies

Not to pressurize you or anything, but your mail copy can make or break your email campaign.

It’s like while we all try to persuade users with our content, there is a whole bunch of competitors trying to do the same.

A myriad of emails is sent every day, every week and every month. What magical do you think your email copy has to beat them all and be clicked on?

Well, in all cases we can still be better. Aiding to that, let us look at the four ‘U’s of email copywriting.


While the world is moving at the speed of light and everybody is super busy, getting users to click through your emails in the first go is a challenge.

But is there a way to win? Well, do we say no to any urgent calls? Highly rarely, right? That’s the key. If you can create urgency in the readers’ minds, you can win their attention that can lead to more clicks.

Still, don’t get it? This example might help.

Let us say; you want to buy an electric guitar. You visit a website reviewing the model that you want to buy. You read the reviews. I liked the product. And chose to sign-up for updates, so you don’t miss out on the latest offers or updates.

The next noon you receive an email offering a limited time discount on your favorite guitar. Wouldn’t you consider it? Well, even if you won’t, somebody else will.

Email conversion

What it does is boost the chances of the user opening up your email. The rest of the best (i.e., conversion) still depends on other factors like CTA, landing page, etc.


The next thing your email copies need to be is unique.

Just as discussed in the sections above, we receive a large number of marketing emails every day. How many do we click?

Well, if we notice carefully, it’s easy to conclude that emails that are unique and interesting make us want to know more. And for that, we generally click through.

For example, a while ago, I received this email from NeilPatel.com’s email list that I once subscribed to. First, I saw it on my phone and couldn’t just archive or delete or even ignore it (which I or maybe most of us generally do).

This is what the email’s snippet said.


Starting with the title, it’s simple and spots on. Something that every internet marketer/website owner would love to know. And then the first text in the email. As relevant and essential as it could be.

He starts with his success story. He is implying that this hack really worked for his website and so it can work for mine.

Now, here, he might have lost me if I had just read the title. But then the right next line goes like ‘Over the last 30 days, I generated 53878 visits from …’.

Who wouldn’t want to know more?

This is one excellent example, and there can be many others like this.

So, think of creating unique subject lines and useful opening texts like these. Chances are, your conversion rates will be boosted.


Just as mentioned in the very first tip, you need to make use of the data that’s available to you. The aim is to know your consumers better. Understand their needs and then craft emails with that intel.

You need to know their problems the best and then address those in your emails. If you can do that, more of your emails will be read.


Why waste a sentence saying nothing? – Seth Godin.

Brownie points if you feel that the above quote makes sense.

The thing with the content that you create is that it has to be useful at all costs. Because, what’s the point of creating any content at all if it doesn’t help its audience?

Also, if you aren’t helpful to the audience, why will they subscribe to you? Or buy your product? Or even listen to your words at all?

So, keep this in mind and try to create useful content for your audience.

While writing great email copies will require brainstorming and more time, it’s highly crucial. Coming up with perfect email copies is how you can compete with other businesses sending emails to your prospects.

Also, you can use a good video to charm up your emails. Emails with visual content get higher CTR.

4. Work on your CTAs and Landing Pages

You might have spent hours and hours brainstorming the right design, layout, text copy and everything else for your entire email, but right before you send it out, two things matter.

CTA and landing page.

Getting users to click through and read your email is a tough bet; we all agree. But what’s more robust is to convert them. And basically, that’s what every other step in the process comes down to.

So, how to do it right? How to optimally pick and design your CTAs and landing pages?

Well, let’s start with the CTAs first.

One common mistake that marketers generally make is generic with their CTA copies.

While writing a CTA saying ‘Read more’ or ‘Fill form’ might seem like a good idea to some, turns out it isn’t!

CTAs that are too generic can bore the reader. And CTA copies that impose work turn them off. I mean, who likes extra work on their desk?

CTA image

In cases like these, saying ‘Read more’ will make the user imagine huge blocks of text which he/she’ll have to go through.

Solution? Come up with better CTAs. Better here means actionable. Something that makes the user go through your CTAs smooth. A CTA that offers the users something of their interest.

For example, instead of using “Read More” as a CTA, try out options like “Find out more.”

We might like finding new useful stuff, but we aren’t always in a mood to read, are we? Just take it like that. And save yourself from repelling readers.

Once you have created the right CTA copy, you should start getting more clicks, leading the users to your landing page. Just what we need to focus now.

While you are trying to craft your perfect landing page, the following tips will help you.

Create great headlines

The first thing that an average internet user will see in your landing page is your headline.

If you fail to make an impression with that, chances are, you’ve lost the user.

What you need to do is create headlines that grab the reader’s attention — telling them about your product or service. And not exceeding 20 words at max (preferable limit is 10).

And once that’s done, move on to optimizing your landing page further.

Be persuasive with subheadings

Another characteristic of actionable content is persuasiveness.

And right after you’ve crafted a good headline, you need to work up your subheadings similarly. But how can you make it happen? Well, keep the following tips in mind.

  • Give details in your subtitles. A subheading is supposed to be more informative/in-depth than the main heading.
  • Make it have information gaps. How does it work? Make a point that you’ll discuss later in your content. Maybe at the end of your content.

This will keep the user intrigued till the end of the piece.

Use visuals

The next thing you need to keep in mind is the right use of visuals.

No matter how great your textual content reads, without the right visuals, it’d still not be thoroughly optimized. While picking the right one for your landing page, keep the following points in mind.

  • Everything your landing page pictures need to be.
  • Large in size.
  • Highly relevant to your product/service.
  • High quality.
  • Highly intriguing and attention-grabbing.

Your best bet would be to use fresh, converting and actionable infographics for your landing pages.

The right images on landing pages can boost overall conversion rates by up to 89%.

5. Fine tune your offer

While you might have tried anything and everything possible to acquire conversions with email marketing, it might not still work for you. Reason can be your offer.

It’s like even the copywriting experts like David Garfinkel say that a fair copy with a reasonable offer can work wonders for all marketing campaigns. Like, also if your grammar isn’t correct or you’ve made spelling mistakes, your drive can still sail with a reasonable offer.

Do you see how it works?

It’s like we need to get into our prospects’ shoes. When planning on making a purchase, would you go for a great offer or good grammar?

It’s all simple. Make them an offer they can’t refuse.

email conversion rate

Final words

Email marketing is an excellent way of driving in bundles of conversions for your business. The problem which catches marketers cold is the right optimization.

In this post, I tried to share some useful tips for boosting email conversion rates. Hopefully, this helped you.

Still, have doubts? Share and discuss this piece with your marketing friends. It will help.

Scale Up Your Digital Campaigns by Integrating MailChimp Automation

Scale Up Your Digital Campaigns by Integrating MailChimp Automation

Let’s be honest, maintaining a business can be incredibly challenging especially for small business owners that have to stay connected with their customers and still keep up with their business processes. If this sounds like your situation, it’s time to adopt automation and free up some of your valuable time and resources. An excellent place to start is marketing automation – a set of activities that, if conducted properly, can enhance how you engage with your market and also enable you to build your brand.

Unlike in manual marketing campaigns, automation tools help you run your activities in the background while eliminating repetitive tasks that derail efficiency in a business. In some cases also, automation directly engages your customers thereby minimizing your day-to-day interactions to tend to consume your already constrained time and other resources. Put just; it’s like having another business partner who works round the clock.

Are you looking to automate your email marketing and scale up your digital campaigns? You may want to consider MailChimp which is easily the most popular tool for sending bulk emails and setting up autoresponder sequences.

Read on to understand how you can leverage this software to grow your client base and ultimately increase business sales.

Before that though.

How does MailChimp automation work?

Picture this – you’re in the process of setting up a new campaign to introduce your newly launched product or service to your mailing list. With a few hundred or even thousands of subscribers to reach, it would be practically impossible to make significant sales contacting each manually. How many emails can you (or even your team) send in a day if you were to do this?

This is where an automation tool like MailChimp comes in. For starters, this software comes with pre-set automation based on common shopping events such as order notifications and abandoned cart series. And if the pre-built options don’t offer what you’re looking for, MailChimp allows you to create custom automation based on your unique preferences.

MailChimp also helps you buy, run and manage ad campaigns across multiple platforms like Facebook and Google. This way, you can target an even wider audience that goes beyond your mailing list and organic web traffic.

Automation supports every phase of your customer’s journey


Understanding the process of converting a lead into a prospect, and finally to a buying customer will help you provide the right information at every stage of your users’ journey. To be able to do this, you need to personalize your marketing campaign using automation software. No one wants to receive generic content that hardly solves their unique problems or meets their needs. This is why tools like MailChimp enable you to segment your email list so you can send relevant offers and solutions to different audiences based on their exact needs and preferences.

For example, if the marketing aim is to connect with newly acquired prospects, you can use Mailchimp’s data-based and welcome message automation to reach and welcome them onboard. On the other hand, if you want to make more sales, consider using the abandoned cart and product follow-up automation. You can also set up a customer re-engagement automation to bring back old clients by sparking their interests in your products.

Tracking your campaigns

Monitoring the performance of your email campaigns is probably one of the most comfortable and most exciting parts of email marketing. After you send out your bulk email, the first thing you need to monitor the number of subscribers who successfully received your email. You also want to know the name of recipients who opened it as well as the types of links that attracted the most clicks.

Campaign tracking

From here, you can track your conversions, purchase details, and total sales from MailChimp’s reports section. With this information, you can rethink your campaign’s strategy and probably look for ways to make it more productive. Tracking helps you identify the behavioral patterns of your subscriber base to improve on future mailings.

Also, apart from Mailchimp’s inbuilt tracking feature, you can track your campaigns by adding e-commerce integrations or third-party tools such as Google analytics in the tracking section. This way, you can compare your reports and gather extra data that you’d otherwise have not acquired using one tool alone.

Re-engage past customers

Mailchimp’s re-engagement campaign provides a perfect opportunity to identify subscribers that are not responding to your emails. Even better is the fact that the tool also facilitates easy reconnection with them as you aim to win back their attention.
Here’s how you do it – using information from your MailChimp’s reporting tool, create a listing of subscribers who have not been opening your emails during a particular period. Once you have this list ready, send an enticing email hoping to give them a reason to come back and check what you have for them.

If after a few more reconnections attempts a section of the dormant subscribers still can’t seem to react, the best idea henceforth is to remove them from your mailing list and assume they’re no longer interested in hearing from you.

Run ad campaigns on social media

social media

Let’s talk this out – social networking has played a significant role in the success of much online business. Indeed, this is one channel you should be targeting if your digital marketing is to scale up and reach a broader market. An effective way to maximize social media reach is by creating paid ads and running them across significant platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

MailChimp and various email marketing tools permit you to build and run social media ads with an added advantage of reaching your email listings. Another advantage is that you can quickly reconnect with people who have in the past unsubscribed from your list through social media ads run through these tools.

Leverage the power of MailChimp integration.

One of the simplest ways to get the most out of MailChimp (and pretty much many other tools) is by integrating it with compatible tools and extensions. For example, MailChimp seamlessly integrates with numerous tools, most which you possibly use daily to run your online business. Do you use PayPal, a CRM software, or run an e-commerce site using Shopify? You’ll be glad to know that all these syncs with MailChimp.

This Pipedrive integration is one such utility that allows you to send highly-targeted and personalized emails to a specific group of customers. All you need is to define your segmentation criteria in the Pipedrive CRM, scroll to the bottom of your list, and hit the Mailchimp button to export these contacts. As a result, you’re able to save on time, minimize spamming, and more importantly, boost your sales and conversions!


With modern tools like email marketing software, it’s easier than ever even for non-techies to automate business processes and streamline their digital campaigns. Putting it all together, sales and marketing automation brings you three essential benefits for fast business growth;

  • Allows you to find and close better deals.
  • Enables you to deliver the right messages to the right people on time.
  • Helps you cut on administrative tasks so you can focus on other more critical business processes.

There is always a whole new world of possibilities for both small businesses and large enterprises that integrate powerful automation technologies like MailChimp in their processes. Make the switch today if your goal is to start roaming with the big boys!

Email Marketing: All the things you’ve been doing wrong

Email Marketing: All the things you’ve been doing wrong

If you ever have seen some string of emails from a brand, then you’d understand this better than anyone else. Email marketing is the exposure of a certain brand to its customers and the different kinds of promotions it makes. Email marketing has been on the field for so long but the actual reason to be surprised is that, still many of those marketing experts, miss out on a few of the important things that make them lose their potential customers. So, that’s the very reason why we have come up with this article to help you overcome those mistakes and provide you with some of the useful tips.

Better late than never, let’s learn some of those important factors that might help us in retaining those left while you still can. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Lost a contact? Never mind:

If you happen to lose a customer, don’t bother. If something is meant to stay, would stay. Just make sure that you went nowhere wrong and they still chose to leave. This is the best thing ever to happen, as these contacts would only be ignoring your emails and it’s like an easy elimination of the unwanted ones. Now, once these contacts leave, your width at which you need to put your energy in is narrowed down. This leads to a better efficiency and better conversion rate. So it’s always good when a subscriber, unsubscribes.

2. Easy to unsubscribe:

Never piss your customers or contacts off. These contacts spread the word and might do even more damage than you could ever expect. So refrain yourself from making it a bit harder for the contact to unsubscribe, with an intention of making them stay. Forced things never go the expected way. So if they want to leave, give them an easy way out, this will at least leave a positive impression on you.

Email Broadcast

Credits: Flickr

3. Know the right words:

The first two sentences are the basis for any important mail. It can make or break the purpose of your email. Use the right words that grab the attention of the reader and has an impact that stays with them for a long time. This impression is something that decides the future of your business with the viewer and they might eventually turn into a customer as well. So the right sentences are the way to go.

4. Straight to the point:

Don’t ever flush your email with tons of content and information. This will eventually lead to boring the viewers. Emails have always been a source of short messages and it’s supposed to be important as well. If your email doesn’t qualify these things, then refrain yourself from hitting that send button altogether.

5. Know your audience:

Know your viewers and divide them into particular categories with all the information you have on them. This increases the relevance of your emails and generates the interest in the viewers. If you send multiple emails to all contacts that you get, then there’s a high chance that the viewers are going to unsubscribe from receiving them any further. Here, this kind of unsubscribing is uncalled for and if carried on the same way, this might lead to a loss in business in the form of valuable customers. Hence, classification and sending should never be overlooked. Also, keep in mind when you’d be sending the emails. Don’t forget the time zones, because no viewer would want his sleep disturbed unless it’s of high importance.

timing of mails

Credits: Max pixel

6. Use appropriate images:

Appropriate and attention-grabbing images are the prime step in attracting the customer when they visit the page. Don’t make your email boring when they can actually be decorated with a wide variety of eye-pleasing images. Pictures speak thousand times louder than words and it gives a better clue for all those lazy readers, who’d rather prefer to go back than read your content. Show them it’s as useful to them and worth the read, with your images. Last but not the least, make sure that you have all the copyrights for the images or else you might fall into trouble for this.

7. Keep Learning about Email marketing:

Email marketing deals with the mindsets of your contacts. These change from region to region and from field to field. So there’s no particular thumb rule you could use to grab the attention of your viewers. Learning is the only basic thing you need to keep in mind. Keep testing with multiple kinds of emails and check the bounce rate and the response rate together. Yes, there’s a bounce rate for emails as well and is certainly essential if you’d like to know where you’re going with this. So mark all the analytics and keep learning. Learn, learn and learn until your metrics reach the excellent grade.


Credits: Public Domain Pictures

8. Landing page:

Make sure you provide the right landing page with the right link to your customer. This might seem to be one of the most basic things but as a matter of fact, not everyone remembers this and sends them out. So when the customer intends to open up the link and further understand about your message, they can’t. Guess what! You’ve just lost a potential customer or maybe some millions of bucks. So never be negligent, do your job with perfection, even though if it doesn’t seem to be the right one, still give your 100% to it.

9. Email Rendering:

Have you ever sent a mail and it turned out to be a lot different from what you actually wanted it to look like? It’s because different systems, OS or models respond differently to certain HTML codes. This leads to a different representation of your emails. On most occasions, this happens on a mobile. Hence, before sending out an email, make sure you know how the viewers are going to receive it. For that purpose, we have multiple compatibility tests available online to check how it’s going to appear on your viewers’ screen.

These are the few most important things one needs to be aware of before sending out mass emails. Following these would certainly have you see a fair amount of increase in traffic for your campaign. For further depth on this, you can also listen to what the professionals have to say about email marketing here.

If you would like to hire the professionals to do this job for you. You can reach out to us anytime and we can assure that you won’t be disappointed. You can find out more about our email marketing services here.