Why Conversion Rate Optimization is a KPI for every Business?

Why Conversion Rate Optimization is a KPI for every Business?

The one thing that every other business needs to gauge while making any changes is the Conversion Rate Optimization. This is the one that decides the fate of any business. The CRO is the measure of the number of businesses made to the number of people viewing the product. This is the conversion rate of optimization for any online or offline products.

What is Online Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization is an analysis of the number of businesses made to the number of customers visiting the website. This gives a clear picture of how efficiently your business is operating and your product is faring at the market. If the conversion rate optimization is below the expected range, you need to understand that there’s a dire need for you to make changes in the way you’ve been doing your business. Read more about the conversion rate optimization.

How can I measure the Conversion Rate Optimization for my Website?

Conversion Rate Optimization: Thinking

Conversion rate optimization is measured by placing the number of businesses made on the numerator. Then dividing the same by the number of customers or the sessions. This gives you the percentage of the people visiting your website in doing a business with you.

It is the process of conducting an AB or multivariate test to increase the website’s conversion rate. This gives us a chance to assume the customer’s behavior who visits the website. A good CRO task strives to increases your website’s revenue one time after the other, this leads to an overall desirable performance for the whole year.

It optimizes your current website traffic and calls for an appropriate action. This goes a long way in stabilizing the respective businesses. This conversion rate is differently measured for the different kind of businesses if intended to measure effectiveness.

Conversion Rate Optimization for different businesses:

The conversion rate optimization as mentioned above is different for different businesses. Hence, there must be a different way of analyzing the different businesses. Let’s look at a few of them to understand how it is measured for their respective businesses.

For E-Commerce:

Conversion Rate Optimization: E-commerce

E-commerce is one field that has been rapidly growing. With the establishment of multiple e-commerce industries, it has become necessary to understand what attracts a customer. This understanding will help in attracting and generating better revenue. So, how can we calculate and assume what attracts an e-commerce business the most? Nah, it’s not your gut feeling. The gut is something that a businessman should never go with. The gut feeling kills all the possibilities of thinking logically and then, in the end, you’re driven emotionally. Hence, one needs to make sure to avoid the gut feeling as much as possible. This helps them get the desirable results through analyzing the numbers. Hence, let’s get to know how you can calculate the CRO for an e-commerce organization.

For e-commerce, you need to consider the number of sessions the customers visited and made the purchase. If the customer purchases 3 products at once, it’ll still be considered to be a single purchase. This can’t be considered to be 3 different products. Learn how the e-commerce business has been leveraging the emotions for better sales.

Let me explain this to you clearly:

If the customer A visits the site but doesn’t make any purchase, that would be the session 1. If the customer visits the site and makes 2 purchases, then the session would be the second one. The business done would be just one. So now on a whole, the customer has had two sessions and the number of purchases made is one. Even though the products purchased are two.
So now, you need to place the purchase made in the numerator and the sessions in the denominator. This gives us Purchase/Session= ½= 0.5. Hence when taken in percentages, the answer would be multiplied by a 100. Hence the answer is 50%.

For Service-Based Organizations:

Conversion Rate Optimization: Services

For the services based firms, the methodology changes completely. This is quite different from the ones that you usually see. Services need to have a good cumulative calculation on the conversion rate. This gives a brief view on how their services are being appreciated by the users. So let’s see how to calculate the conversion rate for the service based firms.

Service-based organizations have a different way of calculating the conversion rates. One needs to count the number of times a customer visits the site before being converted into a customer. So the method would be to place the services received on the numerator. The number of times a visitor visits the site should be in the denominator. Here, one must not consider the other times a customer visits the page. As it would be for any enquiry or other similar purposes. Although sometimes the customers who intend to gain other services also visit the page. This part is overlooked until another service is obtained by the client. This leads to an inefficiency in this type of calculation.

So, to be precise, it would be calculated as services requested/the number of sessions before taking the service. If the customer comes 3 times before getting the service and gets the service at the 4th time and then revisits the site later for 2 times, then those two times wouldn’t be considered and the conversion rate would be calculated as ¼=0.25. Multiplying with 100 would give us the percentage. Which would be 25%.

How Conversion Rate Optimization percentage be improved?

Let’s look at the few factors that could help in improving the conversion rate.

A Visible and Attractive Call To Action button:

Conversion Rate Optimization: CTA

A good visible and attractive call to action button is the source to any business with the client. If you fail to help customer visit your purchase page, then the user would choose to leave. In this generation, where everything is available at the knock on the door, people would hardly take a bad CTA. Every page needs to be aware of the situation as to where the customer would feel like doing the business with them. They need to be navigated to the appropriate section without any difficulty.

An Interactive Web page:

An interactive webpage an interactive webpage is the root to attracting customers to your page. If your page is attractive, then even the clients would find it delightful in doing the business with you. Hence, one needs to be really careful when it comes to designing their webpage. It could make or break your deals with your valued clients or customers.
An interactive webpage also enables a user to sift through the different sections of the page easily. This allows them to go to the place they want to. Hence, keep your page clear and interactive and help your customers accordingly.

Show off your Testimonials:

Conversion Rate Optimization: Testimonials

Testimonials show the kind of an efficient work you industry gives to your customers. The testimonials are the reviews or the feedbacks provided by the ones who have already experienced your services. Testimonials from these peoples help your firm grow and build a reputation that would last longer.
Testimonials are supposed, to be honest, and genuine. It’s easy to figure out if the testimonials are given by the heart or just because of someone’s request. Keep the best testimonials on your page and leave the rest. You are not supposed to flush your whole page with these testimonials either.

Easy to reach Customer Support:

When the customers make purchases, they also have the authority to be supported when needed. You need to make sure that the customer has all their questions answered.  They shouldn’t find it difficult in finding the resource.
Make sure you get a chatbot for your own website. This allows to interact with the customers and get the required details for further information.

Keep Testing for the Broken Pages:

Conversion Rate Optimization: 404

Broken pages are always undesirable while you’re sifting through any website. It shows your website’s quality which eventually affects your reputation. Hence, always look out for the broken pages on your website. Make sure even if the website is broken, your customer would be directed to the appropriate pages accordingly. There are a number of tools that could help you in achieving this. Hence, helping you in delivering your customers a good experience.

Create Urgency with your offers and deals:

This is one important thing that the customers of e-commerce come across almost every time. The online pages show that there’s a deal running out, which creates a sense of urgency in the users. This urgency helps in a quick and not-much-thought-after decision of the customer. Finally, the customers end up purchasing the product.


Allow your visitors to make the micro-commitments even though they don’t really make any purchases. Request them to enjoy your free services and opportunities. Allow them to take advantage of these services at no cost. This way you can gain their trust, bond and also their contact for future purposes.

Respond to Criticism and Appreciation alike:

Conversion Rate Optimization: criticism

Criticism and appreciation are common in almost every industry. You can never really predict as to when you can have a negative review coming your way. But when you do, don’t be afraid to answer them. Accept the mistake as your own and request them to allow you to serve better. Here, people would start to gain the trust back. Always make sure to avoid these negative reviews from appearing first.

Try and feature the High-Revenue Products first:

High revenue products are certainly the ones that bring you a great amount of money. So, that’s where your key concentration should be. Place all your high revenue products on the top and let the other be placed a notch below. Selling out all these high revenue products will get your industry in a better position. Although this doesn’t mean that you neglect all those low-profit faring products. Make sure they get the similar opportunity to sell themselves.

Be Specific to the different class of audience:

Don’t generalize every class of audience into one. There are people who have different choices of products and items. Don’t emphasize one particular product. Rather make sure you provide all kinds of products that reach multiple class of audience. This will help the customers choose according to their preferences and budget.

Use Attractive Media:

Conversion Rate Optimization

Attractive images or videos always pull us towards the products more. Didn’t you ever feel like having a burger from McDonald’s after it has been advertised deliciously? That’s the kind of impact media have over us. Hence, use the similar kind of media that attracts the audience the most. This will most probably see a good rise in the customers purchasing the product.

Add Bonuses or Cashback for your products:

Bonuses and cash backs are like free cupcakes. People don’t say no to these. This, in fact, attracts the customers to purchase the products. Remember the Cheetos chips that used to come with these Pokemon gifts? Children used to buy Cheetos for the very same purpose.

Offer a few Free Services every now and then:

Free services act as a token of a bond. If people start using your bonuses, they’ll get to understand the kind of work you’ve been delivering. This also helps in the enhancement of customer’s bond with the seller. This might be a little investment. But trust me, this goes a long way in building the relationship and publicizing your brand name. Hence, never back out from making a few investments on this. Here you can find some useful free services.

Highlight the Product or Service Warranty:

Conversion Rate Optimization: Free services

The warranty is a sign of trust for any product. If your product has the warranty that you wanted, then you would be certain to buy it. It’s like an added assurance of using the product for the desired period of time. Hence, always provide warranty as it earns you the much-needed trust. Also, don’t forget to highlight the warranty period on your product page. These are the things that shouldn’t be but can be overlooked once in a while. This happens due to an inappropriate display.

Be Straight to the point and clear:

If you’re selling a product be specific about it. It helps not only the customers in understanding but also the audience searching the product through the Google. If you’re specific enough, Google would display your product right on the top of the search results. This will help the product gain the popularity that gives your industry enough revenue.

Be Precise about the Statistics you mention:

Conversion Rate Optimization: Statistics

Statistics are something that’s never to be played around with. You need to display accurate and precise statistics for your customers before they make the purchase. If you think the statistics aren’t good enough to be displayed then don’t. But never misguide your customers with the fake ones. Most of the audience is educated enough to figure it out.

Optimize your website for Mobiles:

Mobile phones are the key products in terms of sales in America. About 51% of the Americans use mobiles to make their online purchases. This statistic is apparently going up day by day. This shows the importance of the mobile phone in the world of sales. Mobile optimization was just an option in the past but now, it’s a necessity. Hence, always make sure that your mobile is efficient enough to make the sales with ease. Know how to measure your mobile speed score here.

Use Mobile Heatmaps:

Mobile heatmaps are nothing but the display of where the customers have been touching the most while using your website. This gives you an idea, on what feature does the customer enjoy the most. It also tells you which features the customers are missing out on. With these statistics, you can understand where to work on. So always keep a track of the heatmaps. You can find one of such heatmaps here.

Guest Purchases:

Conversion Rate Optimization: Login

Most of the online stores request the users to login in order to make any purchases. These requests sometimes don’t go right with the users. Especially when it comes to searching for some important products. Also when it comes to a new website, people usually try to see how the user experience is. If even for the new site, you request for a login information, this makes them leave right away.

A Friendly Communication once the deal is made:

This is more of a confirmation mail that plays as a friendly communication as well. Always make sure you send out this mail to your customers after they make their purchase. If you don’t people fall into the dilemma as if the order has been placed or not. This confirmation page allows you to build your relationship with the consumer better. Hence, communication is something you can’t overlook ever.

If you’d like to go through more points as such, do give this article a read.


The points mentioned above are not the only ones, there are other miscellaneous things one need to be aware of in order to make sure the customers request for the services from your end and don’t look elsewhere for the same. So, always try new things if you want to stay in the race. Also, keep checking for the changes on the CRO as it is arguably the KPI for any industry.

What is virtual and augmented reality? Could it change our future?

What is virtual and augmented reality? Could it change our future?

Virtual and Augmented Reality are the two words that might have been ringing in your ears since a time. It isn’t something that you can escape from. Such is going to be the future as well. Let’s get in deep about these two!

Augmented Reality

What is the augmented reality and what does it do?

A digitalised image represented to interpret as a real-life object for the easy understanding of the viewer is called Augmented reality. Augmented reality enables users to have the real-time experience of the objects. These AR  creates a computerized object to be displayed in front. This representation would go a long way in experiencing different objects and products. Hence this has a great scope in the field of technology and sales.

Who invented augmented reality?

Ivan Sutherland was the one who made the equipment and fed it with the computer design to make out an augmented reality. He hanged a device out from the ceiling and the device was put over the head. Although the Augmented Reality was invented by Ivan Sutherland, Tom Caudell was the one who coined the term “Augmented Reality”. This augmented reality was expected to be a huge thing but wasn’t in talks as much. But now, with the implementation of new things day by day, augmented reality is back in talks again and has quite a promising future.

Who uses and benefits from augmented reality?

Augmented Reality is an invention, that still has a really broad scope and has a number of places to implement it on. The augmented reality gives us an experience of a non-existing object. These objects might cost us millions or might consume a lot of time to try on. But with the AR, that has become a not so tough job. Hence, there’s a dire need for every industry to upgrade their equipment towards AR. Let’s just read further about this in order to have a good view on the advantages of AR.

Who are all investing and working on augmented reality?


The e-commerce industry that is still the giant in selling products, has been trying hard to keep its place in the market. How does an industry survive in the competition? Yes, by updating themselves again and again. That’s what these industries are trying to do as well. If you operate an E-commerce and deliver products to your customers, and they don’t like it. What are you going to do? Accept their return! Yes, in order to fulfil their needs, you need to have those products returned back to you and send the new ones. This causes a huge loss for these industries.

What if the customers can try on the products sitting at home itself? Wouldn’t that be amazing? It not only saves the time but also E-commerce industries will save a lot on all those pickup and delivery charges. I wouldn’t say that the concept of returning the products will be wiped out completely. But I’m pretty sure that it’s going to go down to a great extent. Read more about how e-commerce attracts the customers here.

Image result for facebook marketplaceSource: Wikipedia

Facebook has also introduced their own version of AR marketplace to make the purchases right there. The users have the liberty to see how the product suits them using the AR experience. There’s a large scope for this ahead of this. You can experience it live after logging in to the facebook here.


Pokemon Gopokemon-go

2 years back from now the idea of Augmented reality was so oblivious to people but with the introduction of pokemon go, augmented reality took a great leap in connecting with the audience. The audience started playing the game as if it was the task of their life. They made it a part of their lives, traveling as far as possible in the anticipation to find their favorite pokemon. Not just that, with the announcement of iPhone X, there were a few other sets of applications launched. Few of those were the AR games. These AR games, though haven’t garnered as popularity as the pokemon go could, still they have a long way to go in the future of gaming.



Image result for app augmented reality

Source: Wikimedia Commons

AR applications also came out with the IOS 11 last year. A few of the games that would display your star position in the sky. All those zodiac signs that can be interpreted through the stars could be navigated easily. Not just that, Google, in their i/o conference 2018, explained how they are going to incorporate AR in their maps. It’s going to be displayed in their Android P once it comes up. You can read about the Android P features here. If you’d turn your camera on, you can actually see a digitalized creature that would guide you to your destination. It’s just like having a travel guide but even more interactive and fun to watch.


IKEA Augmented-reality

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This is another field that has been trying really hard on the Augmented Reality. The architects have a great vision, but the vision is not as easy to express as it is to think. In this case, augmented reality comes to the rescue. With augmented reality, one can have a real-time experience of the object that an architect is trying to show. The person can, in fact, put the digitalized object at the right place and the suitability can be experienced as well. Not just that, a good understanding would require the measurements too. Augmented reality also offers you the feasibility of showing the dimensions of the products. Can you imagine, putting a furniture of your choice digitally, to see if that suits the corner of your bedroom? Yep, that’s possible and has brought to use as well. Houzz, DecorMatters, Homestyler are few of that kind of applications.

Surgical Purposes: 

Image result for surgery augmented reality

Source: Flickr

A new device ARveo Augmented Reality microscope helps the doctors with the surgery with AR. It generates some visual overlays that help the surgeons during brain and spinal surgeries. The Uconn health hospital in Connecticut was the first to incorporate such kind of technology into their field. You can read further about it here.

Advertising and Promotions:

Well, this is the age of Marketing. No matter how you market, all that you need is a proper marketing technique to be able to reach your customers. The marketing can be easily done and even more sophisticated techniques can be incorporated into AR. You can make your viewers see how those glasses from Ray Ban would fit you or how the luxury from Zara would suit your newly purchased top. That’s not it, you can actually feel their presence looking at your front camera while they do their cheapest and the most efficient way of marketing. So if you think the augmented reality might not grab the attention through these ads, then you got to wait and see.

What devices does augmented reality support?

augmented reality

Augmented reality currently supports the mobile phones. The mobile phone with the cameras are the ones where you can experience this AR for yourself. Although AR is a great experience, still it doesn’t excite the millennials as much due to its battery consumptions. the applications use a great amount of your phone’s juice to be able to show what you see on the screen. This would cause a great deal of battery to drain.

How can augmented reality be used in the future and how can it change the world?

Augmented reality has a great future. You must have understood by this time looking at all the industries craving to have it. This is just the beginning, there’s still a lot to come in this field and we’re all waiting what wonders can it pull. With the introduction of Pokemon go itself, everyone was in awe of what AR could do. But let me assure you one thing, Pokemon Go is just the beginning. There’s still a lot of this to come and you can be pretty sure it will. New advances that would change the way we do things will change and yes, it’s for good.

Virtual Reality

virtual reality

What is the Virtual Reality and what does it do?

A 3-dimensional environment created, by wearing a headset where the person could feel the environment is called virtual reality. A reality experience that’s created virtually to be interpreted as real. This experience can be created by creating a digital environment that would appear as real for the viewer. Although many of you might have already experienced it one time or the other, still it’s always a delight to have such experiences.

Who invented Virtual Reality?

Morton Heilig, who is known as the “Father of Virtual reality” for his works and research on this field was the innovator. He innovated the “Experience Theatre” also known as Sensorama Stimulator, as a first step towards the progression of Augmented reality. This theatre would show the digitalized objects on the screen when put over the head. So that’s how the great step towards the augmented reality was taken.

Who uses and benefits from Virtual Reality?

Multiple industries are already investing in virtual reality. It has started as a gaming experience and now is expanding to multiple fields. These fields are trying their best to make the most out of this and provide their own share of virtual experiences. This helps them stand out from the rest. With virtual reality talks being everywhere, a number of industries are willing to use this feature.

Who are investing and working on Virtual Reality?


FIFA World cup: Russia 2018:

Image result for fifa world cup 2018 vr

Source: FIFA.com

The FIFA world cup app had the VR feature in it to allow the fans to have a real-time game experience. The virtual reality application has the feature of displaying a 360 view of every game. This not only helps the viewers have a great experience but will also cheer all those who couldn’t make it to Russia in order to watch the game live. You can read further about it here.

Google Earth

Image result for google earth

A number of application developing agencies are using this feature in their own special way to offer an exquisite experience to their customers or clients. The applications can be used to help the users experience the real-time situation of a location or an area. This would give them a practical understanding of what they are getting into. t’s like helping them see the real version of it, without having to change their respective locations. They can stay right at home and enjoy the experience of saving both their time and energy.


Batman Arkham VR

Image result for batman arkham vr

Source: Flickr

The gaming world is going to change completely with the initiation of this virtual reality. Almost every game that has come out recently have this features in them. Even in the recreational and fun parks, you can see a number of stores helping you experience their own virtual reality games. Have you seen people wearing those headsets and moving every possible way? Some of them tend to shout and get startled by what they see on their device. Some of these games could include roller coaster or have an experience of a dangerous ride. There are a number of computer games as well that give a real-time environment to take the game experience to a new level. You can get your hands on or read more about this game here.



Image result for youvisit vr

Source: Flickr

The travel industry is booming and hence no one wants to back out from all the technological advances that they can make. SO the travel industry is going down the same path as well. Incorporating VR into their applications. How would you feel if you can give your customers a glimpse of what they can see in after traveling there? Instead of pictures, it would be more like a real visit and experience. that’s what the travel industry has been doing to help their customers see all these things. Not just that, recently a ziplining agency, used the VR to give the users a feeling of ziplining at very high altitudes. These guys have made a 30-second ziplining feel like a 3 minute one. mark my words, VR is a big deal when it comes to creating delusions.


Image result for augmented reality applicationsSource: Wikimedia Commons

This is the best part. When you come home from all that long day of work, what would you need the most? A little time in the mountains? Experience a beautiful sunset? Watch and count the stars in the sky? Well, that isn’t really an all-time happening thing but you can make that happen. With VR, you can experience these things in the real time and keep the stress away from yourself. You can also surround yourself with all the funny jokes and positive people in order to calm yourself and find some new faces.

The virtual reality is also being incorporated in the field of surgery to take this to a next level and help the people in their surgeries. This will also prepare the doctors on their surgical advances.

Real Estate:



Source: Smart2VR

This has changed the life of many people who are looking for a new home. The virtual reality feature has been utilized by a number of organizations to show their own homes or by the broker industries that want to sell their client’s properties. It saves time and the buyers don’t even have to visit the home. They can have a real-time walkthrough of that respective flat and can explore it the way they want. They can walk and switch from room to room and understand the kind of ambience they have there. Thre are a number of real estate brokers incorporating this into their applications.

What devices does Virtual Reality support?

Virtual reality is supported in almost every mobile phone that has a wide screen. Though you need to have a smartphone in order to see these things. If your phone has the gyroscope sensor, then you’re good to go. Get yourself a good headset that is comfortable to you and has a good view capacity. Make sure the headset fits your phone. Now put the phone in the headset and you’re good to go. Find yourself a good cardboard video which is frequently available on youtube in order to experience this.

Which is the best headset for Virtual Reality?

Well, there are a number of devices have this feature. From cheapest of the headset starting at $1-2 to one of the costliest in the field, you can find the right headset based upon their specifications. But do understand that there might be the different headset for different phone sizes. The most reputed and one of the first VR headset to come into the market is the Oculus Rift. It has been purchased mostly by the gamers for a great gaming experience.

How can Virtual Reality be used in the future and how can it change the world?

Virtual reality has a number of applications. They have already been used in a number of applications, games, devices etc., and there’s a lot of need to explore its limitations. As a matter of fact, there are a number of new ways that have been coming up and been surprising us with its innovation. Just like AR, VR has its own innovative ways to amuse us.

Mixed or Hybrid Reality:

The mixed reality often referred to as Hybrid reality, is the mixture of both the augmented reality and virtual reality. This will be a great step towards the digitalization of experiences. The early mixed reality experiments were practised at the US Air Force Laboratory. This feature was developed in order to provide a flight simulation for the pilots.

Key Take Away:

All these reality devices are on the verge of becoming something really big in the near future. There is a constant need for the betterment of all these practices in order to see a better-digitalized world. But one thing is not to be forgotten, though there’s a great need for this to be incorporated, still, you need to make sure the usage is up to the limits and doesn’t go beyond the permissible usage.

Top 10 Success Stories of Indian Startups and Their Path to Glory

Top 10 Success Stories of Indian Startups and Their Path to Glory

Top 10 success stories of Indian startups and their path to glory

Download the PDF here for Free: 10 success stories of Indian Startups

In a country where startups were not as encouraged, some people came and changed the whole perception. That all you need to have is some belief to be able to do anything. Since our childhood, we’ve been enamored by the stories of how people make it big. Though you would already know the people about whom I’m going to talk about here, still I’d like to brief them all out for you. Because for those who need some push, these are the people you need to learn about.

1. Flipkart’s formation:


Credits: Wikimedia Commons

If you’re quite aware of all the updates around you, then you’d know for a fact that the IIT-D alumni are the ones behind this e-commerce giant. Working for Amazon, these two decided to quit and establish something of the same kind in India as well. Just like Jeff Bezos(founder of Amazon), these two also started their business selling books online. Later with the years passing by, Flipkart started selling almost every household things that a person could deliver to his/her home. Growing like this, now Flipkart is worth $17 billion and now it is among the top 10 e-commerce sites all over the world. Such has been the growth for this Indian company.

2. Ola’s run:

One more of those frequently twirling word in our mouths. There wasn’t any Uber before OLA. Getting a cab was expensive and used a lot of effort to get connected with one. Then came the OLA service and since then cab booking has never been so easy. Almost every city in India is now connected with the OLA Cabs. Such is the market OLA has gained in the recent years. Starting in 2010 by the two IIT-B graduates, Mr Bhavish Aggarwal and Mr Ankit Bhati, Ola has now turned into a US$5 billion company now.

3. Paytm’s cashbacks:

Cashback, the concept that has changed the way that online marketing deals with, in India. Such change has been brought into the Indian market and the only one who deserves the credit is Vijay Shekhar Sharma. Born in a small town near Delhi, he has managed to take his company to a net worth of $10 billion. That’s not it, last year a paytm bank has been introduced as well. Which will now probably take the worth of the company to a whole new level.

4. Zomato’s menu:


Credits: Wikimedia Commons

Launched in the year 2008, though this food marketing giant didn’t see an overnight success, but still took its own time until it became a known name all over the world. Deepinder Goyal had the job of pinning all the menus in the company he used to work earlier. Later on, he envisioned, how it’s going to be if he shows them all over the internet. His idea took its course but finally reached multiple souls. They have a presence in over 10,000 cities and 22 countries. This in itself shows the hype they’ve got.

5. Quikr’s here:


Credits: itsPotluck

Regular practice in the western countries which came out new in India. An online market for the used items. Who wouldn’t prefer cheaper items and for the very same reason, Quikr was established by Pranay Chulet. An IIT-D and IIM-C alumnus, who founded it with the initial name of Kijiji India, later renamed it to Quikr. Quikr didn’t take as long time before marking its place on the minds of resellers. This start-up has now raked in some millions of dollars worth.

6. Make My Trip’s:

make my trip

Credits: Wikimedia Commons

An IIM-Ahmedabad alumnus, the most coveted Bschool in India, Deep Kalra is the man behind this company. Starting in 2000 as an Indo-American travel consultancy, later on, established itself in India in 2005. From then on there was no looking back for this travel agency. Later on, it started providing domestic and international holiday packages, hotel reservations and bus tickets, etc.

7. RedBus’s acceeleration:


Credits: Wikipedia

Starting in 2005 with not so much of a pace. This company has now been one of those few startups that are considered to be rapidly growing in the business world. Mr. Phanindra, Sudhakar, and Charan are the co-founder and CEO of RedBus that’s now a known name to every person who’s fond of traveling by bus. Earlier to this, looking for a bus wasn’t that easy a task and there weren’t multiple options for the buses either. Now the Redbus has reached a position where its revenue is above $12M.

8. Hike’s hike:


Credits: Wikipedia

Scion of a billionaire, this Sunil Bharti Mittal’s son has all that not every other billionaire’s son would do. Educated and having a good insight of things, this businessman’s son has written a separate chapter for himself rather than being known as a son of Sunil Bharti Mittal. Founded in the year 2012, hike didn’t take much time before it hit every other smartphone user’s screen. Surviving against the messenger giant like Whatsapp is no piece of cake. It raised to a whopping $1.4 Billion in just 3.7 years since its foundation. Hike is the first company in India to be able to achieve that feat.

9. Pepperfry at home:


Credits: Wikimedia Commons

A company started by Mr Ambareesh Murty & Mr Ashish Shah, after together working for eBay, has gone on to become the biggest furniture place in India. Spread across more than 1000 cities in India, after being founded in the year 2011, it didn’t take a long time before Pepperfry established a name for itself. With a net worth of about 150 crores, it’s now the largest store for furniture in the whole country.

10. OYO rooms:


Credits: Wikimedia Commons

With about 4,200 hotels in 170 cities, OYO is the biggest budget hotel running firm, in the whole country. With just 21 years of age, Ritesh Aggarwal has become India’s youngest millionaire entrepreneur. Figuring continuing in college wouldn’t do him any good he dropped out of college. With frustrated parents’ pressure on one end, entrepreneur managed to rake in 360 crores in such a short span.

Success story pdf

So what are you waiting for? Be inspired by these success stories and show your worth to the world as well. Don’t sit there and think, stand up and act and maybe one day your name could be among one of these.