Which is the best recommended free SEO keyword tool?

Which is the best recommended free SEO keyword tool?

Creating a top ranking website is not easy. Taking care of web design, development and SEO are just a few of things you have to tackle. And while you are taking care of all of these points, you also need to take care of the content. A content is said to be effective when it contains the relevant SEO keywords. While taking care of all this stuff one thing should be kept in mind a lot of time should be invested in finding the relevant keywords. By doing this you can get a clean and clear idea that where you want your website to be in. With the help of this, you can shape the company’s future easily.

Whereas, to make the work of finding the relevant keywords simple and easy there are a lot of tools available on the internet platform. Which helps in getting the most relevant, targeted and trending keywords in the digital platform.

The keyword finding is just like a hunting, and it may include a lot of things like SEO keywords, long tail keywords, negative keywords etc. This involves various other things like checking the best keywords which are related to your field of work. Increasing the number of searches of your website on a monthly basis. Keep all the long tail keywords aside first try to know about your competition. Use those keywords which are related to the topic and have a high search result.

Below are some of the most used and highly recommended websites to check for keywords:


It is the best place to search for the SEO keywords for any of the topic. Google keyword planner provides the result directly by checking the Google.

This website is considered as one of the top websites where you can get the relevant keywords. And is the best site when comes to the fact that “good content gives the best result”. So here preparing good content becomes very important.

This tool analyses Google inside out and give the required information that it gave from Google. It also tells about the search engine that you should target while the optimisation of the site goes on.

Just once you log in to the Google Keyword site, you will get the full details and later work accordingly. In regards to that, you will get various other keywords option which has the higher relevancy. But that is where the challenge beings hunting all the keywords and choosing those which are relevant for your work.

Google keyword planner search image(Source: Neil Patel)

Not only that you will find various other things in it like the monthly searches for a particular keyword in an average, competition for the keyword, and how much a person should bid for that particular keyword.

The work done by Google Keyword Planner is not extraordinary but instead, it just does everything in a right way.


Soovle is a tool which gives SEO keywords from multiple sources. Like from Google, Bing, Yahoo, Wikipedia etc. And segregates everything just on one page.

Soovle image

Here, in the search option write the word which you want to search. It will then show various keywords from different sites and you have to choose all those keywords which are relevant according to your content.

Not only that in between all those keywords if you got the relevant keyword. You can drag that keyword and can save it in the “saved suggestions”. It is one of the best features of Soovle.

soolve result imageJAAXY

Jaaxy SEO keyword finding tool is the best tool available these days. By accessing it you can get access to various keywords.

This tool gives keywords in huge and large quantity. Mostly all those keywords which are related and even those which are not related.

Not only that it also gives all the data that is related to that particular keyword.

Jaaxy keyword tool image

It has 6 different columns which are as follows:

  • First one the average searches that take place for that keyword.
  • The second one is the traffic, how much traffic does the keyword attract.
  • The third one is the QSR or Quoted search results, which means how many websites are there which are searching for this particular keyword.
  • Forth one is the KQI or the keyword quality indicator, which tells about the keyword whether it is of poor or good quality or just normal.
  • Fifth is the traffic which is the score based on the traffic and competition for the specific keyword.
  • Sixth is the domain which tells that how many domains are there which are related to the particular keyword.


SEO chat suggestion keyword tool is a bit different. Whenever we enter an SEO keyword it gives the related keywords in a stepwise manner.

seo chat keyword image

  • In the first level, it will give the keywords which are important.
  • Considering the second level, it gives the important keywords with the sub keywords.
  • At last in the third level it gives the main keywords and sub-keywords inclusively it adds on more number of keywords.

So, it can be said that the third level is the best place to search for the required keywords. And the keywords in level 3 are linked with the keywords in level 2 and level 1. The third level keywords provide the best keywords and contain the hidden gems for your content and which will help your website to rank high in the Google listing.


Wordstream free SEO keyword tool is one of the most preferred tools to find the keywords. However, on the contrary, it is not a free SEO keyword tool. Gives free searches for first 30 keywords after which you have to pay some amount and continue using it.

It is a very user-friendly SEO Keyword tool. This is very much similar to the Google Keyword Planner. And is very much reliable and used by a lot of Content writers, SEO, and digital marketers.

Here, just like the other tools, you have to enter the word and it will show you the full list of relevant and most searched keywords and all those keywords which are related.

wordstream seo keyword search image

The aim of this SEO keyword tool is to give you the results which will make your business profitable. Not only that it even gives full guidance about how to use these keywords and where to use these keywords.

Not, only the SEO keywords tools there are even lot more tools which help in making you work even better. Wordstream is a huge website for digital marketing you just have to dive in and find what is helpful to you.


ubersuggest search image

Ubersuggest is another fantastic SEO keyword tool. It provides you with the whole list of the keywords that are present or related to the same keyword.

But the important advantage of Ubersuggest is that it provides more reliable results as compared to Google Keyword Planner. It provides a list of keywords which contains all the keywords. Moreover, It provides all the keywords long, short, everything that is related to the word which is entered.

It is very simple to use you just enter the required keyword and start “search”. After analysing you will get some pages of the keyword suggestion.

It separates the keywords on the basis of “Search volume” the amount of the people searching it, “CPC” they have that is Cost-per-click, the last one is the rate of competition for the specific keyword.


MOZ SEO keyword tool is another best and widely used keyword search tool available these days. It provides various ways and different things through which we can find the most relevant keywords.

moz keyword search page

The above is the full overview of the keywords of the word that is being entered. It gives the keyword suggestion, SERP analysis and mentions of that keyword.

After which each of the options is extended where we get more suggestions. Which is shown below.

moz keyword page

It gives the full details of all the related keywords to the word that is being entered. Not only that it has advanced options which can be seen below where you can see various options. Moz suggestion image

MOZ display keyword page

This was all about the SEO keyword search. Second, comes the SERP search results. Moz keyword tool displays everything that is in SERP Analysis and it gives the full details of it.

SERP moz search image

This shows,

  • Monthly income you will get if you go for it.
  • The difficulty that you will face.
  • Organic click-through-rate that you will gather if you go for it.
  • The priority that you will get on a scale of 0 to 100.


Keywords Everywhere SEO keyword tool is a different kind of SEO tool. This tool you have to install it in your desktop or laptop you just can’t access it like the other sites. It displays the data of the top 10 sites that are trending on Google this includes the sites like eBay, Amazon, Answer the public etc. It considers everything first and then gives the result which is relevant enough.

Keywords everywhere image

The best thing about this tool is that every time you don’t need to login to the site or open the particular website. Once installed, when every time you search for something in the browser it will automatically show the relevant keywords. Whenever you search anything it gives all the keywords comparing with the top sites. Not only that you can even know the Cost per click rate and the competition for the particular keyword.

keyword everywhere google imageAnd the coolest thing is that you can see those keywords also which the customers are attracted to or searching a lot and even those keywords which are not related but still are trending.

keyword search image


Google Trends can be used for finding the SEO keywords. While you search for a particular word it gives you various options for it.

Google trends image

Suppose you entered the term “digital marketing” for the search purpose. It will not only give the result for the keywords instead it will tell about some other things such as the recent search graph, related queries of it, the mostly searched area for that particular keyword.

These are some of the important things that are being covered by the Google trends and becomes very important while the keyword search. Not only that it even shows the regions which are having the craze about the particular thing or have a high Hype for it.

google trends graph


SEMRUSH SEO keyword tool is bit a different from normal keyword finding tools. Whenever you enter a word we not only get the long list of the relevant keywords. Instead, it also shows all those keywords that give a tough competition to this keyword.

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It gives some other options like it lets you chose the country which you want to target. Then it also provides the information regarding the organic search or the paid search.

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In the organic search, you can see the two options that the volume and the number of searches. While we go to Paid search we can find the two things that are the Cost per click and competition ongoing for the keywords. The number here represents the usage of that particular keyword and the cost for the particular keyword.

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Later beside organic search, we have the cost per click distribution among all the top countries in the world. Then it shows the trending things. Which means the topic which you are searching for it tells what is the rate it is trending for.

Below that you can find the phase match and related keywords. The keywords that are trending and related are upgraded from time to time. Along with the SERP report.

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Then you get the organic search results with the links which tell where the search happened from. With the Ad copies beside it. It even provides the full history of what you searched.


KW finder SEO keyword tool is one of the trending and upgraded tool. This is a free tool and provides every information for free. This contains a lot of features just at one place.

KWfinder image

It tells the difficulty level, through the SEO Keyword difficulty tool. Which tells that how difficult it is to compete in this category. And how difficult it will be to rank higher in this category. It shows the difficulty level automatically not by extra searching.

Keyword difficulty image

Rest in the related keyword list it shows the keyword searches that are trending in the list. This depends on the PPC, CTR and the quality score of the particular keyword.

KWfinder SERP image

It even gives the SERP list that is on the top and is recently done. Which contain the Domain authority, page authority, Moz rankings, Moz trust rankings, links present in the content, facebook rankings, strength of the profile etc.


Serpstat SEO keyword tool is also one of its kind. This tool like some of the tools tried to sum up everything in one platform. The major hit for this tool is the graph which shows the competition.

serstat image

It shows the full list of the companies that are competing for the same keyword and their rankings according to the Google search engine rankings.

serpstat competitor image

You can also see the bubbles on Wikipedia, Youtube some other big websites who compete and have higher rankings, more visibility, targeted keywords.

serstat graph