8 B2B trends in 2018 to attract more businesses

8 B2B trends in 2018 to attract more businesses

If you’re a firm whose key concentration is B2B, then this B2B trends in 2018 would be something really useful to you. Often we see even after all those continuous efforts, still we lack in making an impact on our business. Attracting more businesses towards our firm becomes a tough nut to crack. Well, if you’re under such a situation, then you are in dire need of a serious upgrade. Check with all the points mentioned below as I’ve picked the best ones for you. If there seems to be a lack in any one of these, do act upon it quickly.

Content and Slides marketing:

b2b trends in 2018

The content marketing has been for a while in the market and I’m pretty sure it’s here to stay. Content writing is the first and primitive most section required for any website that intends to sell services. The respective blogs show their expertise in that particular area. It also attracts the audience or viewers who need information or services from that particular topic. It’s been proven that the services websites with blogs were able to generate 160% more leads than those who failed to maintain one. Content marketing enhances the chances of your brand recognition. You can further read the tips and tricks of content marketing here.

The slides have not been so acclaimed in the market but in my opinion, slides are an easy way to share the information. They are easy, on point, don’t claim much time and most of all slides are interactive. Every other slide you visit you are welcomed by images and short notes rather than those big blog posts that some might be annoyed to read completely. Slides are time-saving and people with less patience or who don’t have enough time in their lives can go with it.

Customization with AI:

b2b trends in 2018

Customize your website with AI. Yes, if you’d like to stay ahead in the race and ahead of your competitors, this is a must. Artificial intelligence is going up and up day by day. AI has the capability to interact with your clients directly and individually. It doesn’t just give vague answers to their query, whereas it understands the situation, analyzes and gives the best possible outcome. This enhances the bond between the firm and the client in the most efficient way.

To add to this, artificial intelligence plays a prominent role in figuring the faults in your website. A few tools that can optimize your website and figure out all the vulnerabilities in it. These tools are quite essential for the small to big scale firms.

Account Based Marketing(ABM):

b2b trends in 2018

If you don’t already know what an account based marketing is, let me help you with it. ABM is a process of client acquisition through specific marketing. Being specific and particular while marketing is always beneficial. Similar is the situation with ABM. In ABM, a customer or client is targeted directly and individual measures are taken to acquire them.

For example, if I am a law firm and would like to attract the mobile giant Samsung as a client, just sending out field specific emails to all such clients won’t do me any good. A certain individual attention needs to be given to show them how important they are to us. How you’re going to take care of their needs with utmost responsibility. That’s what ABM is. It’s like individually catching the particular fish that you need rather than throwing a whole piece of net in anticipation of finding that particular fish in it somewhere.

Leverage LinkedIn:

b2b trends in 2018

LinkedIn, after the acquisition by the software giant, Microsoft is now more popular than ever. B2B businesses have been benefitted the most from this. Through linked in the clients and firms could find each other based upon their requirements. If you’re a firm deal with SaaS, there can be queries you can address on LinkedIn and they’d recognize you. This increases the chances of you having a business with them.

Video and Podcast Marketing:

b2b trends in 2018

Video marketing, though has been for quite some time on the field, has been upgrading ever since. In this generation where everything needs to be in a blink of an eye. Video offers just the facility in sharing the information. Videos are fast, interactive and influential in most of the cases. Attaching a video to your blog also increases the stay time of your visitors.

The podcast is the other kind of media marketing. When you write a content, the viewer might not always be able to read it. As it’s highly impossible for a person to read and do some other job at the similar time. So podcasts offer you the flexibility of doing some other work while understanding the concept.

Implementation of AR:

b2b trends in 2018

Augmented Reality (AR) has been ruling the current real estate world. It’s certainly going to grow much larger than ever. In augmented reality, one needs to turn their camera on and place it to the location where they want to put the product. On the camera, you can see the product is placed at the appropriate location. The dimensions with which it’s said to be made is also accurate.

If you’re a product based company, instead of sending your clients the desired products, you can give them a good view on how it looks. They can sit at home or office and understand how it looks in their respective place. After having a good look they can straightaway place the order. This saves time, effort and stress.

Introduction of Marketing Automation into your business:

b2b trends in 2018

Marketing automation is one another important aspect in marketing these days. Marketing automation is highly required in order to make the work less stressful and more efficient. his automation is said to be used by about 80% of the businesses and is expected to have raised by 51% when compared to the 2014 statistics.

This automation collects the data from the prospects and then you can utilize this data to convey the appropriate information to the respective audience. This has a high relevance rate and the rate of conversion would be substantially higher than any other way. You can customize the automation tools in a way that it sends out the marketing emails or messages occasionally and keeps your audience stuck to you.

You can further read about marketing automation here.

Voice Operated Searches:

b2b trends in 2018

The next big thing that’s going to rule all over the world in a few years.  People who can’t really use their hands in certain situations, tend to use the voice search instead. You must have seen Siri and Google now being so trendy. Out of which, Siri, which was founded in the year 2011 has been used by 66% of the users and Google by 33%. The rate of usage of these voice search engine is expected to rise drastically.

Voice operated searches are expected to be used more than 50% by the end of 2021 which is some great number. This shows the kind of concentration one needs to put on this. So while writing a blog or telling about yourself, do use the keywords that suits the voice search. Read further about this here.

In order to read further about this, do go through this article. and if you’d like to go through the statistics, visit here. For an in-depth statistics, visit this article.