7 Crucial Social Media Metrics to Monitor to Grow Your Business

7 Crucial Social Media Metrics to Monitor to Grow Your Business

n recent years, the hype around social media has been growing tremendously, be it in businesses of all sizes and in all industries. It has become vital for all the brands to leave their trail in the online chatter of these numerous networks, and they have devoted entire strategies in doing so. After all, this is precisely where your customers are, where they browse, get chatty with brands, as well as friends.

Spread the word about awesome products, and make buying decisions easier for your valued customers. Social Media Metrics plays a crucial role in the present businesses.

As a result, brands do their best to make some authentic noise, and keep their followers interested and glued, with fun content, unique language, and brilliant imagery. Of late, video content on social media is in the form of live-streaming, as well as short animations, such as gifs have become an even more popular form of content that most audiences love. So, brands do deliver.

However, many businesses fail to look at the results of their efforts from a critical perspective. They invest a lot of time, resources, funds and expertise in crafting ingenious strategies, but sadly, fail to follow up with the response. In the current era, an equal portion of a successful social media strategy, requires every brand to keep track of their results on social media and react to them in such a way so as to focus on continuous improvement. This is to keep pace with the ongoing market trends. Social networks are almost infinite sources of useful data, and it’s up to you to make the most of it to dazzle your followers and turn them into loyal customers.

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The number and growth rate of your followers

There’s no such thing as having too many followers, so naturally, brands aim to attract more of them each day. They create new posts and do their best to entice a lively conversation. However, earning these followers is often a result of years of reputation-building, that is not solely dependent on your social media tactics. Hence, the need to keep an eye on the rate of your follower growth is imperative.

The first number, your overall follower base, that is, shows the potential reach you have since they combined with their own pool of followers, is within your grasp. The second number, or how consistently your audience grows, shows how engaging your social efforts are, and in which instances you’ve earned more followers. This is for you to make more similar posts in the future.

Cross-referencing across your channels, whether it’s YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or a different mix, is crucial, to check which of your followers are simply discovering you – one network at a time. Also, which ones are actually the new members – this will give you a chance to push for more followers in each different segment you find, to have better success rates.

The engagement rate for your posts

How often do your posts receive likes, retweets, shares in other forms, comments, and emotional reactions? Although it feels impossible to track every single post you publish, you can use a wide range of tools on each of these networks, dedicated to monitoring your engagement levels.

If your audience prefers video content, you’ll see a spike in engagement, every time you post something appealing in this format. Given that, you time your publishing schedule well and use the right type of content. Make sure to always sift through your posts, even if you discover that your audience prefers one or two formats. Keep your efforts diverse, try to translate the quality, the look and the feel of those most engaged posts to other formats, to elicit a similar reaction.

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Your influencer relationships

Who do your followers look up to when they make decisions related to your industry? For those interested in fitness, just the names Kayla Itsines or Michelle Lewin, ring the bell. They are the key source of inspiration for health and fitness for these folks. While not every brand is able to aim that high on the list of popular influencers, there are literally hundreds of micro-influencers who can deliver the same results to a smaller company.

Always know who your go-to people are. They are not just there to expand your follower base, but they are the key to building a strong reputation, and a name that will stand for well-defined values. That is why, it’s crucial to find the right match and build long-term relationships with them through content and collaboration, your audience will appreciate.

Brand mentions

Those who merely follow your brand without having any type of engagement with you may not be convinced yet about your product or service. Those who engage, in a positive or negative manner, are most likely well-acquainted with your brand, and they are the ones who might actually feel free enough to start their own conversations regarding your brand. This is especially relevant when you wish to see how well your competitors are doing, compared to you, and if a certain campaign is delivering the expected results.

Understanding the emotional context in which your brand appears by including social mention monitoring into your marketing strategy will allow you to reshape your brand perception and build greater brand awareness. Whether you’re pushing a new product line into the market or trying to start a contest to grow your audience, tracking your brand’s mentions will show how well you are truly doing it and which of your efforts are making the greatest difference.

Conversion rates

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Every marketer’s favourite metric is the one that shows to what extent all your social media efforts are indeed paying off, literally. Of course, you want your followers to love you, but only when most of that love gets translated into actual purchases. Then you are actually turning a profit from all those hours, thinking up new tweets and delivering stunning Insta-perfect photos.
Now that many social networks actually allow brands to sell through their platforms, they no longer exist merely for creating influence or gently “nudging” their audience to visit their websites. On the contrary, features such as the Instagram Shopping feature which went live earlier this year, have made it possible for brands to sell directly through social media and redirect to their websites. Now, you can measure how many of those selling posts are delivering result, which ones have high click-through rates, and how you can bring more content, that will inspire that level of interest.

Organic and paid reach

Even though social networks update their algorithms to better serve their purpose, you can still see results from the organic reach efforts, and tailor your paid efforts to improve your overall reach. That said, having a massive following on social media doesn’t guarantee that your posts will have an equally impressive reach. This is precisely why you need to structure your efforts carefully to meet this goal.

You’ll see industry examples of people, as well as companies, that manage to reach a large chunk of their audience with a single organic post, but there is so much more than that meets the eye. From timing your post perfectly to crafting exactly what your followers crave for, all the way to choosing the right social platform for such an event – all of this play into the equation.

That’s why some of your posts will outshine others. You need to check the numbers to see which of your publishing content reaches the greatest portion of your audience – whether it’s through paid ads or through organic ads.

Return on investment

In order to have a comprehensive social media strategy put into action, most brands need to invest not just money, but a significant portion of their time and creative energy. It takes expertise to understand the fluctuating market, the changing needs of your audience, the upcoming social media trends, and all the finesse of excelling on these platforms.
That’s why most companies hire at least one dedicated social media manager, although most companies have entire teams at their disposal. Then, there are photographers because you can only use so many stock photos, and the SEO experts who know which keywords will be essential for your business. How many of those investments truly deliver a return you’ll feel and which will allow your business to grow?
You can rely on many analytical tools to give a deeper insight into how far you’ve come with your goals. After seeing these numbers and how they affect your social presence, you can apply a more fine-tuned approach, focus on the key profit-drivers, and create posts that will help you see these numbers grow.

Top 5 Trends for Future Social Media Marketing

Top 5 Trends for Future Social Media Marketing

If you haven’t been online lately, then you might have missed Facebook’s AR feature for its marketplace. This is a new feature introduced by Facebook to attract the users towards its new marketplace feature. Right now, the feature has been, This shows how serious Mark Zuckerberg is in making his marketplace feature a global one. There are top 5 trends for future social media marketing will rule out in 2019-2020

If you’re not really aware of what an Augmented Reality is, then let me explain it to you. Augmented reality is a digital integration of features that reside inside your device but can be portrayed as if they exist in the real time. The digital equipment and features are featured over your phone, and when you place your camera towards the real world scenario, you can get a glimpse on how it’ll be in the real world scenario. If you still haven’t understood it well, let me give you an example of Pokemon Go, where the technology gives you a feeling that you’re catching a pokemon in the real world.

Future Social Media Marketing Trends

1. Automate your Chatbots and leap into the future of social media marketing

The client bolster is a field that has a significant incredible work rate, particularly in India. Keeping in mind the end goal to adapt up to the high time-based compensation rates, the western nation associations depend upon Indian and other eastern nations for these administrations. The client mind officials are paid low here yet at the same time an instalment is an instalment. So as to keep away from this, chatbots with higher scholarly levels are being fused in this field.

future social media marketing

These chatbots are savvy, brisk to answer and they are scarily compassionate. On the off chance that you’ve run over Google’s Duplex, at that point you’ll comprehend what we are discussing. Around 90% of the general population conversing with the bot couldn’t remember it was a bot conversing with them. Thus, there’s a vast degree for AI to assume control over the bots.

So Automate your Chat Messenger will help your business growth.

2. The Biggest social media trend overall is interactive media. So Need to prepare good video related to your products

For some, promoting groups, a lot of their opportunity is given to content advancement. They centre around making blog entries, intelligent recordings, quizzes– these distinctive online encounters to give their intended interest group what they’re searching for at each phase of the voyage.

Be that as it may, once in a while with regards to the advancement stage for those benefits, they come up short on steam.  Here are the five case studies for successful interactive content ideas.


3. Create More Original Content with Complete Profiles

Rather than basically sharing substance via web-based networking media, valid on top of things content makers are picking features, photographs and even points in light of social sharing.

More than 50 per cent of individuals find out about breaking news by means of online networking rather than customary news sources, so it attempts into social.

Simply look at BuzzFeed, which cases to have “the most social substance on the planet.” Seventy-five per cent of its perusers searches for content on the site particularly to share. That is the reason it’s critical to compose social-drifting substance, focus on slanting themes, and spotlight on auspicious, applicable news.

4. Get Real Look and Feel Touch with Augmented Reality to take part in the future of social media marketing

Augmented Reality plays a crucial role in future marketing trend.

How Augmented Reality(AR) use for Marketplace?

Facebook & Instagram

facebook augmented reality

Courtesy Facebook

That’s what Facebook has embedded in its marketplace feature. You can experience the devices right in front of you. When you turn the front camera on, you can see yourself wearing those glasses and apparels or caps. Such sophisticated is this feature.

  • IKEA.
  • Lacoste.
  • Tesco.
  • BIC Kids.
  • MTV.
  • New York Times.
  • Patron Tequila.
  • Cadbury.

These brands already used the power of Augmented Reality in their Market.

Mainly Facebook and Apple investing their money to create a new trend in E-Commerce Sector by introducing latest technologies like Augmented Reality ( AR ) & Virtual Reality ( VR ).

Facebook ads can begin to look and feel a touch with additional sort of Augmented area. Corporate Brands declared nowadays that it’ll begin implementing increased augmented reality ads into the News Feed.

These AR ads area unit within the testing part, and users within the U.S.A. are going to be the sole one’s United Nations agency can see them for currently. The new feature permits users to do on the merchandise that area unit publicized through a method just like that of a Snapchat filter. (Facebook bought the increased reality face filter app MSQRD back in 2016, and it’s been adding additional filters directly on the Facebook and traveller camera options.)

In associate degree example, Facebook showed off the new AR and with a try of archangel Kors glasses, however, it is often applied to all or any styles of e-commerce product. Users are going to be able to move with digital versions of fashion accessories, cosmetics, and furnishings before shopping for them through the app. There’s already many big-name stores on board; Sephora, Wayfair, and Pottery Barn area unit a couple of the companies that area unit ready to start out testing this summer.

Shopping for Instagram Stories will be increasing over the months leading up to the vacations further. Last month, Facebook started permitting brands to position stickers on the associate degree Instagram story to link out and let a user purchase the publicized product. solely a couple of choose brands were able to begin exploitation the stickers then, however, the program can begin rolling out globally nowadays.

Facebook is not the first company to connect shopping and augmented reality. In fact, Snapchat pioneered this type of “selfie-commerce,” first with an AR ad for BMW last year. Then this year, Snapchat connected AR lens ads to shopping, letting people click to a checkout page to buy products on display—called “shoppable AR.”

Not only Facebook and Instagram even Pinterest has come up for the online marketing race.  We can even use Pinterest for various branding purpose. It is a kind of Social media platform which is free of cost and allows the users to share, display and showcase other visual elements. You can Pin here anything from cooking tips, to fashion, to fitness etc. everything that you are interested in. It is considered as a very reliable website for all the users. 93% of the purchases are made after taking a look at the product and what Pinterest has to say about it? This is one of the leading growing social media platforms for online marketing.


Furthermore, online business brands are dashing to offer those iPhone proprietors better approaches to associate, find, and purchase their items with AR innovation.


Recently Apple released AR KIT 2.0 Here is the Demo.

Courtesy Intent GmbH Youtube

5. Influencer Marketing

Influencer promoting can be one intense strategy if done right. To see exactly how great influencer advertising can do to one’s business, influencer promoting gives 11X higher rates of return (ROI) over every single other type of conventional showcasing.

  • Finding Potential Influencers
  • Pitch Them
  • Collaborate to Create Unique Marketing Content
  • Create Unique Experiences

It’s our conviction that better advertising equivalents to better shopping, which prompts development for your business

If any better ways to increase e-commerce business by using Social Media Marketing. Feel free to Comment us.