We are staying in the era where the normal broadcasting has been taken up the digital world. And people are always in a need of a good and more easier form of technology which eventually eases their work. And the idea of being digital has been changed a lot of people preferring internet that in smartphone, tablets, desktops have increased a lot than the traditional ways of advertisement. But there is always a debate between the digital platform advertising and television advertising. And if digital marketing then, how to become an expert in it?
The tough competition between digital advertising and television advertising has been increased a lot. If we go on with the recent survey conducted in the USA the digital and TV revenue collected were both same and it was established that digital is working similarly as the television does. However, if we swap up to India here people watch and believe more on television than the digital. Whereas there has been individual growth in both the digital and television sectors.
The first and the furthermost importance of digital marketing is that it is very much cost-effective than any type of traditional marketing. Survey leads to say us that 34% of the companies have already started implementing digital marketing and it has been increasing year by year and day by day. And more than 72% businessman believes that the digital platform is much more effective than traditional marketing techniques and can enhance the business by 30% profits to it. And continuing the ad management and promotion in the digital platform helps the business to get more than 80% of the profit.
In a survey conducted by Hubspot, we found out that the cost per lead for across 350 companies the average was being determined to be approximately $200. And all the statistics shown depends on the type of industry, the size of company and revenue generated. And much larger the company is more investment they do in generating leads. The companies and their investments in digital marketing campaigns in Million Dollars are listed below:
The electronic channel has nowadays become very broad and wide and is being used by everyone. If we take the case of USA where the people viewing TV and people using mobile phones are the same but it is a bit different scenario in India. Here there approximately 183 million homes in which 900 million people watch TV and the total household would be approximately 243 million which means the future of Television in India is very bright which may increase up to 65 million more. Similarly, when we jump towards present day’s digital scenario in India there 650 million mobile users out of which 300 million are the smartphone users and 350 are feature phone users. And these feature phone users are also converting to smartphones according to the statistical review as there a lot of provisions provided to people who have smartphones can access it like cheaper data packages, unlimited calls, 1GB data per day etc.
However, in India, it is always a tough competition between TV and digital platforms and from past few years it has been seen that there is a huge increase in digital marketing campaigns in India. Which, initially creating a very good market base for digital marketing in India. And experts say that in coming future there will be a huge increase in the digital marketing campaign and people will turn more towards digital media than television.
And the advertisers have started using Television campaigns and digital platforms equally from past few years the investment of the digital media platform has increased a lot. Considering an example below:
One of India’s top rate retailer Future Group who has 250+ stores in all over India in 120 different cities and towns and has been investing a huge amount in the digital marketing campaign and believes that marketing of digital platform will increase the endeavoring chances of their business.
The Digital head of future group Mr. Pawan Sarda says, “ digital platform is the best for any company to connect with people and mostly when the languages are different. If we have to connect to Telugu or Tamil or Marathi people at a time then digital media is the best thing to connect with people easily where we face a language barrier”. Because of all the significant reasons Future Group has started investing more in digital marketing. At first, before 2-3 years they used to invest 2%-3% only in online marketing whereas now it has increased to 18%-20% investment.
And they are investing as much as possible until the digital media works as a relevant gateway for the ad campaign. They even conducted FBB’s “ World Shorts Day” in digital media for the customers under the age of 30 which was a huge success and was repeated several times. Similarly, “National Jeans Day”, “watch now buy now” initiate where also a big success on the digital platform.
- GIVING EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES TO ALL BUSINESS: digital marketing offers equal opportunities for every business. Now everything has become very advanced it’s not more like the old system where only big companies and businesses were able to embrace the marketing opportunities. The digital marketing platform is now open for all it irrespective of whatever the type of business is it helps in promoting the business and driving the traffic towards it.
- Now the small-scale industries and startups can easily do marketing of their business through the digital platform that too which is very cost effective.
- The most important thing of digital marketing is the ability to manage and provide the correct digital marketing service with customer care services.
- DIGITAL MARKETING MORE EFFECTIVE THAN TRADITIONAL MARKETING: there has been a 40% growth in the sales of the companies those who did promotion for their business on the digital platform. Digital platform allows everyone irrespective of what business they are doing and whether it is a small or big or startup company to do online marketing. And online marketing is the cheapest one whereas traditional marketing is the costliest medium of marketing which moreover could be afforded by the big companies or industries only.
And as the survey did by DemandWave shows that email marketing tops the position by generating the highest amount of leads followed by organic search and social media. And all this at a very less cost. - DIGITAL MARKETING GENERATES HIGHEST CONVERSION RATES: the main aspect of any digital marketing campaigns is to drive the maximum number of people to your website and generate leads. This is not that end converting those leads into effective customers is the important task for any business. If there will be no conversion from leads to customers then the digital marketing strategies and the amount will of no use. That’s why every company who chose the digital platform for their marketing purpose run behind conversion rate optimization or CRO. According to the recent survey conducted by Ascend 2’s it was found that the leads generated by producing effective content to get highest conversion rate is shown below:
- GENERATES REVENUES AND HIGHEST ROI LEAD: along with the best conversion rates generating highest revenues on the investment made in the digital marketing is also an important aspect. Because it’s not that just invested in a marketing strategy generating highest returns is also very important because that is where a company relies on and knows whether it is in profit or in the loss. The business person can know whether the company is in profit or loss and if profit then by what percentage. And by using the digital platform a company can easily have 3.3 times better revenues than the previous one.
Digital marketing provides a wide variety of better and bigger strategies and targeting every place both the nearby localities and abroad. And it will work as a rocket fuel for the development of small-scale and medium ventures. Below is the survey conducted by DemandWave about the channels which produce highest ROI :
There are always a lot of important factors which makes the digital marketing campaign a profitable one these includes the Search engine optimization (SEO) services, Search Engine Marketing (SEM) services, pay per click, email marketing, social media marketing (SMM) etc. The answer to how to become a digital marketing expert? The only answer is by making everything transparent and showing the straightforwardness, which is the only way to track and monitor your business with increasing the number of customers and profits to your business.