Every business owner probably knows what a sales funnel is. If you don’t, sales funnel is a process or set of actions that a customer should go through to purchase your product. Understanding the sales funnel is essential to manipulate it in a way so that your potential customers become your buyers and not chicken out at the most critical moment.
The sales funnel consists of six main stages:
Awareness: The first stage of the sales funnel grabs the attention of your potential customer. Your goal at the awareness stages should keep them coming back.
Consideration: Now that they are interested, they start considering the purchase. The goal here is to get their email address.
Preference: Now, they are hooked. On the stage of choice, you should pre-qualify the prospect.
Purchase: Once they’ve decided, they should purchase. Here, your goal is to make the sale.
Loyalty: After they made one purchase, you should keep them loyal so that they buy something else. This time your goal is to make the sale again.
Advocacy: And finally, they are not only coming back for more but also advocating others to purchase from you.
This article will look into ways that you can decrease the sales funnel by working on the first five stages.
1. Awareness: Blogging
Most probably one of the most recommended ways of increasing your online presence, blogging has proven to be an effective and relatively cheap way of promoting yourself. It doesn’t matter if your business has anything to do with writing – blogging is meant to increase your visibility for search engines and have more customers find you.
Another reason to put blogging on your to-do list is that it is a surprisingly powerful storytelling tool that can showcase the importance of your brand. It is also a perfect persuasion tool.
When used right, blogging can give enormous results. If you are not good at it, you can always look for writing and translation professionals at PickWriters or search for freelancers on Fiverr. It’s ideal for personalizing your customers’ experiences, and this can be achieved by enabling them to access the information on your website in their native language. English is suitable for larger audiences, but when it comes to going global, it is always better to customize your content for each country separately.
2. Awareness: Social Networking
Apart from indirectly impacting your search engine rankings, social networking is also the best way to gain social media recognition.
Your availability on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook may also influence how much customers trust you. Reviews and recommendations are prevalent on social media platforms, which means that this is where your advocacy stage customers will operate to find you, new clients.
Decide on the platforms perfect for you and create accounts. To link them all in one place, you can use Linktree. There are also numerous social media management apps and programs in case you want to be able to maintain them all from one place or even schedule posts. You might want to check out such services as Buffer or Hootsuite.
3. Consideration: Landing Pages
Landing pages are very different from the home pages. A landing page is a page on your website that has content on it addressing a specific problem and containing a clear call to action. A home page, however, will represent the general aspects of your business. For example, your home page might say that your business is called XYZ and you sell ABC, while one of your landing pages may assume that you sell the EFG segment of products (from the overall ABC) and will include a form to order one of the products.
To increase your conversion rate, it is recommended that you work on your site’s landing pages. Make sure that they are as appealing as possible and have the content on them as meaningful as the images or illustrations. Have a clear call to action. After all, the page’s purpose is to capture the prospect’s contact information or make a sale. To see how landing pages work, try to compare the landing pages of big company websites to their home pages.
4. Consideration: Calls To Action
Calls to action are a must when it comes to conversions. For every page on your website, think of what goal are you pursuing. What work should the visitor complete?
Of course, the ultimate goal is to have them purchase the product from you, but what about the smaller actions leading up to it? Most of the time, you will need your potential customer to click a link, leave their email, or watch a video. Making a purchase already comes after it.
When including a call to action, it is better to have several here and there. This way, your audience will be reminded about the operation several times.
5. Preference: Email
Email marketing is a great way to keep your potential customers involved at least to some extent. But even a simple email answering the most frequently asked questions or explaining the basics of your company can keep the person interested.
If you haven’t had any experience with email marketing yet, then this is the perfect time to start. Collect all the knowledge you may need and plan your email marketing campaign before diving-in. You can also set up autoresponders that send out electronic messages once your customers complete specific actions. Do not forget to thank them for what they do – sincerity and gratitude are always appreciated. On the other hand, don’t bury them under piles of emails because they can unsubscribe or mark them as spam.
6. Preference: CRM
Customer Relationship Management, commonly known as CRM, is a program that helps you track interactions with current and future customers. This software enables you to identify on which stage of the sales funnels your prospects currently are.
By using CRM, you can identify which emails each potential customer should receive based on their cookies and what you already know about them. CRM, when combined with email marketing, is a powerful tool that helps you personalize the experience of every customer or prospect and lead them on to the next stage of the sales funnel.
7. Purchase: eCommerce Promotion
Never assume that your customers will easily find their way to check out. You should guide them up until the end of the process and make sure that they follow the calls to action you included. This is why eCommerce promotion is so important, and here are some ways to use it:
Marketing Campaigns: Schedule your marketing campaigns around favorite holidays. This will give your prospects an incentive to buy your product.
New Products: Always email or notify them about new products. If you don’t tell them what’s new in stock, nobody will. They are not on the lookout for new products – you are on the lookout for new customers.
Offers: Offer them various bonuses and opportunities such as free shipping, live chats, etc. Sales and discounts are a sure way to attract their attention and maybe even convert it into a deal.
8. Purchase: Social Monitoring
Social monitoring will not only help you see who is talking about you but will also let you engage with your potential customers.
Set up Google Alerts to notify you when someone is discussing your brand or something related to it. Monitor who has tweeted at you and reply to their question. Reply to comments under your posts on social media and get involved with both your prospects and your customers.
If someone has written a review of your brand or product, it would be good to see what it is about and maybe even display it to persuade more prospects that you are worth the money. People tend to trust other people, especially when the reviews are not fake or bot-generated.
9. Loyalty: Referrals
Referrals are a great way to appreciate your customers and show them that you value them. Ask them to refer a friend and let them get a reward. It could be a discount or a different kind of bonus.
Referrals are useful for establishing long-term relationships with your past and present customers. They help set up a group of people that will come back to purchase more and help you gain yet another client.
If you think referrals are not for you, you may want to try setting up affiliate programs for your customers, but that might take more time and will require more effort both for you and your customers. Moreover, referral programs do not apply to all of your clients.
10. Loyalty: Resells, Upsells, Cross-sells
Last but not least, resells, upsells, and cross-sells are another way to keep your customers interested in the loyalty stage.
Resells mean that you are selling the same product to your customer that they already purchased from you. If they enjoyed the first, they would probably enjoy it again. The only thing they need is a soft nudge.
Upsells and cross-sells prompts your customers to purchase other items that are similar to the one they bought but that are more expensive. These can also be items that function as a kind of an add-on to the main thing your customer purchased. You can market these either before, during, or after the purchase.
To sum it all up, the sales funnel one of the basics that you should know about your business and operating it. Make sure to try out these strategies to decrease your sales funnel and increase the probability of a potential customer becoming a buyer.
Financial technology has officially reached the early stages of mass adoption. People are now depositing checks and rebalancing their asset portfolio on the go, instant personal loans are available online, and businesses can receive funding within a matter of a few hours! Fintech is slowly creeping its way into the mainstream. Therefore, it is the ideal time for a startup in this industry to shine.
So, how can you write your fintech startup success story? The answer is “with an excellent online marketing strategy!” Sure, online marketing alone cannot make your company successful. However, without it, your products/services may remain in the shadows forever. That is why building a strong strategic foundation should be one of your priorities.
Importance of creative online marketing
Most fintech companies are employing the latest technologies to enhance and automate the use and delivery of financial services. Building a revolutionary product or solution may be the first step towards success. However, proper online marketing is just as necessary for gaining recognition and drawing the attention of the consumers.
Fintech marketing involves a combination of tactics, designed specifically for financial technology firms. Creating a foolproof strategy for such a growing vertical can be challenging. The number of startups is increasing, and traditional banks are adopting emerging technologies to provide better products and services to the customers. Making one company stand out in the crowd is undoubtedly tricky.
The biggest hurdle standing in the way of fintech marketers is to get people to trust unfamiliar and potentially helpful tools. Many of the technologies may seem opaque and complicated to the average man. Then there are security and privacy concerns as well as vague policies and terms on rates and charges. Making them believe in the product or solution, and getting them to use it for handling transactions and managing finances can be hard.
So, it is evident that the same old ideas and concepts are not going to work when it comes to promoting a fintech startup online. Better and more innovative strategies are required. Below are a few top tricks that industry experts swear by.
Go mobile or go home:
Ever since the advent of smartphones, we have been spending more and more time on these little handheld devices. Studies show that the average consumer spends about five hours daily on the phone. Mobile app usage has increased up to 69% since 2016. From shopping to banking, everything is done on mobile today. Targeting mobile users is thus necessary.
So, how can you ensure that your fintech marketing strategy is in line with the growing mobile usage? Start by building a mobile responsive website. It will not only help you rank higher and better in Google SERPs, but you will be more likely to convert visitors. Moreover, since 52% of the total online searches are carried out from mobile, you can no longer ignore it.
To attract mobile users, you must:
Make your website content crisp and concise.
Remove clutters such as unnecessary pop-ups, widgets, and content.
Improve website navigation and loading speed.
Add visual elements such as icons, infographics, images, and videos to content.
Use extensive and responsive fonts and non-intrusive animations.
All in all, you must make sure that your website looks and performs exceptionally well on mobile as well as on the desktop. Then you can think about investing in SEO and ads.
Create high-quality content:
You may have heard this one before, but it holds much more weight now. Valuable content is essential for effective online marketing. It can be a listicle that clarifies consumers’ doubts and questions about your product or solution. You can also create “how-to” articles to highlight the best ways to use your tools. Informative content is in high demand, and the more value you can add through content, the better it is for marketing.
As per a recent study, 45% of the millennial population wants financial services and products to help them manage their finances. However, 37% of them stated that they were unable to find helpful resources online to help them understand essential topics. As a result, most millennials are left uneducated and confused about one of the most vital responsibilities of adulthood.
The statistics may seem somewhat shocking. However, this is your chance to step in and offer this generation something that other financial companies have not. By creating valuable content, you can educate and inform both adults and young adults. It will not only build trust, but it will also increase brand authority.
Embrace social media:
When it comes to social media, opinions, and views are divided mainly. While some people are avid social media users with active profiles on all major platforms, others refuse even to download the apps! As a fintech startup, your target market will define your social media marketing needs. From Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and more, options are plenty. You need to choose a platform that suits your product/service and target audience.
Be bold when branding:
Want people to know and remember your company? If you’re going to create a stir, the best idea would be to invest in branding. Consumers will know you by your brand. So, you must focus on building a killer brand image. You may have the best content, a highly functional and mobile-friendly website, and an excellent social media strategy. However, without proper branding, none of it will bear fruit.
Branding strategies and tactics will, of course, depend on your target demographic and company culture. If you are primarily targeting millennials and young people, you should not be hesitant to go bold when branding your fintech startup. You may choose to create an imposing, powerful, and sharp image, or you may go with a bright splash of color. No matter what you do, make sure to keep your ideas fresh and memorable.
Over-deliver when possible:
If you ever over-deliver, make sure to promote that act over and over again. For example, Southwest Airlines gets a ton of free PR by doing acts of kindness. Remember the time a mom thanked the Southwest flight attendants because they helped calm her baby? What about the time the company reunited a mother with her unconscious son? The world loves when a company cares about its customers. If you ever go out of your way to help/appreciate your customers, do not let that go unnoticed!
Excellent customer service always pays, and what better way to serve your customers than to over-deliver through products and services? If you do good, you can expect to do well! However, it does not necessarily mean that you should follow in the footsteps of Southwest and copy their stories. Over-delivering does not always mean grand gestures. You can achieve the same goal through small yet sentimental acts. Even a simple act of thanking your customers can go a long way when it comes to earning love and trust.
Run ad campaigns wisely:
Want to run an ad campaign for your fintech startup? You have plenty of choices to pick from! The problem with many fintech startups is that they are afraid to use new and innovative marketing tactics. For example, instead of reaching consumers online, many fintech companies are still relying solely on radio commercials and TV ads.
Google, Facebook, and YouTube are all excellent platforms where you can run your paid ad campaign. However, you must set up your social and Google ad campaign keeping factors such as demographics, budgets, interests, images, keywords, and call to action in mind. You can optimize pretty much every aspect with just a few clicks of your mouse!
Radio, television, and billboards are part of a dying market. Though they worked beautifully in the past, they are no longer effective in today’s technologically-driven society. Therefore, you must rethink your strategies and focus your budget and energy, where it is likely to have the most impact.
Wrapping up
Fintech marketing is a relatively new concept, which is why there is still room for experimenting. However, you should always be wise when gambling with a new idea for ranking top keywords like instant personal loans, Business loans, etc. As a startup, you can begin with the tips mentioned above.
Paid Search Advertisers are always on the pursuit of making their ads more engaging. To make it easy for the Bing Ads users, we present the tips and tricks to Bing Ads extension. Most of the people will now have turned towards the ads extension to boost the AdWords click-through rate. The fascinating thing here is Google benefitted by these ad extensions as the part of Ad Rank Formula and Bing Report.
New Bing Ads Extension
Bing Ads has recently unwrapped the new ads extension that will help you utilize the call to action buttons in the text ads.
These new action extensions will help all the advertisers achieve an increase in the click-through rate at least to 20%. This extension is made available in all the Bing Ads Worldwide. Bing Ads action is global, and it is supporting in all the languages, it is available from Wednesday in all the desktop and mobile devices. The featured extension involves one of the 70 predefined calls to action.
In details, if we would discuss then, we can integrate the action extension to the accounts, campaign or the ad group level, with the lowest level of precedence. You will be allowed only 20 action extensions per level.
The action extension only supports in the web UI; it is web bulk account managing tool. However, the campaign manager in Bing Ads service only to API and bulk API. You will have the option for setting the URL for an extension.
This is the new Ad extension feature that Bing has recently introduced. To know more about the Bing Extension tips and tricks follow the whole article.
Location Extension
The location extension allows all the advertisers to include the business address, phone number, and direction to the workplace or store in the AD. When the searchers click on the link, then it will redirect to Bing Maps Page with the address showing already populated.
Source: Bing
What is the use?
If you want to drive the audience to your storefront, then you must add the location extension. This helps in boosting the traffic to your business; it makes you stand out in the Search Engine Ranking Page. According to Bing Reports, Bing Ads Extension produce 7%-10% of increased Click Through Rates than those who don’t have.
SiteLink Extension
The SiteLink Extension allows the advertisers to include links to their various other pages in site just below the Ad. You can even enhance the page links by adding a few lines of description to it for each connection.
What is the use?
Every advertiser gets benefitted from it, instead of just one link advertisers can add more than one link with a description. When the site links double the opportunities of the AD surface doubles, that makes the Ad visibility of Ad prominence higher than that of smaller ads. As a result of this, the announcement yields up to 30% more profit and profile than the regular ads.
The key here is providing links to only those sites which are very relevant for your business which includes a landing page, useful links to the store. If you mention something that is out of topic then there are huge chances that it will derail the users, distract them from actual thing that you want to show. When you are setting up the extension, do the background digging and check what people are looking for and try to enhance their experience.
App Extensions
With the App Extensions, the advertisers can include a link asking the people to download the application directly from their text ads. Once the user clicks on the link, Bing recognizes the type of device and the Operating system and then redirects to the correct app store to complete the installation process.
What is the use?
If your business has the app, this means you have invested a significant amount of time in building the original app-so you will surely want that people should use it! App extension is one the best way to introduce people to your app and encourage them to download it and use it.
According to a leading person from Microsoft, one from every four people across the world downloads the app from App extension or through app searching in the browser. As apps are more sophisticated and delicate than the other mobile websites, apps draw more conversion rates. If you have a perfect app then never hesitate to promote.
Image Extension
In Image Extension, the advertiser can add image alongside the ad. Usually, one can upload up to six images (Per campaign) and have a unique URL for every picture. This gives the advertisers a chance to point the users to some other websites also.
Source: Bing
Until now the extension can only be displayed on the desktop and the tablets. However, now ads are showing just one image in the advertisements. Bing even announced that they would testing other image formats in the forthcoming months. Will initially bring such a potential option to Ads extension.
What is the use?
The first thing that might come into your head, Why should you use the image extension you can use the standard product extension? Answer: Images attracts people more than that of words. On the other hand, Product Ads yields the best result, but the image extension has proven beneficial where ads are not present.
Source: Bing
These are best for service-based businesses such as hotels, spas, restaurants, bakery, e-commerce to showcase product ads. All these industries show the image extension.
Call Extension
Source: Bing
It is one of the beneficial ad extension, and the advertisers can use the Call extension to display the contact number in the Ad, with a button to click-to-call, all in the ad copy. There are two types of Bing Ads Extension:
The display on all the Devices: The primary use of this option is to enable the call tracking for all kind of devices, to attain the in-depth data like call type, duration, etc. for the calls generated from the ads. To do this Bing improved a dynamic forward calling option that will appear on your ads.
Display only on smartphones: This is a type of customized calls, with this option your phone number will be appearing in the click to call format. However, clicks to this calls are always recorded, while no in-depth data is present.
What is the use?
For the maximum number of business, the number of leads comes from the conversation or calls than directly going to the landing page. The Call extension usually, cuts down the middle man and gives you direct contact to the team.
If we take it in another way, building a landing page that attracts every audience is a bit difficult. And the same landing page pushing the leads to convert to users is a difficult task. Even if you have a beautiful landing page but the people turning cannot be anticipated. On the flipside, in Call extension, there is direct contact between the user and the business.
There are few more ads extension that is coming soon in Bing Ads that will make your work more exciting and accessible.
Action Link Extension
The Action Link Extension allows the advertisers to add the call to action button along with their ads that are linked to the landing page. Usually, Bing provides a pre-approved list of actions for the button the activities include buy now, sign in, reserve, contact us. It also offers a possibility for the users to submit a review for CTAs.
Since it is not yet there in the market, all those advertisers who want to avail it should apply Microsoft for this fantastic feature.
What is the Use?
Based on the recommendation it is made, it can be seen that the extension has been designed keeping e-commerce business in mind while it is useful for others also. Typically, we can see that when people have a clear directive, they will mostly flow in action. Given that the extensions will highlight the call to action and will make it easy for them searchers to do it. This will undoubtedly yield a higher click-through rate.
However, the feature is very identical to Facebook CTA button. A lot of advertisers have reported positive reviews for Facebook CTA. We can hope the same for bing also.
Review Extension
This extension is very beneficial and allows the advertisers to include the third party link in your business ad. However, the review must be from a reputable source rather than any customer or a proposal review. It must be a reflection of the whole business.
Source: Bing
What is the Use?
You may have a bunch of happy customers! Who will show a lot of positive feedbacks to your work? Review extensions are super useful for your business if you are small or starter. Even, if the advertisers have the best ads, the searchers are less likely to engage if you have no good one recommending you, searchers start thinking if you are trustworthy or not. Including a known third party will build trust upon you and makes your presence more powerful.
Callout Extension
Callout Extension allows the advertisers to add the four emphasized product keys selling below the ad. Unline the SiteLinks these are not clickable links. The sole purpose is to add more content to your ad.
Source: Bing
What is the Use?
It is the best chance to add more content to your paid ads in Bing, which will include more useful keywords. Callout Extension is those that will provide you this opportunity to add more content. Regardless! of the industry, it is helpful for any business. You have to check the unique selling points, then plug them to account, campaign or ad group. These extensions are new in Bing and very similar to AdWords Callout Actions.
Video Extension
The Video Extension will allow the advertisers to append 15-30 Videos to text ads. This is limited to specific users. The Bing Account managers should talk with Bing to enable this service.
Bing is the first platform to release something as Video Extension. We see the growing popularity of Video Ads, and Content Bing introduced this amazing Video Extension.
What is the Use?
This extension is useful for any business, even though the searchers don’t directly connect with it. If we add a video along with Ad will increase the Search Engine Ranking Page, this helps to stand out against the competitors ads. According to psychology, people tend to attract to images more than that of words. This makes the ads colorful and grabs the vision of the searchers at a once.
There are a lot of Extensions that Bing has added to make the work of Advertisers easy, attractive and grabbing traffic. Additional to this the new ad extension also brings some new advertisers to bing making it innovative.
Maybe some of the Extension you have to ask Bing for using, but it is worth taking if you want your ads to be the best.
We hope you came to know more about the Bing Ad Extensions and its uses. If you have any queries regarding Bing feel free to talk to us.
Do you want to get the best search result ranks or page rankings? If yes, then you need to ensure that your SEO strategies and practices are in sync with Google’s changing algorithms. Every business today wants to rank on Google’s page one, enjoy increased sales and profits.
It is a fact that Google usually brings about 1,000 to1, 500 changes annually! And to keep up with that might seem like a challenging task. It is essential for established, small and start-up businesses to increase their rank by adjusting to Google updates. For that need to address both on-page and off-page SEO tactics! Discussed below are six steps to rank on page one in Google that you can read, refer and apply.
1. Ensure that your website is mobile ready
It is no more a new update! Unless you have been completely away from the latest Google updates for a long time. It’s been a while that Google has come out with its mobile-first index, where it is imperative that a website should be mobile responsive. It means that the site should function both in mobile, desktop and all other computing devices alike. Now Google has decided to index, crawl and rank the web pages depending on how well they are performing with their mobile version as well.
The Google Webmasters elucidated in a tweet that this change doesn’t indicate that websites which are not mobile responsive will not get indexed. But instead, it’s an emphasis that people should shift from desktop-ready websites and create mobile-ready sites too. Today a vast majority of people browse the internet from their mobile. If they don’t have a favorable experience while browsing the site, they won’t return to it.
2. You need to publish good quality content
Every business owner knows that he/she requires excellent content to rank better. Your website quality in terms of both written and imagine material holds importance in 2019. Content is the primary factor when it comes to listing on page one. All content which is keywords optimized enhances SEO. It is essential for your content to offer useful data. When your web pages only look good and have no real value, it can hurt your business reputation. Algorithms like Google Panda focuses on quality and meaningful content.
3. Enhance SEO outcome by maximizing page speed
No online user will endlessly for your website to keep loading. It is essential that your site loads within a few seconds. Page speed is a crucial ranking factor to get featured on page one results. Usually, when a site takes more than five seconds to load, the user loses interest. It causes increased bounce rates as well. Do you want to know whether your site loading speed is apt for SEO? If yes, you can make the most of Google PageSpeed Insights.
Using this tool is easy. First, you need to share the URL details, and in no time you will get to know all about your site’s performance, both in desktop and mobile mediums. Then you can adjust the speed accordingly once you get the necessary details. At last, you can check the best search result ranks here.
4. Plagiarism free content that helps to add user issues
Before you make a wish to rank on Google’s page one, it is important to answer one fundamental question? And that is this – Why will the users and online readers visit your site? The obvious answer to this would be that they wish to find the answer to their questions. Therefore, to rank better, you need to address the customer pain points effectively.
Also, your content should be framed in a way that it answers user queries and with original content. It is vital for the website and any other material to be original, impressive to read and plagiarism free. Also, it is essential to get the tone of the content correct. A conversational tone is always preferable than something which is verbose.
5. Minimize the image size and other media file size
It is a known fact that images and videos will still grab more attention than plain content. For this content managers and developers always think of the media file they want to use when they are planning both web content and blog content. You can have the best photographs of a company seminar or new products when you’ve had a critical product launch. Usually, a company appoints a photographer professionally, who use a high-end camera to click the images and also make videos.
Uploading this media file might appear raw and provide image clarity, but it has a chance to slow the site. Huge size images and videos add excess pressure and can prohibit the site getting loaded fast, even when the section has been arranged in a better way. For this, you need to compress the size of images and videos before it’s uploaded to the site. Once that gets done, your site loads fast, and you can qualify for the page one Google ranking.
6. Switch to HTTPS to ensure that your content and location is safe
Simply put, HTTPS’s full form is “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.” You might come across, that when a web page starts these days, most have HTTPS in place of HTTP, which was a previous arrangement. The “S” in HTTPS stands for safety. It means your site stays clear from hacker and remains safe. This is crucial to Google since it announced and affirmed way back during 2014 when HTTPS was taken to be an original ranking sign.
However, accepting this encryption isn’t something that all website had to or wanted to adhere to. Sites could still get high ranks without following this factor. But today, this entire trend is changing at jet speed. About 65% of the domains that are in the best three positions for the keywords having a high-volume is considered secure. And even though the percentage might fall for the low volume keywords, today there’s an exciting link between increased rank and encryption.
Getting a rank on Google’s page one search results is essential for companies who want to make it big in the digital domain space. It will help to expand businesses better and enjoy increased online visibility. Ranking on page one has its advantages. When you follow the best steps, you can also get Page one Google search result rankings.
Do you know that an influencer can generate up to 15 times more Return on Investment (ROI) than the standard advertising? We can even say that 90% of the customers believe only online reviews from social Media Influencer. This article will take a dig on the Pinterest, Pinterest Marketing, Pinterest Analytics, Pinterest Influencers or we can say that a hole on Pinterest everything or total Pinterest App.
While moving to the influencers, it can be expected that the Worth of Influencers will grow more than the $10B in 2020. It will increase because the increased number of people in social media is giving rise to growing influencers, which makes social media sites more established.
To know more about Pinterest, Pinterest Marketing, Pinterest Analytics, Pinterest influencer read the full article below:
Pinterest Marketing
Pinterest has become one of the essential social media marketing places these days, a lot of businesses are turning towards Pinterest and Pinterest Marketing. Below we mention some of the vital tips that should be taken into account for Pinterest Marketing.
Update Pinterest Business Account and Profile
This may be the fundamental thing, but first things first a Pinterest account as the face of the brand. It clearly, means that start turning your regular account to a business account. No need to worry! It is pretty easy to convert your account to a business account. First, go through all the terms and condition and connect your social account.
Always make sure that the bio contains all the relevant keywords to identify your brand. It should be easy to know your brand, but with all the essential keywords. The bio should make the front page of the brand or the brand voice with some useful SEO keywords. So, that everyone could know about your business in brief.
Have the customized account, different from regular ones
Add the unique and beautiful board covers to your profile.
Another aspect of making your Profile customized is by adding Board Titles that are catchy and attractive.
Optimize the website
Always make it easy for the viewers to pin your post from your page. You will have several options that will help you with it.
Rich pins: Always enable Rich Pins, depending according to what your business sells or buys. Have the product pins to have the pricing info in the Pins.
Buyable pins: This is stepping forward to product pins, and further can be checked by syncing the web store to your Pinterest account. When the viewer sees a pin, the person can directly “Add to Bag” by clicking on it.
Optimize all images: As it is an image first site, it becomes imperative to have the quality image on the product page. The page with the best pictures, best pins, works the best.
Be Active
After you optimize and customize everything in your page, this the last step to take that is to stay active from time to time. Always make some time to check your content, maintain a connection with the viewers with new material, and have a look for all the pins used by pinners.
While you do pinning, it is better to add some description to your pins and the hashtags related to your business. The hashtags should be clickable just like all other hashtags in different social media sites.
Analyze the work
Yes! This is the last and crucial step that no one should forget.
Analyze the work that you have done. Knowing what your hard work resulted in, is very important, to check if you can use the Pinterest Analytics, which will give full insights about the Business you are doing in Pinterest. This guide helps you in managing the social media business and trying out new techniques to achieve more traffic.
Bring on new strategies
Every month while you have the monthly analysis of Pinterest. It is good to come up with new policies that will spice up the things for you. Start expanding the strategies and different ideas, always to make yourself geared- up.
Pinterest Analytics
First, stepping into the Pinterest Analytics, if you are an active user in Pinterest, and using this platform for the business person, then knowing the Pinterest Analytics is very much important. This helps in tracking the performance of the page.
To avail the Pinterest Analytics, you should have the business account. After you set up the Pinterest Analytics, want to have a look for the profile analytics click on your profile on top of Pinterest Analytics.
How do I find Pinterest analytics?
If you want to view your profile analytics, click on Analytics just above Pinterest then selects Profile.
Then the Pinterest Profile Analytics is subdivided into four sections: Impression, Saves, Links Clicked and All time.
Impression: It is the number of times a pin from your profile being displayed on the Pinterest home, feeds, category feed and search. Average monthly viewers are calculated by the number of people who saw your pins in a month. This will include all the pins that you save in your Pinterest Profile and seen in the last 30 days. It will consist of all the pins that you saved including all those pins other people share or collected from the website and linked accounts.
Saves: It is the number of times a viewer has saved the pin on their board. Pinterest counts it whenever someone saves it, and people start discovering your content.
Link Clicks: Analytics shows the number of clicks that come to a destination, which includes all the on and off Pinterest.
All-time: this includes a variety of metrics that started from the beginning of the Pinterest Account, that has:
Most saved Pins in All-Time.
All those pins that have a higher search ranking.
Power pins- all those who have a high time engagement from people, and it is a combination of comments, saves, sends and all.
It is the number of times your pins will appear on the home feed page, search results and all the various category fields. We can say in other words, that 1 immersion= 1 view.
Impressions matter a lot as it tells us how much your content reached to people. Always check for the patterns in your pins that have the highest impressions, it says the sense about what the people are searching for on your platform.
2. Close-ups
It checks the number of times a viewer has tapped your pin for a closer look.
This is very useful because it tells the number of a Pinner has clicked your pin to have a closer look, it shows your pin efficiency.
3. Repins
It is the number of times a user saved the Pins on their board.
A setup from an impression and close up is nothing but repins. This means that the viewer didn’t find your pin interest, the person finds it attractive and good enough to share, then save.
4. Clicks
It calculates the number of clicks to your website through the pins that are in your profile.
Clicks are nothing but click through rate and that people want to learn more about different content that is where the call to action comes to work. As we consider conversion to be the primary thing, on the other hand, clicks are the best thing to measure the ROI.
5. Top Pins
The analytics show the top 50 performing pins for the whole month, which is based upon impressions, clicks, repins, saves.
Statistics of Pinterest will rise over time and will go on for a more extended period. This section gives you the best understanding of all the performances of pins. We can say that more than half of the traffic from Pinterest first goes to already published pins; mostly those were posted at least two months ago.
6. Top Brands
It is a whole month look out at your board pinners all those who are checking out your pins from pinning the posts by clicking on your pins.
While this is very important to keep a note because you could know how pinners are sorting and discovering the content that is valuable according to the content strategy.
7. All-time stats
This is an extended statistic giving a full view of data; it includes all the essential things such as account inception on the repinned pins, best pins search, all the power pins. Power pins are all those most engaging pins that are present in your board.
Having a benchmark against your top performing content, and is the best way of determining what worked wonders as content for your pins and how to keep on excelling. Plus, follow which pins rank the best in the search result and get exposed to more such material.
Audience analytics in Pinterest
To learn about all those people who are engaging in your pins, click Your Audience that on the top of Pinterest Analytics Dashboard.
8. Demographics
The Audience insights in Pinterest Analytics include some critical statistics such as gender, language, country, and metropolitan status.
It is crucial to know your audience better; it will increase the chances of your pins to connect with the viewers. Demographic becomes essential to fine-tune the content strategy, which will help you in posting the pins in the right time, will help you to publish deals and promotions at peak time, it even gives relevancy to display in different languages that you like.
9. Audience Affinities
If you want to know what your audience is up to then affinity is the thing. This is the section where you can check what the most popular categories that your audience are engaged, can even check the top boards where your content is pinned on, and all other business accounts that your audience are following.
These are some of the basic demographics that will help you so far to know your audience better. Learning about the affinities of the audience will help in understanding the interests of the audience and the type of content they are following. Inclusive, it will help you in scooping out the competition. In short, you can that it is a cheat sheet for the intellectual planning in Pinterest.
Just like the Google Analytic, Pinterest has its tool Pinterest Analytics Tool for free. It is just that you should have a business account on Pinterest to access Pinterest Analytics. It is a very sorted dashboard with all the data segregated into a profile, audience, and web analytics. All the data you get from Pinterest is being stored and sorted accordingly.
Formerly it was known as Pinwoot, now changed to Viralwoot offering a wide range of Pinterest Analytical Tools. Viralwoot has a section known as “Pinfluencer score” connect to it; it will automatically calculate everything and track the overall record. Bonus, it even has a Pinterest SEO analysis.
It is one of the best analytical tool available online. ViralTag enables to schedule all the pins and manages the full Pinterest Analytics and marketing single-handedly from one place. It even provides the image enhancement option, metrics, and supports all other accounts.
Formerly, it was Piqora after Olapic acclaimed it, this became to Olapic. This makes it very good; you will get two different formats in one platform. With Piqora’s technology and Olapic’s brand to discover unique content attracting brands, this tool is one of the best.
This is another tool used for Pinterest. PinPinterest major feature is the Pin scheduler that tells how many pins you want to schedule for one day. Mobile optimized so that you can access your account from anywhere at any time.
Pinterest Influencer
Influencer these days are growing a lot in every social media. Pinterest is becoming huge attracting people with the awesome, images and reviews. Now it has become a proven fact that the people rely more on Pinterest influencers for the discussion about a product or which brand product to buy.
While Pinterest recently, announced about its the efforts in sharing the API data with the eight top Pinterest influencer for the Pinterest Marketing. It makes it easy for the users to track the influencer and value the collaborative efforts. On the other hand, we can see a significant decline in the brand referral traffic from social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, while for Pinterest it always climbs the ladder.
At this present situation, if you want to establish your brand as an influencer, or want to know the influencer who will work with you, then it is better to turn on to Pinterest and have excellent growth in your sales.
Take time and try to learn about the posting habits of the top pinners; this will help you know the best Pinterest outreach strategy for an influencer marketing campaign.
How to analyze Pinterest Influencer?
First, you have to track down the 200 most followed profiles on Pinterest as a sample base for the Pinterest influencers. Analyze the pins with the highest volume saves for the last one year and categorize all the data that you get. The top 15 Pinterest accounts will be determined with a lot of followers, and it is essential to have the pin volume with relevance.
Various types of Influencers
Influencers are, the more established users; those are contributing a lot to the site. There always a wide variety in the activity that all the influencers do on Pinterest.
Some of the most active Pinners in Pinterest are:
@janew -1829 pins in last year
@stylemepretty -1545 pins in previous year
Pinterest Influencers in the top 15 and their pins:
@veanad -74 pins at an earlier year
@llbean – 7 pins in last year
Above you can see even if you have fewer pins with considerable followers, then no one can stop you from being an influencer.
With this, we can add that many of the top Pinterest Influencer have been using this platform for a long time, and established themselves on this platform very early. A lot of early adopters have made themselves into the recommended lists with huge follower counts, all thanks to Pinterest Referrals. People have done a full-time business out of Pinterest.
Being a Pinterest Influencer means having more quality in the pins than quantity, target the best pins that you want to share.
Styling and Food are major in Pinterest
The favorite categories that people search in Pinterest are fashion, home decor followed by food, DIY projects, traveling.
Home decor has a 28.9% share in the top Pinterest influencers with designer bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms having the highest activity level. Styling is taking second place with 21.7% for the top pinners, looking up for fashion, hairstyles, makeup, beauty products. Food comes third in the round with 15.9% and highly focused on dessert, cocktails, chicken.
It can also be said that video pins see a significant increase in viewers and pinners in all categories. For the Food and Styling content, Video-based pins are bringing success. Like most other social media work with social media content marketing, in Pinterest also both influencers and marketers should work alike.
We should always keep in mind that Pinterest does a fantastic job of tracking trends, giving predictions and reviews across different categories. Take time and explore this app, at first, it may be confusing, but when you dive in, it is the best app ever.
These are a few essential things that you should keep in mind while doing the Pinterest marketing, or using Pinterest analytics.
We would recommend you to follow the tips and tools given above, and it will make your Pinterest Profile handling easy.
If you have any query regarding anything related to Pinterest Marketing, Pinterest Analytics, and Pinterest Influencer, feel free to contact us, or can leave a comment below, we will surely get back to you.