4 Tricks How Interactive Videos Change Everything About E-Learning

4 Tricks How Interactive Videos Change Everything About E-Learning

Through the years, Video e-learning has grown at a rapid rate due to accessibility to the internet and its ability to provide solutions at our fingertips. Many corporate organizations, as well as students, find it extremely easy and convenient to use interactive video e-learning. This is because the explanations provided are easy to follow and understand.

However, like all other traditional modes of teaching, e-learning also has the potential to grow tedious and tiring for most users, including you and me. To combat this issue and increase audience engagement e-learning is now using interactive videos.

In more traditional forms of video, you had to press play and then had the option to pause, rewind, fast-forward, or replay the video. However, with interactive video learning, you can engage with the video contact directly. You could click on individual options, drag content when directed to, or have a 360-degree view of content, among other things. This not only helps to keep users engaged but ensures the active absorption of content.

Interactive videos have now become a standard and robust marketing tool for many big companies. Many websites now have services that help organizations create e-learning lessons using interactive video learning tools.

This article will thus highlight four tricks or ways that interactive video changes e-learning as an experience.


The most crucial way in which interactive videos change e-learning is its ability to engage users. Not only does this make the whole experience of learning all the more memorable, but it also brings an element of fun into the process. Users are hence more likely to visit the same website for another lesson or to revisit the first lesson. Emotional engagement is also key to retaining information and therefore ensures that users will fulfill their desired goal more efficiently.

Interactive video

Source: Articulate

Interactive video learning can sometimes also take on different forms, such as animation. Playing around with storytelling and situations becomes more compelling and exaggerated with the help of animation. Animating confident choices in the video can help create better visualization, as opposed to it being presented as simple questions. Thus, it dramatically aids with the learning aspect.

Thus, most interactive e-learning videos are thoughtful, well-designed, and exciting to users, hence making it a perfect tool for you to engage.

Length- Keep it Short and Simple

While interactive videos do have an increased ability to keep audiences engaged, this does not necessarily mean that you should make a long video with a ton of information. You should use interactive videos with a focus on getting complex information across as only and easily as possible. This means focusing on creating the right vital questions that may appear as text on the screen and allowing the user to pick based on the choices provided.

In this way, if an individual seeks to access the site due to a single major area of struggle, he or she can reach the pertinent question easily without going through an extremely long video.

e learning video

Source: elearning industry

If the topic you do wish to cover is slightly long, there are many ways by which you can use interactive videos in a creative way to tackle the subject. Breaking down the issue would be an effective way to do this. Your introductory video could present a series of questions to the user. Selecting an item will then take the user to that section of the video series, where they can learn more about the topic.

Additionally, combining interactive videos with subtitles, captions, and other guides ensure a more detailed understanding of the subject.

Short videos also help to keep the focus on the presenter of the video without allowing the users to become easily distracted. While the ongoing debate about the human attention span carries on, it is essential to remember that, in today’s world, time is of the utmost importance. Most people wish to engage with e-learning as it is less time consuming and can serve as a useful shortcut.

Websites are also committed to this and AI tools, such as machine learning and chatbots, are a testament to this need to conserve time while delivering services. Thus, time is a crucial component to remember while creating an interactive video, using which it becomes a useful e-learning tool.


Previously, the success of a video depended on the number of views it generated. This holds for this type of video as well. However, additionally, there are several online tools by which you can understand the users’ interaction with the video as well. You can trace the choices users make to assess how easily they can navigate through the video or if they are experiencing difficulty understanding it. In this way, you can make the necessary changes to the video to improve its clarity.

Combining interactive videos with instant feedback systems can assist with understanding just how popular the video is. This will help organizations remain informed about the positives and negatives of the video and help them make the necessary changes. Thus, traceability is another way by which interactive videos change e-learning for both the consumer as well as the provider.


As the need to create better avenues to information increases, it has become imperative for websites to design online platforms that are easily accessible and navigable on all platforms. The use of mobile phones to browse online content has become a common phenomenon owing to which websites must now be user-friendly even on mobile phones.
Currently, a website with an excellent user-interface on multiple platforms obtains a better SEO rank than one with a reduced interface.

A recent survey showed that Youtube is one of the most popular sites to browse amongst teenagers. The same study also highlights the importance of smartphones in teenagers’ lives and its use over more traditional forms of browsing, such as PCs. This shows that viewership is already more significant on smartphones.

Video benefits

Source: MetVidPrimary

Furthermore, the ease of accessibility to multiple videos means more distraction and potentially less attention given to the task at hand. Keeping this in mind, it is vital to make interactive video learning accessible on multiple devices, as well as engaging for the directed audience.

It is important to remember that some users may not have experienced an interactive video before, or they may have only experienced it through a more traditional interface. Thus, it is vital to keep the basics of the video intact, such as the pause and play options, and ensure a level of consistency with the video on a more traditional platform. Thus, accessibility to interactive videos changes e-learning by providing the platform with better mobility.


interactive video

Source: Slideshare

It is no secret that education is one of the key components to reaching a better society, and e-learning platforms have a unique ability to provide quality education to the masses. Hence, it is the job of organizations and educators to try to incorporate advanced technology and innovation into the platform as and when possible.

In this way, interactive video learning can change e-learning by bringing engagement, creativity, traceability, and mobility to the platform and hence allows users to access education as per their convenience and level of understanding.

Use Video Content from Influencers and Users to Fully Realize ROI

Use Video Content from Influencers and Users to Fully Realize ROI

The past year has been a tumultuous for many brands and marketers. Deterioration of trust and slowdown of organic reach has forced marketers to dive deeper and deeper into paid strategies.

One of the most relevant and exciting trends in the sphere of digital and especially social media marketing is the trend towards video. The trend isn’t merely being driven on the consumer side, but is also being heavily inspired by technological forces.

Thus it isn’t just speculation in regards to where we’re headed to in the world of video marketing, the data is clear – it speaks for itself. Video is the future, and we’re only at the beginning of the video world. This year is definitely the video’s time to shine.

In this article, I’ll explore the video statistics on the consumer side and two primary strategies that businesses of all sizes can start to adopt in regards to their social media marketing on social media to maximize their ROI.

Video statistics on the consumer side

video content

Source: Oberlo


Millennials between 25-34 years old consumed the most video content online. More pertinently, in the United States, most of this video content was consumed using a mobile device and consumption of video content has been steadily growing over time.

Turkey and Saudia Arabia rank highest, with 95% of all their internet users watching online video content on all devices. More and more video content is being viewed now than ever before. Naturally, video content on social media is a favorite.

Whether on blogs, Instagram or YouTube, consumers are expecting more video content. This statistic alone shows how videos are getting popular over time. With video becoming a significant influence on consumer decisions, it comes as no surprise that video content drives purchases.

Are businesses over-saturating the internet with content?


There are 1 billion blogs today – that’s one blog in 7 people!

The text sphere is without a doubt over-saturated, but the digital marketing world is in a state of constant change and evolution, and content marketing is projected to continue growing in 2019.

One of the fastest growing trends in the content marketing sphere is video. The benefits of video-based content are clear – it’s more personable, people get to know you, your personality, and your company in a better way.

Now that you’re convinced that video is the future, you’re probably thinking of the barriers your business faces to capitalize on the video content marketing world.

Break down the barriers and embrace the era of the ready-made, ad-hoc appeal of video

Many brands fear video content because of the belief that videos need to appear well-produced. They fear that they don’t have an event that’s “sexy” or exciting enough.

Embrace the ready-made. But what exactly is ready-made?

Some people think (Merriam-Webster has this as one of their definitions) that ready-made is synonymous with lacking originality or individuality. This has led to many brands trying to challenge themselves to create creative video content, which is severely limiting.

This is the era of the ready-made, the age of the decentralized ad-hoc approach to everything. Forget perfectionism. If you aren’t embarrassed by your first video release – you’ve released it too late.

Creative content exists as a result of the many iterations that came before. Analyze what’s working, test, trek in the same direction and take a sharp turn to align with your business’s vision.

User-Generated Video Content & Content from Micro-Influencers

My e-commerce fashion brand heavily utilizes micro-influencers and user-generated content (UGC). We know that organic content works best; we know that our consumers love to see content from real people.

The reason we work with micro-influencers as opposed to more massive influencers (apart from budget) is that they usually have the time and enthusiasm to commit to a more extended program of content.

We’ve been pushing our video content agenda by asking micro-influencers we work to create short video content with full creative freedom. We then repurpose these videos for our various social channels and promote them with small budgets.

Incentivizing UGC

UGC isn’t a new concept, yet it seems marketers are only starting to realize it’s potential in creating online buzz.

UGC isn’t only the best free marketing for your business ever; it increases brand engagement, builds a community and creates social proof and trust amongst potential customers.

Unlike influencers, creators of UGC aren’t partners of the brand. They’re not contracted and are more like fans than professional partners.

Still not convinced?
Here are the statistics.

  • 88% of consumers trust online reviews written by other consumers as much as they believe recommendations from their contacts.
  • 74% of consumers rely on social media to inform their purchasing decisions.

Now, you might have doubts about the quality of videos created by your customers. Not all of them will be usable, and most likely none of them will have studio production value. That doesn’t matter.

How many viral videos were shot with an iPhone camera?

How many influencers rely on their smartphones selfie camera to communicate with their audience?

The statistics show that 70% of millennials don’t even turn their phones horizontally when watching videos on mobile. (AdNews)

Consumers like original content and content is king. It doesn’t need to be hugely groundbreaking content; it needs to be relatable.

Live Video

New technology is continuously driving the evolution of digital marketing. One of the largest implicating factors for live video is the rolling out of 5G this year.

5G on smartphones means high-quality live videos that don’t lag. It also means instant download/streaming of video content.

A hugely under-valued sphere in the digital marketing world is live-video. Many brands have been extremely sheepish in this regard.

What content should they share? Are their day-to-day operations exciting enough? Are their events sexy enough? These are the wrong questions.

Your consumers want to know everything about your brand. They want to see behind the scenes. They want to see what’s going on. They don’t care if the video was shot on the iPhone, or if it was shot with a 4K Red camera.

What is the ROI of video marketing?

Video content marketing

Source: Oberlo

This will differ from business to business, but the most straightforward and quantifiable returns are sales, website traffic, and followers.

If you take advantage of UGC and micro-influencers, you’ll need a minimal investment to start creating video content. More of your budget will probably go towards promotion.

This means you essentially have nothing to lose so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see instant results. Your ROI will only be realized through patience. Put in the work, experiment, measure your video marketing to see what works best and keep doing that.

Final Thoughts

Remember when we wrote about how video claimed 80% of all web traffic? Well, we’re beyond that now, and content marketing departments in businesses are growing.

If it isn’t already, get on board the trend and give your consumers what they want. Don’t be discouraged by false barriers to entry. Technology has broken down most barriers, so embrace it and capitalize on the ready-made, ad-hoc decentralized method of putting out content.

Ultimate Guide To Video Marketing Trends To Improve Your Brand

Ultimate Guide To Video Marketing Trends To Improve Your Brand

Nowadays every company needs a video to show its existence in the market.  A brand needs a video marketing strategy. Well, this is the right time to think and implement video marketing trends. Video marketing is pure and gets the attention of a large audience in a short period.

Video making saw a surge in the marketing industry, so is video marketing. A well-planned video marketing strategy and video marketing campaign with video marketing trends will boost your business and fetch better profits. Let us discuss some video marketing concepts which will help your business grow.

video marketing

Video marketing is a way of marketing your website or its products and services where the ultimate goal is your profits. When followed with some video marketing strategy and video marketing campaigns leads to some right outputs. However, Video marketing trends have changed the overall business strategy.

Why is it crucial to have Video Marketing?

It is high time that every company or brand should implement video marketing. Therefore, essential to have one because it attracts a lot of people and thereby a lot of advertisement for your company or brand. The importance of video marketing has increased for many reasons:

  • Including a video on landing page ads are more connecting to your audience.
  • Video builds trust among the consumers about your brand.
  • Beheld interaction attracts more social shares.
  • Adding a video story adds more value for email marketing.
  • search engines attract videos

What is the Video Marketing Tips?

First of all, an effective video marketing can be a great asset for your company. However, you should keep few things in mind while creating a video. Making an impressive video is also a part of video marketing strategy. The first and foremost thing is, be creative and simple. Some important video marketing tips include.

Sell a story:

However, the main motto of video marketing is to sell your products or services and establish a relationship with the customers. Make sure you tell a story of your brand.

You should win the trust of the customers. Do not bore the audience with long paragraphs, keep it straight to the point.

Create an attractive title:

Use relevant keywords in the video title so that the audience will know what you are aiming. By adding the right mix of keywords, the search engine will show up your video when viewers search for the topic.

An attractive title always reaches the expectations of the audience.

The introduction should stand out:

Make interesting introduction lines that make the viewers irresistible to click your video link. The presentation should be informative, catchy, and also entertaining. The audience should feel fresh and well connected to the video so that they will watch the whole video.

Be creative:

Apart from giving information about your brand, you should also be original and not boring. Be straight to the point and don’t beat around the bush. Keep the video short and sweet.

What is a Video Marketing Campaign?

A video marketing campaign is a set of series of actions or activities involved marketing a brand, product or services.  Eventually, video marketing campaigns should often be designed with a purpose and goal. The main agenda is to build the brand or company image, increase in sales, advertising about ongoing offers and discounts and many more.

However, a video marketing campaign involves a coordinated series of planned actions to promote the company and its related services.

The central theme of the video marketing campaign is to build the brand through television advertisements, events or any online platform. A social media platform also plays a significant role in promoting video marketing campaigns to a great extent.

One of the best examples of a video marketing campaign is Apple’s Mindful app video. According to CNBC, this is the most popular video campaign.

This app helps soothe the mind, reduce the stress, makes you sleep better and promotes the mind peace. Due to its video marketing campaigns, Apple’s mindful app roughly has a worth of $250 million.

What is Video Marketing Strategy?

Videos are the most innovative method to keep the users entertaining and busy. Therefore, video marketing is one of the must-have features that will keep your brand name in the marketing industry.

The video marketing strategy helps improve the visibility of your website and business. Some of the most critical video marketing strategy tips to follow are:

Plan Great Content:

As we all know, the content is the king. Plan the video content of making the video. Always keep the topic to the point. Make it easy to understand so that all age groups can connect well. Make it brief and interesting.

Add catchy titles, introduction, and description.

Let the brand speak:

The main agenda of the video marketing strategy is to keep up the brand name. Let the brand talk about your products and services. At this point of video marketing strategy, maintaining the brand name is vital than selling your services.

If you are a new bee in the marketing industry, probably the first and foremost thing you need to do is to implement video marketing strategy.

Know your Audience:

Depending on the advertisement or the video,  you can target the right pulse of the audience. You will know the taste of the audience. Accordingly, you can design the video footage.

For example, if you are planning a video marketing strategy for an energy health drink. The primary target should be middle age and old age people. So, you should add this information to the description so that it will reach them.

Optimize the videos for better SEO:

video marketing strategy

Optimizing video plays a vital role in showing up the videos in the search results page. However, you should add a few keywords to keep them trending.

The video marketing strategy increased over 20 percent last year, and it will continue to rise this year too. Basic SEO should be enough for the video marketing.

Measure your video marketing:

video marketing trends

It is always advised to have a check on the engagement ratio and the number of views of your video marketing. Engagement rate is measured by the duration the user spends on watching your video and interacts with someone on your website.

Similarly, the number of views gives you an idea how well the video has reached and how many are liking it. You can quickly know about the likes and dislikes in social media platforms like Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and many more.

What is Video Marketing Trends?

As marketers, we need to know the video marketing trends that will keep you in the marketing industry. As per Cisco predictions, for the year 2012, it would take two years for all the videos streaming at that particular moment.

Is’nt it surprising? Yes, it is. Hence, it has become crucial that all the video marketing trends lead to video marketing trends. Some of the primary video marketing trends expected in this year are discussed:

Live Video or Live streaming:

According to the reports, 12 percent of web traffic drives through live videos and video streaming. This video marketing trend is very economical and easy on pockets as well.

Therefore, will also attract the users instantly and even the user engagement time also increases. No doubt that, the future of video marketing trends will take marketing to the next level.

Saves Budget:

Making video is very simple on pockets. Video making is on your fingertips with the advanced video making apps. There are many free video making apps available in the market.

Video marketing trends is a great way to transmit information into images and a visual way. Eventually, video marketing trend can be useful in other forms for e-learning and also monetarized videos.

Just square it up:


All the formats of video marketing are changing day by day. We have known all the videos making straightway. Now, because of these smartphones, laptops, tabs the video format has become the vertical way.

However, many companies may not dare to keep the vertical method.

The latest video marketing trend that has changed and adopted is square type format. As compared to horizontal video format, these square video formats occupy more space on the screen and higher response time.

A video is a part of conversion funnel:

Along with content, a video is also an integral part of the conversion funnel. Only content cannot win the users. Videos also generate more conversion rates and provide a better engagement between the client and the users to achieve the targetted results.

Final Thoughts:

The overall prediction says that video marketing is to take the marketing industry to the whole new level. To stay in the competition and to make a mark for your brand or company, videos are a must.

You can use the knowledge of video marketing skills and video marketing trends to stay ahead in the marketing industry.

In short, video marketing trends is already conquering the marketing advertising world. However, if you are not using the mentioned video marketing strategy and video marketing trends, it is the right time, go on!.

You can use Lumen 5 as a tool to create various types of videos. Lumen 5 is a video creation platform that is powered by Artificial Intelligence. It enables you to create videos for all social media platforms with inbuilt templates within minutes. So do try using the tool for better video developments.

If you have new video marketing trends, you can write to us, and we will update here.

Video Content Rising: Are Text Content’s Days Numbered?

Video Content Rising: Are Text Content’s Days Numbered?

If you fast forward your life to five years from now, you will find the following article in the form of video content strategies. Digital marketing is getting into a pace for a long time, every day new technology or advancement takes place in Digital marketing industry. Producing the Video contents marketing become very important or else we can find video content strategies in the future will dominate the text content.

What is video engagement?

A video engagement means a lot of things and depends on various factors such as the length of the video, the genre choice, general structure of the video. While Video engagement is usually considered to be the primary factor which determines how much data the viewers will retain from the videos that they are watching.

In layman language, we can see that the audiences are coming to your site and enjoy the video without turning out in the middle of a video. In other words, we can say that higher engagement video so the higher effective the videos.

How many videos are watched every day?

video content searches

1.3 billion people around the globe use the YouTube platform which is the most viewed video platform. Every minute 300 hours of YouTube video are uploaded. Near about 5 billion videos are being watched daily on YouTube and every month 3.25 billion hours. While it gets 30 million users on an average daily.

However, eight searches in a total of 10 searches are down the people in the age group between 18-49 years. After seven years it is even expected that the Video contents marketing strategies will full take down the text content and more than half of the viewers will be depending on the Video Content creators and mostly on YouTube, and the usage of the paid TV service will decrease slowly.

According to the reports below Social media marketing usage in India in the year 2017, both Facebook and YouTube stand in the same position. So, we can say that these two are the majorly used platform.

top social media site

What percentage of Google searches done on mobile devices?

62% of the Google search results in the Video content, people are relying more on the Video Content marketing strategies than the text Videos. In this 92% of the mobile viewers watch the YouTube channel and share the videos. The Millenials are the most active and most observed group of people.

YouTube users age group

From the above statistics, you can see that the people between the age group of 18-24 and 25-34 are watching YouTube videos a lot. This clearly shows that people are loving the Video content which explains everything in seconds than reading the content.

How many ads does a person see a day?

In the year 2007, an average person was exposed to 5000 advertisements per day. However, now the digital marketing experts have recently revealed that an Average American watches 4000 to 10,000 Advertisements a day. With every passing year, the number of people watching the advertisements per day is increasing.

It is even expected that at some point of time a screening process will be there for engaging and people will gradually start ignoring all the brands and the advertising processes unless the person has a personal interest.  All those brands who are into advertisements include a lot of challenges on a daily basis: being consistent in marketing, giving best customer experience, leading the competition, keeping the business in a top.

If you acquire all these challenges give you a great opportunity for refining the brand and advertising which will help you in obtaining a vast market space.

What percentage of Internet traffic is video?

84% of the searches that take place in Google, Bing are landing to the Video content, and not just that 84% of the internet traffic in this internet platform search for the Video content marketing only. According to Cisco, the that sells all the networking components in the year 2016 the video content strategies traffic was 67% that increased to 84% when we come to 2018.

This indicates that people are not just looking for Video’s, however, focusing more on the quality of the video and most importantly the content in the video. The cord cutters are generating twice as much as internet traffic as that of the people paying for the TV to view.

Global IP traffic

How many videos are watched on YouTube daily?

As mentioned above daily 300 hours of the video content are uploaded which means 5 billion videos are uploaded daily. However, as we already told you earlier there are 1.3 billion YouTube subscribers. The total visitors on an average per day is 30 million people. While the total number of hours spent per month on YouTube is 3.25 billion hours.

Getting deeper into YouTube, there are more than 10,000 videos which are being uploaded crossed the 1 billion mark and 80% of the views on YouTube are from outside of USA. The tremendous thing here is on an average 1,000,000,000 searches on YouTube are made using the mobile phones and the session in mobile phone lasts for 40 minutes.

How many videos are watched on Facebook daily?

Until 2017 statistics, Facebook had a total of 2 billion active users, but while coming to 2018 the number of Facebook users profiles decreased due to the data breaches that took place in Facebook, information of 50 million user profiles were compromised.

According to present-day statistics, 1 billion people stay active on the Facebook platform daily. In Facebook, 70% of the advertisements are the video is content and people watching the Video content creator are more. Out of every 10 people using the Facebook platform, 8 people watch the video advertisement

83% of the users in Facebook are Female wile in comparison to this only 75% of the Facebook users profiles are Male. This shows clearly that a maximum number of people whom you may be trying to reach may be already present in the Facebook platform. Here, also the people between the age group 18-49 are 88% who use the Facebook platform.

What counts as a video view on Facebook?

For Facebook, a video must run on autoplay for at least 3 seconds. Not just Facebook, even for Instagram 3 seconds of engagement is very important for YouTube 30 seconds of engagement is required.

Even if the viewer doesn’t click on the engagement audio, it will count as a view. Still, then you can measure all the video views to 95% this tells the number of viewers who have watched your video at least up to 95% user intent views.

How is Video Content dominating text content?

We can not completely say that the Video content is dominating the text content because a video, of course, requires content and without content and Video can go on as thought.

Attention Seeker

Out of every 50 searches made on the internet 42 lead the people to the Videos that is why is always said: “Content is King.”

Video contents marketing grab the attention of the Viewers more than the text content does. When you have the digital ADs, the video content creators overpower the whole battle. Think once when we search something in the online media we automatically get attracted to Video content. Generic ads are being dominated by the much more fascinated video contents strategies drawing the attention of a lot of people.

New formats of video for viewer attention

Not just normal vides there are a lot of video types like the live video, 360` videos, VR. All these new types of video formats are taking down the market. Similar to digital marketing and the latest trends coming up every day in the same way Video contents strategies and Ads have the most recent trends each day.

When people were interested more on YouTube and uploading the video from there, then the new champ in the town cam that is Live streaming. It became a hero now everyone is interested in live streaming than the regular content. Brands these days find live streaming is the best while connecting with the people. In live streaming, it keeps transparency between the brands and customers.

While Live streaming is making people go crazy at the same time, we found the 360` videos. According to this, the video will showcase the 360` view of a place. This means a video will which contain the total look of the whole place even the sky and the ground. The brands also started using this to showcase their workplace, new areas and whatever and whenever they are working.

Video content rising

Virtual Reality of VR, after introducing this device it changed the experience of watching Video. Just people have to place their mobile in the VR system and start watching their favorite shows in the VR. As the name suggests virtual reality, a mobile, and a VR is a deadly combination making you feel everything is real. Just because we think in a 3d movie.

So, here we can see that a lot of new advancements are there in Video Content marketing which is making the written content less efficient and text content is counting less in numbers.

Videos increase the Buying intent

Brands are majorly turning towards the Videos because it increases the intention of buying. As we know the success of the brand depends on the number of conversions or else, we can say the number of people purchasing from you.

However, videos do a great job here by pushing the people more towards making a purchase. Videos are significant for the companies who are new because even the records show that people love the Video content it is always good to go with a flow. It is a proven fact that 70% of the people make a purchase only following the Video Content.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that you will make a video and wait for the crowd the come to you. You should connect to your audience and plug to the pain and requirement points of the buyers then present the product as the painkiller or solution to their problem.

For this using the Nano Influencers is the trick, whom people support and follow a lot. This tactic will work for sure gain you a lot of loyal customers.


While coming to an ending note, Video Content creator and Video content marketing are remarkably better than the text content if done a right way. The future will have both Video content and the Text content, but while coming to the ADs of a brand then Video Content Marketing is the best to go. However, while coming to the written content, it is perfect for blogging.

Eventually, in the end, the aim of both Video Content and Text Content to drive traffic to the website and increase the sales of the brand. Not just the Video Content even the text content have new trends that are coming every day. To know more, you can go here.

So all the content writers, copywriters, blogger no need to worry about the situation. Video content is rising that doesn’t mean text content will vanish, it can never happen.

Happy holidays!

Why Social Media Posting Time is Crucial for Boosting Web Traffic

Why Social Media Posting Time is Crucial for Boosting Web Traffic

Social media has emerged as a massive driver of brand awareness and customer engagement, but brand managers are often disappointed with the results and the poor return on investment of their campaigns. Some tips to get the posting strategy and timing right:

Test and Test Again

Even though there are plenty of studies regarding the best times for sharing media content, brand managers will discover that it is next to impossible to find any commonalities. What will work best for you depends on many factors like the industry you are in, the demographics of your target population, their location, and even social he social network?

It is, therefore, vital that you test for the best engagement times by setting up a distributed content calendar and measuring the engagement level at various points in time using analytics tools. Be sure you do this several times over some time so that aberrations do not mislead you.

Extensive research will reveal not only the best days of the week for content posting but also, the peak times when your target audience is most active on the various social channels. Incorporate the results into your content management strategy but make sure that you do not focus on only the best times because then you would be missing out on the other audiences that are also important for conversions.

It is vital to remember that the window of activity on social media can be quite short and the attention of users can wane so getting the content posting frequency right is also essential for getting real Instagram likes.

Deciding What and When to Share

It is not necessary, that all the time you have something of value that you should immediately share it on social media. Your content publishing strategy needs to be a strategy because overexposure can as damaging as underexposure. Content sharing need not be always about good things. A brand should be honest and also share negative news so that the followers find it more credible.

Social media posting time

You should never rush to publish some news because not only it may have something negative that you may not have anticipated or it may end up reducing the impact of some content that you have already planned on posting. Biding your time before sharing anything significant can be wise because nobody knows what additional opportunities are waiting to uncover.

The TMI Factor

While sharing information, the most effective way is to increase engagement, well too much of a good thing can be wrong. Brand managers need to keep in mind that the TMI (Too Much Information) factor can annoy social media users when your brand dominates their news feeds. Too much detailing of what the brand is up to becomes boring to the audience who then tend to tune it out of their minds and end up missing the more important news too.

Set Objectives And Destinations:

Reliably posting great substance is the correct approach, yet you additionally need to assess your general internet-based life system. While sometimes, you may not have a clue for what reason you’re posting, you won’t know whether your posts are fruitful or not. So venture backs a moment and asks you: “What would I like to accomplish via web-based networking media?” Could it be you need to?

Increment brand mindfulness?

Direct people to your site?

Sell an item or administration?

For example, if your goal is to direct people to your site, yet instead you get a great many preferences and no snaps on your post, at that point, it was ineffective.

Best Practice For Posting Content Via Web-Based Networking Media:

Given these three ideas, we should take a gander at how you can augment your web-based life posts. In the first place, there are always a few general proposals, trailed by some stage explicit tips: Tailor your substance to suit each system and request to its group of spectators. It’s awful reordering your LinkedIn post to Instagram.

That won’t work. Indeed, the fitting will take somewhat more, yet recollect you need to post quality substance. Sendible’s Smart Posts highlight gives you a chance to tailor your post to various systems so you can alter the content, include or expel hashtags, notices, and emoticons as required. Connect with your group of spectators.

web traffic

Posting substance is one portion of a discussion. You should be accessible to participate in the exchange when individuals react to your posts. If you’re utilizing online networking, the board apparatus like Sendible, at that point, uses the further examination.

Produce a quality a substance that is fit to the stage and that you’re open to making. There’s no reason for making low-quality recordings suppose you’re immensely talented at composing or visual computerization. On the other hand, we have a go at broadcasting Facebook Live Videos if you feel that suits your image. Analysis with your substance plan until you find what works best for you and your group of spectators.

Shift your substance to keep things new

  • Make posts with pictures, GIFs, or recordings.
  • Pose inquiries to incite discussions.
  • Offer statements to move.
  • Use hashtags and refers to for more extensive reach
  • Minister content from different sources in your industry

Post content on various occasions to perceive what works best for you and your customers. You can even now use booking instruments to post nonstop when you may rest yet your group of spectators is conscious. Make sure to catch up on discussions when you’re back and stay credible.

Track your investigation on Twitter to perceive what’s working – and so forth – with your tweets and your group of spectators. Exploit new online life revealing apparatuses to burrow further. Take your group of spectators off camera. Give them a sample of what it resembles to work at your organization. Or then again, what occurs in the bottle. Breathe life into your image photographs with genuine encounters. Have a go at utilizing Instagram Stories to post crisp substance consistently, as they vanish following 24 hours.

The narratives show up at the highest point of the newsfeed, so you have a unique chance to get your crowd consideration when they open the versatile App. Furthermore, if your substance is first class, you’ll have individuals longing for your day by day update. Break down your presentation. You’ll discover what works for you and your customers through testing and estimating results.


Evolving a content management strategy requires a thorough understanding of the demographics and the psychographics of the target audience. Brands need to post at the times when their audience is most active to increase the engagement rate. Deciding on the subject of the news and the frequency of posting is also significant factors that affect the generation of website traffic from social media.

With deep learning of when the pinnacle times are for your group of spectators, you can expand the effect of all that you compose. Conveying content at the correct time is the mystery sauce that will surrender you a leg over your rivals. What’s more, in the field of web showcasing, little subtleties like speaking with your group of spectators at only the ideal time can have a significant effect.